Things in Central florida are heating up concerning
Foreclosure, It seems all Foreclosure Judges in the Ocala area are
involved in corruption up to their eyeballs. Its the Good O' Boy System through
out the State. Central Florida is the Hub for all corruption of government
officials in the whole state of Florida it is the training grounding if you
will for all attorneys that come here to learn and are then sent out to
all cities within Florida to apply what they have learned. It is also
consider the Horse Capital of the World for racing, training, selling and
raising Horses with vast amounts of money flowing into this region from all
over the World. It is also the hub for sexual abuse of children by pedophiles,
where many children are assaulted and molested during the time they are brought
to spend the summer on these horse farms to learn and work
with horses.
It has recently been learned just how corrupt these Judges are. Recently many
if not all of the Quiet Titles being filed in Central Florida on Foreclosure
were being returned and disapproved for no reason, through investigations it
was learned that the judges presiding over these cases are on the boards, or
have stock in the banks holding the mortgages, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and
many others. It is clearly a conflict of interest and these Judges should have
recue themselves from presiding over these cases. Some of the clients who have
had their cases turned down are now moving forward to file their cases against
these judges to the Supreme Court. The rest of the client base is filing
charges against these Judges just to get it on record that they are in
violation of the law themselves. Time will tell if we can break this Good O'
Boy System apart and return this area back to the People. It is
Corruption in its finest hour.
Florida | Banks Dismissing Hundreds (Thousands?) of
Foreclosure Cases Statewide

"Following the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked." --Unknown
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My home was stolen in a fraud foreclosure.
No one had better be able to get a Quiet Title to my property.
To say these Quiet Titles are being returned for no reason does not indicate if it was the original homeowner or someone who bought the foreclosed (stolen) home thinking they have a good deal.
No one can convey a right they do not have. That's a legal maxim.
So it would be reasonable to state,
No one can convey a property they do not own.
my home was stolen too, just recently
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