Sunday, April 7, 2013

Guns Don't Kill People


Anonymous said...

Another disgusting example of what kind of incompetents you are dealing with and why the changes for the better in the world are taking so seemingly long.

Make no mistake about it, you are dealing with spiritually adolescent juvenile public pretender lightworker losers. You can BE no where near any so called light, while you are disgruntled with grievances playing a victim role hanging out in the lower energy of negativity telling anyone to fuck off. Period.

In spite of the abundant amount of information available, sofia, D, heather, you do not know how to love your enemy as yourself and you don't understand it.

You folks have a very long way to go until you are any kind of sovereign, in order to BE competent enough to BE free from the shackles that bind you in slavery administering the punishment you have done to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

WOW! With such 'luuuvvvee' expressed in the choice of these words, how could I say "No"! Geeeeezzzz. It is sooooooooooo easy to see through people just by the choice of their words - who is real and who is a confused mess of humanity - perhaps demon possessed. I hope this person gets some serious help - and SOON. I think I will PASS on this kind of 'LIGHT'???