Back during Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, James Carville was famous for coining the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid." Well, if Carville were investigating the Boston bombings today, he'd probably say, "It's the backpack, stupid." Because the backpack is the key to pointing out the government's lies about what happened at the marathon. I have said that the backpacks are the "fingerprints" of this crime, so let's take a closer look at the "fingerprints" of the backpacks: the straps....

The FBI's photo of one of the bomb packs shows a mangled black mass, and it's hard to distinguish the pack's features, but the sturdy straps are easy to see...

...As the picture clearly shows, the bomb pack had narrow black straps with a gray reinforcing strip on one side.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's backpack had wide gray straps with no apparent reinforcing strip...

...Clearly, his backpack was not the bomb pack. Not to mention the fact that his pack was dark gray, not black.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's backpack had wide white straps with a black reinforcing strip...

...Clearly, his backpack was not the bomb pack. Not to mention the fact that his pack was white, not black.

So just by looking at the packs and their straps, we have established this:

Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are highly improbable suspects for one of the bombings. The evidence clearly suggests there was another bomber involved.

Of course, this does not clear them of the second explosion, but the government hasn't released a photo of the second bomb pack. Why? If the bombs were of similar design, the other pack should have survived in a similar condition. Or was the second bomb not in a pack?

In the next update, we'll look at the straps of the Israeli-looking Craft operative, the original patsy suspect, and the new suspect....