Friday, April 12, 2013



Anonymous said...

People like this scare me... How can anyone be that dumb and know so little about the natural world they live in? It's the wind dingbat! Broad leaf plants oscillate so they won't break off at the stem. Should have paid more attention in biology!!!

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely not the wind. That plant happens to be sitting on a natural vortex. Nothing magical or mystical about it at all. Vortexes are part of every planet, sun and solar system. They make the weather patterns, whirlpools, solar flares, tornadoes, etc. It's all part of being in a universe that is full of flowing energy (close-minded people can use the word radiation or magnetism if they like).

Anonymous said...

Vortex shmortex. Watch any broad leaf plant in the wind, it will do exactly the same thing.