Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Identify the Perpetrator": How The Obama fulfills the "deceiver" archetype and why it is important to expose him public

"Identify the Perpetrator": How The Obama fulfills the "deceiver" archetype and why it is important to expose him public
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 24-Apr-2013 18:41:40
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
By the "deceiver" archetype, I refer to inter-personal, social, spiritual and exopolitical archetypes, not to any specific individual. The "deceiver" archetype refers to an archetypal social, spiritual, and exopolitical role that an individual may play in society. The "deceiver" archetype embodies duality consciousness (“I win - you lose”) with an emphasis on deception, and is the obverse of Unity Consciousness ("We are all One") embodied by Christ consciousness.
The individual publicly known as “Barack Hussein Obama” is a reasonable candidate for fulfilling the "deceiver" archetype on at least the following grounds, prima facie evidence for which is set out in this article:
1. He is practiced in institutional deception since adolescence;
2. As U.S. President he has covertly participated in and coordinated false flag operations causing ecocide and genocide through environmental warfare; bioweapons; and ionizing radiation.
3. He was elected to the highest political position of U.S. President by mass deception.
4. As U.S. President he has covertly participated in and served as "public Capstone" for false flag strategic deception operations intended to deceptively deprive U.S. citizens of their rights under the Bill of Rights including their right to bear arms, and ultimately to depopulate and enslave the U.S. population.
5. He covertly and intentionally serves as an archetypal "deceiver" asset of an international war crimes racketeering organization intent on installing a global police state known as The New World Order, and he owes primary allegiance to the New World Order crime organization.
Each of the above five (5) aspects of the deceiver archetype of Barack Hussein Obama is documented in extenso (some might say ad nauseam) in the article below.
"Identify the Perpetrator": Why it is important to expose the deceiver "Barack Hussein Obama" publicly
"Identify the Perpetrator" is a successful strategy that individuals and groups can use when liberating themselves of abuse by a perpetrator whom they have difficulty identifying and naming not only publicly but even to themselves.
"Friendly Fascism" is a methodology that I analyzed as a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute in the mid-1970s as the system that the new world order would attempt to implement in the United States at this time. "Friendly Fascism" is the programmatic name for the integrated mind control police state that is now being rolled out in the United States, as well as in other jurisdictions around the planet. In the United States variety, "Barack Hussein Obama" serves a key role as the "friendly leader". "Barack Hussein Obama" is to "Friendly Fascism" what Adolph Hitler was to Nazism.
"Friendly fascism" includes mass mind control technologies ranging from HAARP to synthetic terror events like the Newtown and Boston Marathon that create a "consensual trance" in the population, so the population feels it is imposing "friendly fascism" as part of its democratic process.
In this context, the consensual trance in the United States (and in the world) is still such that "Barack Hussein Obama" is to "Friendly Fascism" what Adolph Hitler was to Nazism in the 1930s. The consciousness of the typical citizen who is in a "consensual trance" assumes that the ecocidal events, the genocides like Fukushima, the false flag operations like Hurricanes Isaac and Sandy, the false flag psyops like Sandy Hook Elementary and the Boston Marathon are occur as "an act of God", natural events, or random, senseless acts of terrorists or deranged individuals in the case of false flag "terror events". In fact, all of these events are intentional acts of state terror put into operation and/or coordinated under plausible deniability around the chief executive officer of that state, in this case "Barack Hussein Obama."
Under the "consensual trance", these false flag events are, where feasible, so designed with "Barack Hussein Obama" as the Capstone who comes in after the tragedy and offers the benediction of the state that will protect the citizens, while concealing the forensic evidence establishing that it is state terror under the plausible deniability coordination of "Barack Hussein Obama" that creates the catastrophe in the first place.
Why it is reasonable to hypothesize that "Barrack Hussein Obama" fulfills the social archetype of arch-deceiver
1. "Barack Hussein Obama" is practiced in institutional deception since adolescence - The individual “Barack Hussein Obama” has since adolescence, if not childhood, become expert in hiding his origins and provenance. His legal name continues to be "Barry Soetoro". The individual assumed the name "Barack Hussein Obama" on October 14, 1982 at a court in British Columbia when he changed his name from his CIA operative pseudonym "Barak Mounir Ubayd" to Barack Hussein Obama". This change of name was concurrent with the 1982 CIA assassination by automobile crash in Kenya of a Kenyan civil servant by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. The fabrication of the intelligence legend of "Barack Hussein Obama", the role of DARPA quantum access technologies in this deception, and the entire Manchurian candidate deception in which this individual was involved can be seen in an online Powerpoint presentation:
How Intelligence Legend & Manchurian candidate Barack Hussein Obama was created
2. As U.S. President, "Barack Hussein Obama" has covertly participated in and coordinated false flag operations causing ecocide and genocide through environmental warfare; bioweapons; and ionizing radiation.
There is sufficient documentary and forensic evidence to demonstrate that the individual "Barack Hussein Obama" has intentionally and knowingly participated in causing ecocide (wanton destruction of the planet Earth) and genocide (systematic destruction of a class of human beings, or of all human beings), two prime characteristics of the "deceiver" archetype, also known as the "Destroyer".
B.P. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (April - June, 2010) - As U.S. President Barack Obama knowingly, as agent of an international war crimes racketeering organization known as the "New World Order", directed his Department of Energy and other agencies to participate in the acceleration of the ecological damage to the Gulf of Mexico during the B.P. Gulf of Mexico false flag oil spill to hinder the cleanup of this damage.
Evidence: BP oil spill is disaster capitalism by criminal elite to depopulate and stop ET disclosure
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
COOPRADIO.ORG: The New 9/11: BP's false flag operation in the Gulf to Wreck the Environment - Leuren Moret
Fukushima HAARP global radiation false flag attack (March 11, 2011) - As U.S. President, the individual "Barack Hussein Obama" intentionally ordered his Department of Energy to coordinate as part of the Fukushima HAARP global nuclear radiation attack on the northern hemisphere, taking steps to exacerbate the radiation released, discontinue radiation readings, fail to warn U.S. citizens of dangerous radiation levels over the U.S. and North America, with the purpose of causing 100,000 excess deaths in the United States alone in 2011, and causing ongoing genetic damage, depopulation and ecocide in the northern hemisphere.
Leuren Moret: 100,000 excess deaths in North America in 2011 from Fukushima
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD. MEd
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released Oct. 22, 2011 independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABT has revealed that approximately 100,000 excess deaths will occur in North America 2011 that are directly attributable to the effects of deadly radiation from the March 11, 2011 tectonic-nuclear false flag earthquake and tsunami event at Fukushima, Japan.
Ms. Moret's revelation of 100,000 excess deaths in 2011 in North America from Fukushima radiation is based on official excess death data for 2011 published by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), set out at the end of this article.
According to Ms. Moret, the CDC mortality data show that total USA excess deaths for the period from the Fukushima event March 11, 2011 to September 3, 2011 was 34,129 excess deaths. The peak excess death rate period was April 23-May 21, 2011. May 7, 2011 was a peak excess death day with a 34% increase.
According to Ms. Moret, the governments of the USA, Canada, Japan and other governments are in knowing complicity in a cover-up of this documented radiation genocide and crimes against humanity by British Crown two years prior to his election, to begin his election campaign for US President. Upon his appointment as Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu appointed Dr. Stephen Koonin, chief scientist for BP, to run the DOE’s science operations. The Queen of England personally owns BP.'
Ms. Moret states, 'Together, DOE/BP’s Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Dr. Stephen Koonin are doing the same thing at Fukushima that they did at the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill with full approval by President Obama. Dr. Chu and Dr. Koonin increased the exposure of the population both at Fukushima (radiation) and at the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (toxins), and they acted within the U.S. government on behalf oferation.
"Thus, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), under the directorship of Dr. Steven Chu (Secretary of Energy) and Dr. Stephen Koonin, is following in the Fukushima HAARP-radiation false flag operation the same methodology that they followed in the BP Gulf Oil Spill false flag operation.
"Ms. Moret states, 'Dr. Steven Chu received a $500 million grant from BP Oil prior to being appointed Secretary of Energy by newly elected President Obama. Obama also received $500 million from the British Crown two years prior to his election, to begin his election campaign for US President. Upon his appointment as Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu appointed Dr. Stephen Koonin, chief scientist for BP, to run the DOE’s science operations. The Queen of England personally owns BP.'
Ms. Moret states, 'Together, DOE/BP’s Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Dr. Stephen Koonin are doing the same thing at Fukushima that they did at the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill with full approval by President Obama. Dr. Chu and Dr. Koonin increased the exposure of the population both at Fukushima (radiation) and at the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (toxins), and they acted within the U.S. government on behalf of President Obama, so that effective action to prevent exposure could not be taken. With full Presidential oversight, the U.S. Government is increasing radiation exposure in the northern hemisphere from Fukushima, through Secretary of Energy Chu and Dr. Koonin on behalf of their benefactors the British crown and BP, with the same depopulation agenda result they had at the BP Gulf oil spill.'
Leuren Moret: Japan, U.S., Canadian governments complicit in radiation cover-up
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
For a full discussion of the Fukushima global radiation false flag, HAARP-Chemtrails depopulation agenda please see Interviews/Articles with Leuren Moret by Alfred Lambremont Webre at
3. "Barack Hussein Obama" was elected to the highest political position of U.S. President by mass deception.
The individual "Barack Hussein Obama" would not have been re-elected U.S. President on Nov.6, 2012 but for the outside intervention of two major HAARP triggered environmental warfare false flag events, each of which was created by an international war crimes racketeering organization known as the New World Order, and in each of which Barack Hussein Obama participated knowingly and intentionally as an agent of the NWO organization.
These two HAARP false flag events were Hurricane false flag Isaac, (August 21-September 1, 2012,) and Hurricane false flag Sandy, (October 21-31, 2012), which are the bookends to the U.S. Presidential campaign. Hurricane Isaac was steered into the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida, cancelling its first day and depriving it of a bounce. Hurricane Sandy placed Barrack Hussein Obama back in the Commander in Chief role 10 days before the election, when his ratings had dropped precipitously to 46% and no sitting US President had ever been re-elected with ratings of less than 50% approval rating.
Believe it or not, there is a lot more on the link:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm curious to know, how does one put 2000 yrs of Deception on one person(Barack H. Obama)? If that is the CASE, you need to Dig and go back to When Israel kicked the Real Israel out, and when the real Israel was taken out of Africa and brought to America. People tend to not put theses truths in this puzzle.