Thursday, April 11, 2013

MD GOVERNOR TAXES CITIZENS for the amt of RAINWATER that falls on th... Forwarded By Erasmus Of America 2:30 PM

Subj: MD GOVERNOR TAXES CITIZENS for the amt of RAINWATER that falls on their property!!! AGENDA 21 in action!

hew Boyle 10 Apr 2013 573post a comment View Discussion

Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley has instituted a tax on citizens for the amount of rain that falls on their property.


The tax, officially known as a "storm water management fee," will be enforced in nine of the state's counties. The state legislature passed it in 2012 purportedly to "raise revenue to cleanup [sic] the Chesapeake Bay," according to

Former 2012 GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino bashes the tax in a Wednesday afternoon press release. The law "requires individuals, businesses, and even charitable organizations and houses of worship to pay a tax based on the amount of rain that falls on their property and the 'impervious surfaces' on their land," he says.

The tax, mandated by the EPA and enforced locally, will be calculated "through satellite surveillance of your property," the statement claims.

Bongino blasts "out of touch political aristocrats in Maryland will do anything to diminish your economic liberty and starve your wallet while padding theirs."

According to the conservative organization Change Maryland, the rain tax will cost Marylanders about $300 million annually.

Governor O'Malley famously tried increasing taxes to balance the state's budget with little success in 2007. The increase in the top marginal tax rate, known as a "millionaire's tax," cost Maryland $1.7 billion in lost tax revenue, according to Change Maryland.

Between 2007 and 2010, the state population suffered a net loss of 31,000 people.

Comment From Erasmus Of America, Pass my proposed Omni Law and we can end nonsense like they tax gifts of God like rainwater falling from the sky. Wait until they put a measuring unit on your chest to tax you for every time you breathe in air given you by God! 
     Look up my Omni Law at my website . My email is  When you show the politicians that you care, then they will pass the Omni Law. The ancient Romans knew how to get the attention of their Roman leaders ignoring them until then. All the common people of Rome walked out of Rome one day and assembled on a nearby hill. The Roman elders rushed out and asked all the common people what they were doing. They said if they had a government which refused to represent them, then they would found a new Rome on this nearby hill and start over again. The Roman elders got the message, offered that their legal rights would now be respected under Roman law, and gave them the office for the people to elect called Roman civil tribunes who would serve the people and not corrupt private interests. With that, the Roman people returned to Rome and now lived under a free Roman government, not one run by others rather than the Roman people. Vote with your feet by moving to free land and the indifferent politicians will suddenly care, make concessions to you and invite you to move back under government under them, but with you suddenly represented for real in the government as well.
     I plan to build the Camelot Project where all those who love freedom, want a real future, want a society where they can use their God-given talents and not be suppressed by dumb, moron bureaucrats who say nothing can be legal the talented and motivated want to do, and we will build a city state such as not seen since ancient Rome was founded. Ancient Rome was founded by all the misfits and outcasts of society who wanted more out of society and life than offered by the suffocating societies they lived in. Also, America was originally colonized by all the misfits and outcasts of society which Europe did not want and these did not want the Europe offered them then. Usually in history the so-called misfits are those who have more talent and initiative than others comfortable with being mediocre and petty in character. Rome was founded by the best blood of Italy, not the lowest or worst elements of Italy and Europe. That is why Rome became the greatest city in the world at that time of history. Same pattern for original America. We got the best of Europe and America became leader of the world until she wanted to lower her standards of quality and greatness to the low levels of those happy to be nothing in life and did not want to amount to anything in life. As America abandons its God-given gifts by wanting slavery, not freedom, under government as a substitute for  God, America slides down from greatness into a pathetic third world country that will fall from moral rot from within unless it returns to its roots of 1776 it was founded upon.
     My father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process will give us the industrial base to make this Camelot we create the leader of the world in industry and technological greatness. We will be a Christian people as true Christianity brings out the greatness hidden in what would otherwise be just petty or mediocre people. We will have the most beautiful and powerful city seen in human history before we are done with this Camelot. Who cares to join with me in creating and building this Camelot which will become the greatest and most powerful city seen in human history? It will have a very pretty middle ages Camelot charm to it, world attraction shops, restaurants, museums, libraries, beautiful parks, etc., but also under tight security but beautiful surroundings around it will be the greatest research and development center the world has ever seen and we will create the industries that will lead the world economy after we release these industries to the world to bless mankind with. The early Christians respected the ancient Sibylline Oracles of ancient Rome which taught one God, not many, had parallel prophecies to the Old Testament about a coming Messiah, etc., and predicted shortly before the prophesied Tribulation we judge we can start building soon, send an email to us at and say add to Camelot List. When our Omni Law is passed, we start building soon afterwards. The Serbian prophet Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899), an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna, Serbia, had a spectacular record on prophecies that all came true. He got these visions recorded by a local Serbian Orthodox priest and his prophecies got printed up in Europe. corded in early Christian writings tells why he Obama won't make it! We get to do our thing first! Then the Antichrist is released to deceive all those on earth who love lies and evil rather than the truth and good in their lives and nations. God is winding up affairs with mankind as to who gets to live with God for all eternity and who shall never live with God for all eternity but God respects his free will and hatred for God so lets him be damned from God for all eternity which never ends.
     For those wanting to get on the registry to be invited to join with our Camelot Project when we judge we can start building soon, send an email to us at and say add to Camelot List. When our Omni Law is passed, we start building soon afterwards. The Serbian prophet Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899), an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna, Serbia, had a spectacular record on prophecies that all came true. He got these visions recorded by a local Serbian Orthodox priest and his prophecies got printed up in Europe. Everything he predicted came true. About the only prophecy remaining is that after a World War II, the community with three crosses (symbolizes my Camelot Project) would be built in the mountains in a great, large land surrounded by oceans. This would be the only safe place on earth when World War III comes along. His prophecy implies that the land where this is built is saved from being annihilated like some other nations when World War III breaks out across the world. This community is backed by God and is apparently composed of Christians drawn there by Will of God. They are the elect of God on earth his prophecy implies. This city of the elect of God has been repeatedly prophesied in prophecies again and again from back into B.C. up to and including our modern times. If you can afford it, contributions are welcome to help get organized our Camelot Project. If money tight, money not necessary, but make sure that you are on our list before we close our list maybe for ever as we get ready to start building. 
     Our Camelot will look a bit like the architecture of the Camelot shown in the movie "First Knight" starring Richard Gere,Sean Connery etc. It is the only Camelot version of Hollywood I ever thought was a bit inspired in the attractive architecture to it. Our Camelot would be far larger than the movie version, but the style of our Camelot would be similar to that in this movie. 
       We will be the proof for the world that freedom brings out the greatness and genius that God built into and intended for mankind. Our Camelot will be spectacular and never repeated in history. Early Christianity taught that Christians were a race and nation separate unto themselves in the world. We will be a Christian race and nation within a larger race and nation and we will give enormous credibility to why all of mankind should become Christians. Our schools will be the best in the world and everything about us will be the best in the world. By special engineering, we will build fast our giant community. Four of us already checked out the land we want back in 2004. We can turn it into the showpiece of the world once we build there. And we will build fast by special engineering tactics. Walt Disney came up with a clever tactic so he could build Disney World fast and we will borrow his idea as it was sound, practical, and smart. We plan to build there also the biggest cathedral in the world. It will be beautiful, Gothic in style, and can be used by the three major branches of Christianity for worship services. The three crosses symbolized in the prophecy of Mitar Tarabich of Serbia.
     There always has to be someone possessed by a vision of the impossible made possible and becomes reality because his faith could move mountains. Someone had to believe that the Suez Canal could be built and finally his "impossible" vision became reality. Someone had to believe that the Panama Canal could be built and finally it was. Someone had to believe that the giant Hoover Dam could be built and finally it was! Same situation here. I believe in my vision of Camelot. And in the end I predict it will be built and live up to its full expectations what it potentially can be and become!
      Those who want to join my vision, send in your name, information, etc. to Say add to Camelot list" and when the Omni Law is passed, we should start building soon afterwards. You win battles and wars by planning ahead how you are going to win in the end!
      Share this message with who you think would be interested in this.
       Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for as the Bible says in Proverbs 29:18: "Where there is no vision, the people perish."


Anonymous said...

NO!,NO!, you don't get it...this is GOOD!, why?, the conservatives will move out of the state, and then tax only the libturds, in fact, hell, tax their air, and sunshine!, this is what they DESERVE when they vote in demo-communists!, hahahaha!, I love it!

mustang said...

Tax the rain, tax your pain, WHEN are we going to see this as all insane? We stay quiet on all they are doing in broad daylight to us we deserve what is to come. People should be in the streets in the millions now, all I see is normal sheep behavior. Pretty scary to those of us that have eyes to see.

Anonymous said...

They do this in Charlotte North Carloina already about 2 years now.....When I first got the bill on a rental property I called in a questioned it - If I didn't pay the "storm water management fee" of about $35 per quarter my tenant would not get the water service.....

xalent said...

They have already done this in Fishers, Indiana