Pictures that Prove Double Amputee was an Actor at Boston Bombings
Here are sequential pictures of how the double
amputee veteran pulled off the "illusion" of having his legs blown
off at the Boston Marathon Bombing.
All these folks that participated in this staged event need to
come forward and come clean - otherwise they should be put in jail for treason
- for aiding and abetting the "domestic" enemy!
Please check this out - and let EVERYONE know about this. So share
far and wide!
This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this
information with everyone you know.
(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)
I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.
Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.
(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)
I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.
Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.

If you loose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, youre dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see what's called arterial spurtting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the "tourniquet"...
Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There's no pressure applied. There's no knott with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There's no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.
This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.
Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics. His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what's happening.
Frame 6

Here in frame eight the prosthetics are in place. Amidst all this chaos seconds after the explosion the hooded man takes the time to put on his sunglasses which is a signal.
Frame 8

Here in frame nine with sunglasses now on the hooded man and the woman make eye contact, signal received.
Frame 9

In frame eleven after recieving the go signal the woman makes an open hand gesture the direction both of them are looking, signaling the staged injuries are in place for cameras. The prone amputee raises his left prosthetic injury into the air over the woman's shoulder. No blood is present. The bone is dry, no blood on his leg above the knee, no blood on the woman, no arterial spurt, nothing.
Frame 11

Here in frame fourteen the woman turns her head right but is still holding up that open palm signal with her left hand. The hooded man again busies himself pouring fake blood on the pavement behind the woman. The amputee has both fake injuries in the air now. There is still no blood on his legs, his skin above the injury is clean and dry.
Frame 14

Frame twenty, the fake blood and prosthetics are in place. The amputee gives an open hand gesture along with the woman to bring the cameras in. We're now twenty frames in and still not a drop of fresh blood from a double leg amputation. His legs are dry, the woman is dry and unscathed. Both are making the same hand gesture.
Frame 20

These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston. Share this knowledge with everyone.
Something here is definitely very sinister. Maybe there were
people hurt or killed - but apparently there were no ambulances, only black
military-style vehicles.
Three people dead is
easier to cover up if indeed there were no casualties. Others losing limbs is
easy to create as you can see from above. So, it looks like our "shadow
government" has been up to it again! These photos are very incriminating
and prove that this was all staged. Please do your part and let's get this out
to everyone!
Why don't you do your part and get it out to Alex Jones and every media center since you're the expert? Have some real reliable trauma doctors look it over and come forward with their assessment. Putting this out on conspiracy sites won't hack it.
The blood is still too red on pavement. The dry edges of blood would be almost black not still bright red like paint. The guy's hand that you can see has no blood on it. If that had happened to me, you wouldn't be able to see my hand because of all the blood. I would have been feeling for my legs, blood squirting everywhere and then me passing out from shock. IMHO only.
This is one of the best Photoshops I've ever seen.
Do you really think he'd be in a wheelchair? They would leave him on the ground until they could strap him to a stretcher. And he sure doesn't look like he just had both his legs blown off 5 min before. Can't believe the masses are blind to this shit. The scumbags pull these staged events to keep us in fear. Fear causes us to go into panic fight or flight mode - an extremely stressful situation for the body shutting down the connection between our heart source and brain. Without the wisdom of the heart - it's all left brain thinking with zero common sense and there is no questioning the official story.
Check out frame 6. You can clearly see the right knee of the amputee. When he's in the wheelchair, there's no knee, only bones. Where did his right knee go?
pictures 6 through 20??? where's the rest?
especially any one that shows this guys transition from standing to lying there in this group of 3...
this first image already has the supposed prostetics 'in place'. 20 frames can not show you this whole story.
also his sunglasses are on from the beginning. any bifocal wearer can show you how fast and trained a simple push is to reposition glasses.
I think that the first picture is likely the definitive proof of staged event. If he had lost both of is leg in the bombing, he should have at least become unconsciousness after a few minutes. So he should be evacuated by a stretcher, not a wheel chair.
It is interesting to note that he reportedly is the definitive witness so far linking the elder brother to the bombing: he looked into my eyes while dropping the backpack close to my feet.
I wonder what is coming next for the average people in US and all over the world??
I saw the pix a couple days ago of this Iraq war vet with his healed amputated legs, smiling, sitting in wheel chair with two army buddies standing next to him. Don't remember where post came from & who posted it. But it was side by side pix of the same guy w/o a doubt.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
Have some respect for these people and this man's loss you incomprehensibly insensitive assholes.
Frame rate of most video is between 25 to 30 frames per second. So the time interval you are examining is less than a second?
oh please.... in an emergency, getting the victim to where he/she needs to be is primary, not the method of transportation. I do agree he should have been on a stretcher in trendelenburg, but in that situation, getting him help was primary.
also, his pallor is grey, not pink. his demeanor is that of shock. as far as the blood and visual lack of, his flesh was torn and burned.
the burns to the edges of the flesh would have cauterized the open areas. The arterial flow was stopped per tourniquet and then the man in the hat is clearly shown actually holding the disenfranchised artery!
I wouldn't doubt it.. I hope more doctors weight in on what they think regarding him being in a wheelchair instead of a stretcher and passed out. I don't see how anyone would be conscious enough to look like they are fully aware but again I'm not doctor and I hope somebody actively seeks out the advice of a doctor to see if THEY think it is real or faked.
As a seasoned level 1 trauma RN and a member of Medical Response Corps, I can say that this even caused me to raise an eyebrow. Loss of 2 limbs would have resulted in much more blood loss unless the wounds were miraculously cauterized in a fire. To me that only looks like about a pint of blood. One would think he would have lost perhaps 1-2 liters since in the last pane there do not seem to be any tourniquettes on either leg. Blood would have been spurting everywhere. I must also point out that the pain would have been excruciating and he most certainly should have been in shock. He looks super alert and even perhaps a little dismayed while holding his own leg. My last issue is that I see no bone fragments or tissue parts. Since the blood is contained to a small area, one would think that he dropped immediately to the ground after impact. Yet there is no evidence of Bio-waste nor do any of the people next to him have injuries, blood, tissue fragments even remotely close to his. Something definitely not right with this scene as I also see that in several frames he has both knees which would make him a bilateral BKA (below knee amp) yet in the chair pic the other knee is obliterated with the femur showing. Strange indeed :( The injuries definitely do not fit the scene!
look at frame 11 zoom in if you may... the dude is texting or taking a picture it looks like it anyways
If it was true... and I am just thinking out loud here , we can just imagine having someone's leg freshly cut out on top of our head can't we? well I can imagine it and I think if I was wearing a spiffy white blouse that I would be actually covered in blood from head to toe... Is it just me or the black lady's blouse remained white even after having a freshly chopped leg on top of her head?
WTF yeah right they help everybody else but him lolllllll
I can tell you a lose of limb like that that guy would be bleeding out, there is no spray of blood from the arteries that would have been severed and with each pump of the heart it would be pushing blood out the open wound I had a friend dying in a truck accident cut both legs off at the knees he died within seconds the heart moves a lot of blood in a short period of time
Can't you see? Can't you read? Don't you have any sense? Oh - you don't. Sorry. Go back to sleep.
Are you people insane? You make me sick! Why do you hate America so much you would spread such lies? May God help you see you’re being used by Alex Jones and Glenn Beck for monetary gains? I bet they go home and laugh at you guys after each program they air. If your so worried about conspiracies why don’t they investigate Bush, Chaney, et al about their crimes and monetary gain through the Iraq war????
I really do find it funny that as soon as anything bad happens, everyone looks at some pictures and thinks they're smart enough to know everything. There is a word for that, and it's pseudoscience. That's a real thing! But you see, these people can look at pictures! They have probably never once seen anything close to real trauma. Hell, I'm sure if they went to an E.R. on a friday night in a big city, they might change their minds on "his face is too calm" or what nonsense have you.
Listen people. It's not that hard to make a bomb. It's easy. Some people just are not right in the head and do terrible things that they probably don't even know why they do it. What about the Green River killer? Manson? They didn't seem to need much of a reason because something was knocked loose in their head and went a little bit looney.
So, before you just assume that because of what you see from pictures is real. Go ask someone who lost a buddy in Iraq from an IED if these pictures look accurate. Go to your local hospital and talk to a trauma surgeon. Take it from someone who has worked in the E.R. and been an EMT.. Sometimes a bomb can go off and you live... other times you can get rear ended at 20 mph and die. Stranger things have happened.
Omg love the "freshly chopped leg" ok so if it all was an act wht would be the benefit of a staged disaster? Possibly a high level diversion? Possibly Boston wasn't enough... quick lets hit Texas too, the American ppl won't kno where to look & be consumed w/ theese tragic events & not paying attention to the tragedy of the un just amendments to our constitutional freedom's & rights!
The man with the sunglasses who was helping him stage his "injury" in the final picture is laying on the ground as "another victim" you can see he has on the same shoes, jacket, shirt, sunglasses and watch. I think the lady in the front of the photograph with the red and black jacket was helping to shield the "view" while they set up fake leg injury, she could have been squirting the blood on the ground as well. If you notice there is a circle around this so called "victim" the big lady by the fence is definately a blockade as she stands there the whole time not really "reacting" to the so called "scenerio". The "bomb" if you noticed was loud, made a flash of yello but all the smoke went straight up, so they must have had some smoke bombs in place to give them time to set up the fake bloody scene. The blood was definately too red, and not the color of real blood. Did you notice that there is no "blood trail" on this dudes wheelchair ride, not one drop of blood on the ground!Another thing I noticed is the flags hardly moved at first, and when they did move it was slight, that is until they wanted the "smoke and mirrors" to clear the way for their fake bloody scene. Then the flags were blown straight out to the right and to the left, where you could see all the flags "displayed" for the photo op. The split was around the lamp post, so maybe the smoke machine was coming from the bottom of the post, then a blower was blowing the flags in two seperate directions from the top of the post???? That's the only way they could have been blown straight out in both directions from the post, especially when initally from the blast they hardly moved at all!!!!! Whoever these "actors" are should all be arrested!!! Someone should go to where this happened and take a swab to see if there is any "real dna" from the blood....or you could take one of those black lights to see if anything glows from the blood spatter (like on CSI)That would be interesting to see...... Even if they "washed" it away, if it was real blood there would "evidence".
explain the mangled foot in the original pictures...not the cropped ones that are posted here. You have to look close all the way in the bottom left hand corner
Bravo man !!!!
so it is fake afterall?
It´ clearly his left knee in frame 6 as it is still there when he´s sitting in the wheelchair. Please try to analyze properly
get some glasses
The guy was amputee (maybe a veteran) so his injury does not make him that weak. Hand signals are really a stretch of imagination.
It is impossible to act such a crowded scene.
Bunch of fucking losers, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I know the family, I can't believe I'm wasting my time with you clowns, but this is ridiculous. Innocent people have had the lives changed, ruined and some lost. And you idiots sit in your mom's basement accusing them of being actors. You people frighten me more than any conspiracy theory you can dream up. Get out and do something good for the world, instead of believing this nonsense.
It amazes me the people who think the government would NEVER do anything wrong. Money and power drives every human, regardless if your homeless or the POTUS, it's human nature. IDK if it's staged or not, but does anyone know who the injured guy is? Has media mentioned him? It's weird nobody has talked to him at all or followed up on the story.
why are you here then? Seeing if they found out he was acting and your family would be disgraced?
So let me get this straight. In the time it took for the screaming mass of people to the bottom right of the frame to start and finish their first scream, the team of 3 took out prosthetics, attached prosthetics, poured fake blood and simultaneously sent hand signals for the "all clear for photo op"? Is that just about the size of it? Or as someone else pointed out based on frame rate...just under 1 full second? Yea that sounds pretty perfect.
OR. You genius conspiracy theorists that think the all powerful govt staged this whole thing with disaster actors couldn't even conspiracy your way to the easiest explanation that the maimed prosthetic were already being worn by the "Actor" under his pants with blood bags ready to go? Seriously? You wouldn't come to that ridiculously simple conclusion that would be in a "How to Make Hollywood 101" class? Nope..definitely not.. we definitely needed 2 more unnecessary people there to make this horribly awkward transition happen. And of course SOMEONE needed sunglasses to top it all off.
Call the rest of us sheep and a "sheep" creates a more convincing timeline after 1 minute of reading.
Really unfortunate that people will read stuff like that and actually believe it. The government and media certainly don’t always tell the truth, that’s a given, but on the flipside to claim something is “proof” you need a lot more than a few measly frames of video and random statements. I’m actually surprised they didn’t make reference to aliens planning the whole thing, that would have made that article complete .
Couple more pictures
The word is not "Pseudoscience," it's "paranoid psychopath." a paranoid psychopath is incapable of empathy. They cannot be reasoned with.
Plus where di the two people go that where with him?Why is he just laying by himself now?
you are right,those are the same sneakers.
Haha...what a country....the blood is sooooo fake, the man's face is made up by a very bad make up artist....
Where is the video??
THAT IS NOT TO BELIEVE. Sorry folks, but if anyone was able and really wanted to set up such spetacle and destruction, to cause distration and fear, they would simply do that for real. THey would explode 3 or 4 people and injury another 100 with no worring about casualities. So why set up such a theater if it is much easier to make the explosion? Or do you think that people that make these kind of plans are worried about some civilians lives?
Sad fruitcakes. Making a conspiracy theory out of a legitimate trauma. I work with a vendor.that does business with Costco, and heard a out the trauma to Jeff last week.
Shame on you.
It seems US will take some advantage on Siria. They were needing an excuse.
Oh sure.. it's much easier to assume that this is some form of government conspiracy than it is that this guy lost his legs in an explosion..
How many of you are doctors? Certified specialists? That's what I thought...
You're all crazy. Have some respect for the man. I'm certain half of you nerds would pass out just by looking at the blood in the scene. Go back to your video-games and leave the real world for the big boys.
How dare ya'll !! I am that black lady who was for some odd reason all tangled up with this guy.It was real mothafckers!! I was there !! And My mom knew a lady ,whose hairdresser,used to babysit a girls cousin to a man who knew a guy who sold hotdogs that day to a girl whose....Ah blow me. See with your eyes dumbfucks.I didn't look at first cause I'm not some twisted rubbernecker who even wants to see any gore.But this shit is so fake you just have to look.I appreciated the real EMT who knew what was what .That fire engine red testors paint for blood was ridiculous too. The "cowboy" was an actor too,with an axe to grind.Wake Up ,the Gov would do far worse than this ,have ,and will continue .
Couple more picture
the bottle of red liquid in the bottom right corner.
greetings folks. i'm from belgium. near bruxelles. my english is bad. sorry.
just wanna say. that , if you are smart. you can see and tell that things are not right.
yes, the blood lookes fake. weird behavior from people around etc,...
i just wanna put something extra in spotlight.
when i saw the first video it was this one.
it was so weird for me to see the weird camera actions from this filmer.
ok, people can be in shock and do weird things but,
he stands at the finish line.
after the explotion he gets up and goes to the point of blast.
but he is turning a bit around (like waiting for the actors to be ready for the play?)
so he goes back. yes, can be shock behavior. going back to start place.
then he goes back and a cop is pushing him away from te scene.
like many other people, nobody was allowed to film around the blast area.
but this camera man makes a move or shows something to this cop and he can go on again with filming. de cop's reaction is weird also...
then he goes filming near the blast point but he never takes shuts from te ground or injured people? why not?
i am looking forward to see interviews with those people in the future.
hey guys, here in belgium it's also fucked up with media.
i follow the "normal media" but also the alternative free media from around the world.
what a difference!!
all lies and manipulation.
greetings from belgium.
keep dancing brothers and sisters.
keep singing.
in these times. lies can be broken. and the real truth can come to surface.
in a explosion ....blood splashes !!! can you see any blood on others people faces or clothes ??? i don't see anything !!! no head injuries !!! people have clean faces !!!!
Go to Google Images and search "Thorndike" within last week. He's the dude that took these stills, not video it seems.
Wait...I thought you said the heat cauterized the arteries? Then why bother holding one (1) of them? Notice the other leg has the tourniquet dragging on the ground. And why not a couple -- hell one would be nice -- drops of blood under or behind the wheelchair? And no blood at all coming down the stumps when the hooded dude is "helping"...?
Next can we please hear from the OR staff at Boston Medical Center who performed the amputation surgery? Or was it an emergency government medical team that took JB out of the wheelchair for the frightening prosthesis unhooking procedure...?
Yup. Check out the fat woman in the brown sweatshirt. I'm starting to think she is the stage blood hand out person. See where JB and the black woman signal? They're signaling to her to smear some blood on the stumps. Google images search "Thorndike" for past week to see some of the original photos that take in the whole cast of actors.
Why do the deniers get so angry? Why swear etc? It just displays the weakness of your position for all to see. Here's a tip for crushing your opponent in a debate: come up with airtight logical arguments delivered with calm authority.
Gory Hollywood prop. Just like Bauman's stumps.
Depends. Would you call a mixture of fake and real "fake"? It's possible that there were many real shrapnel injuries and these actors were there to display over-the-top gore to frighten the masses into submission. It worked.
On Friday April 19, 2013 every citizen of Boston, Cambridge, Watertown, Arlington, Belmont and Waltham was efficiently placed under house arrest aka shelter-in-place. This was a successful test of martial law in a major US city and set a truly frightening precedent.
Alternatively, due to the (intentional?) sloppy execution of this hoax, it could be a clever setup to depose Obama in the wake of the national outrage when it is exposed -- as we're doing right now. Unwittingly, we could be assisting in a coup d'etat. Nevertheless, the truth will out.
These are details of still photos taken by Benjamin W. Thorndike (check Google images). Frame rate does not apply. Your argument fails.
That's the other guy's left knee. It belongs to the dude crouching facing the camera.
One question ... If two bombs went off, why is it we only get pictures of one of the blast scenes? You'd think we would have victims at both? Pictures and video of both? But, we are only showed one...
Exactly. Also why is an EMY following the wheelchair instead of taking over? These two also are passing a BAA PHYSICIAN who appears to just go on her merry way as this dying man is pushed to...who knows where. THIS IS TOTAL AND COMPLETE B.S. PEOPLE!!
WHY DOESN'T ALEX,et al., AND OTHERS CONCENTRATE ON SEEING WHO THIS GUY IS. THIS LEAD IS INCREDIBLE! Who's looking into it? I heard he's already got a FB page for donations. The one pic of the face of the guy in a hospital bed IS NOT the same one in the wheelchair.
Obvious troll! We're on to you idiot. Your fluoride, gmo's and chemtrails didn't work on all of us you ignorant troll retard. How can you live with yourself?
Bravo ALL!! As I said before, Alex's team, or others should be jumping to find who this guy is. Last I heard he alredy has a FB donations page calling himself a hero for I.Ding the kid, whom the FBI already knew. I also saw a pic of a guy in a hospital bed that was supposed to be this guy but didn't look ANYTHING like him. Is he the war vet? Who is he?
The above individual's comment is a prime example of how this country has been lulled into passive manipulation by TPTB. He is even upset that people are not respectful... Wow how easy the people are fooled.
Go away, Go to someone who cares troll. This site is for intelligent people. We are on to you.
GO AWAY TROLLS! Preach your lies to a fool who believes you.We know better 911 was an inside job. Sandy Hook never happened and now this B.S. Fool me once, maybe. GO AWAY! TROOLS!!
Your not the black lady in the picture, I be her. You liar. I did my part with the fake blood just like they paid me to do. Any problems with my performance?
my question is: why aren't his legs tied with something to stop the bleeding? your heart is a pump for your circulatory system, he would have bleed out.
Too much fluoride and chemtrails effected your reasoning. Go back to sheep ...I mean sleep lol
I am analyzing it properly. In the wheelchair photo, the guy's left knee has the shin bone sticking out. I'm talking about his right knee, the one that's just a bloody stump of bones. If you look at frame 6, you can see his right knee is in tact.
As for the sunglasses guy, in a later photo you can see him casually lying on the ground with his pants in tact, so the knee in frame 6 definitely isn't his unless he decided to roll up his pant leg for some reason.
You liar I was her, and I sure hope I get the Oscar for this, I think I did quite a good job! Steven me lol
I've wondered about all of that too, but the first strange thing I saw was the old man running and falling. His fall looked to controlled, am I imagining that?
another link to look at
Hey guys... seeing the pictures makes me think twice about the situation. my best friend who lives in boston replied this after seeing the link..:"
Dude, however much I agree that there could be something strange about other aspects of the bombing, this one I disagree with because I know two brothers personally who grew up with that guy in the wheel chair: they knew him before with legs (not an amputee ever in his life) and they know him now without legs.
He also was willing to send me the number of one of the brothers...I really do not know what to believe now.
So still no one has any comments about the right knee? Everyone's focused on the left leg with the shinbone sticking out. What about the right one?! You can see it in frame 6 but when he's in the wheelchair, the knee is missing almost entirely. And it's NOT the sunglasses guy's left leg. Later, you see that guy lying on the ground with his pants fully in tact.
Who would go along with a charade like this?
For a more detailed explanation, see here:
This explains a lot. According to these photos, it appears that Hooded Man pulled on a gory looking fake appendages to Bauman's already amputated lower legs. Now we know why the wide white bandage is placed where it is on the iconic cowboy hero wheelchair photo: the white cloth is hiding the point where the nylon stage prop meets Bauman's thigh. This also explains the photos of Bauman pretending to writhe on the sidewalk with nice looking stumps where the skin is beautifully shrunken and healed around apparent femur bones that are actually pegs. Now we have a working hypothesis on who this actor is: someone who had his feet and ankles amputated. Definitely not Nick Vogt. With nicely anchored pegs like these, Bauman likely wore articulating prosthetic feet attachments at his job at the Nashua, NH Costco. His coworkers might never have been aware they were prosthetics and might now claim, "Yes. He had real legs when he worked here!" Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Sorry about double-posting this but please see this post for a more detailed analysis:
Again, if you want to see ALL the frames of this scene, go here:
For some reason, a couple of the frames are presented out of order. The correct order should be:
Someone put them in sequence to make an animated video here:
Look at the top middle of the screen. For some reason, it's cut off at the top so you can't fully see the hooded guy. You can see his hands, though, clearly slipping the prosthesis onto the amputee's right leg!
Also, have you seen this video of the prosthesis falling off and the EMT rushing up to put it back on?!
Later this same EMT can be seen holding the prosthesis in place so it won't fall off again:*nFMBiP6mC*RI1xC6OM0PRmi*Jt7esodz6k4*e9ryvAEYx6-mjOjB7eXEaZhD*RfFp-E5a00h3MZtJYgEbQmM1pTaGDHygLY/legs.jpg
Yes, this is definitely not Nick Vogt, so people need to stop pushing that theory. I wonder how long this Bauman guy had to pretend like he had legs while preparing the fake backstory. There has to be someone who really knew this guy before he went undercover and knows he had already lost his legs.
Also, who on Earth shot these photos??? They appear to be taking them from a hidden location. God bless this person, whoever they are! Ben Fulford says this plot was deliberately sabotaged by counter-operatives within the cabal in an attempt to expose it. I really think this is the final straw, people. How can you look at this series of images and not see something extremely suspicious going on? We must demand that this be talked about in the mainstream media NOW!
Can someone please re-post this new info on a site with higher traffic like Before It's News? I don't have an account there. Thanks!
@ Anonymous 11:22 "Also, who on Earth shot these photos???"
Benjamin W. Thorndike from his office. Go to 2:20 in below video:
Still don't know the where, how and when story about his entire still photo collection that is so crucial. There seems to be a various resolution assortment out there on the net. We should ask: is someone feeding us these photos piecemeal to keep the hoax theorists well-fed and active. Why?
Here's one hoax hypothesis. Constructive criticism of my logic most welcome:
Nick Vogt is an above knee double amputee with left pinky finger missing. Jeff Bauman is/was a below knee amputee with all fingers. They are two different men.
This picture shows an unidentified Hooded Man slipping on a fake gore prop onto Jeff Bauman's left stump. It also shows too little blood. It also shows two females (blonde and black) blocking the view of the hoax preparation from cameras nearby. Except for this one (taken by Ben Thorndike from his office on Boylston St.)
The loose white bandage you see in the famous cowboy hero photo on Bauman's left leg nicely hides the elastic holding the fake gore "sock" onto Bauman's real thigh. It is not a tourniquet (too loose anyway). The white bandage on his right leg is trailing under the wheelchair. This is what got caught in the wheel and cause the fake prop to fall off and have to be held on by EMT actor (seen here and in cowboy hero photo).
Everyone in the world agrees on the Boston explosions having one of these three scenarios: 1. All injuries were real 2. All injuries were fake 3. Some injuries were real and some were fake. I am a 3.
Heather Abbott is a real victim who is at Brigham and Womens Hospital and had her real foot amputated. It was in the news yesterday. Her injury occurred at blast site 2 (about 100 yds from the finish line ie. blast site 1) . Real shrapnel was in blast 2. Only smoke was in the explosion at blast 1 so the crisis actors would not be hurt. This explains the Amy woman on CNN saying she was right beside someone at the finish line (blast 1) who was "so maimed" and she wasn't scratched. AMY BERTI, WIFE OF JOE BERTI: that doesn't seem to make any sense when the person who was standing beside me in Boston was so maimed.
Bush and Cheney are not innocent, either. The false flag 911 that helped take away most of our rights and put us into a neverending war in Afghanistan was under their direction, along with Mossad. This country is the "matrix" cleverly disguised from it's masonic experiment to be the answer to everything. Every president and subsequent government has had a masonic/zionist angle and agenda and it's NEVER been about what is best for the "American people." Be brave, open your eyes and do some research. We are not conspiracy "theorists" if, indeed, everything IS an actual conspiracy. The sad truth is, we are all chattel, pawns, sheep... to be used to manufacture whatever TPTB want in this world, which is power, money and, ultimately, to be gods.
"They" pulled of 911... you think a little explosion like this is out of their league to make their point, take more rights away, and focus on their endgame? Come on. In the past 100 years the plan has been to "dumb down" the populace so that citizens would not only not be able to think for themselves, but wouldn't even be interested because of all the distractions they've forced on us... television, movies, music, games... People don't even WANT to ask questions, they are content to take information from one of the three men who control media as long as no one interferes with their latest rap video or zombie movie. It's all a stage to prepare the citizenry to be literally enslaved - right now we are "figuratively" enslaved. Their plan is working. We are the fattest, dumbest nation on earth and their "experiment" (search Benjamin Franklin and Frances Bacon's roots to the real reason for "founding" America) has worked.
Ummm Manson was a confirmed Manchurian Candidate... FACT
How strange is that in the last picture, there are at least two people standing over the guy with the hood, with all his limbs intact and NO ONE attending to the guy who's obviously just had his legs blown off???
Not going to say it isn't staged but fact is arterial blood would very well be that bright of red and arterial blood takes longer to coagulate. Realistically this is the right color. another thing is your body in a trauma situation such as one like this all blood is forced to your vital organs hence the fact he also looks pail and clammy. It would take about a minute or so before he would begin gushing huge amounts of blood. The fact that he was still conscious when the wheeled him out later probably meant he had a tourniquet placed on rather quickly. I know this because I have aided a battle buddy of mine who was a victim of an IED in Helmond Provence, Afghanistan.
Maybe some of these folks are clones/dopplegangers and maybe the real folks who were standing by, actually innocent bystanders, were "flashed" with a Men in Black sort of thing so as to only "remember" the official story. Who knows anymore? Nothing is what it seems, and that's just a fact.
More evidence to support Blast 2 shrapnel and Blast 1 zero shrapnel:*b-survivor-seeks-guardian-ange*l-saved-life/story?id=19050944
This woman lost her leg. She and the dead 8-year-old, Martin Richard were both at...any guesses? Answer: Blast site 2. About 100 yds away from Blast 1 -- where the actors were safely performing their gory show for the cameras.
If I were an evil government operative planning this hoax, this is how I'd do it. One blast with real injuries you can point to later to discredit "conspiracy nuts" claiming the whole thing was fake. The other blast with fake injuries and very dramatic Hollywood gore for the cameras right away to shock an entire metropolitan area into obediently submitting to martial law. It worked. So far.
Yep. This makes complete sense. A mixture of truth and lies. I personally find it shocking this tactic has worked for even this long. It seems most people either believe something is 100% fake or 100% real. We've been conditioned over the past decade plus with reality TV shows that present scripted scenarios with hired actors as "real people doing real stuff." This tactic has spilled over into the mainstream news. Any time I see an interview with a person on the news now, they seem to be acting really weird and fake, just like someone on a reality TV show! But no one notices this because acting like this has become the "new normal," or at least that's what they've tried to condition us to think. I find it amazing so many people have fallen for this!
And once again, for the 100th time, I can't believe these pictures are available for everyone in the world to view that CLEARLY show the Hooded Man slipping something over Jeff Bauman's right leg that instantly alter it's appearance and NO ONE seems to be able to put it together! Here, I'll help everyone create their own animation using your web browser and just four frames of the sequence. This is all you need to see to know that Jeff Bauman's injuries were completely faked! Here are the four frames, in order, with instructions on how to make the animation:
First, open up a new tab in your web browser.
Next, copy the URL of the first frame into the tab and load it.
Do the same with the next three frames in the sequence.
Now click the back button three times.
Now click the forward button three times to watch the animation.
You can tell this is the correct sequence because they show the movement of the blond lady with blue jeans, red shoes and a backpack to the right of the Hooded Man being helped up by a man with a white sweatshirt and backpack. Notice how so many people are wearing backpacks?! I wonder what they might have in them. Props, perhaps? Because these are still pictures, there are very short gaps in the sequence as you can tell by the movement of the blonde woman. If this were a video, you'd be able to better see the prosthesis being attached. This is all we have to work with, unfortunately, but I think it's more than enough.
In the animation, you can clearly see the Hooded Man pulling something from behind his neck with his left hand. This was previously thought to be his sunglasses, but I now believe it's an elastic strap to secure the prosthetic device he's attaching to Bauman's right leg with his right hand which is hidden from view behind the black woman with the red shirt. Actually, it's hard to tell if he's pulling it from behind his neck or if he already has it in his hand. I'm thinking now that the black lady might be handing it to him in the previous frame seen here: Regardless, you can see in the final frame that the Hooded Man still has his sunglasses on, so I don't believe he ever removed them. Notice how once he secures the strap, the rest of Bauman's leg stump from the strap down is a darker color, shinier and differently shaped? The prosthesis has now been attached and Bauman's pant leg is later pulled down to hide the black strap where the prosthesis is secured.
Sorry, had to break this up into two replies...
All you need to see are these four simple photos in sequence to know that Bauman's injuries were faked! This must be shown in the MSM for everyone to see! This Hooded Man needs to explain himself. Was he ever interviewed? Was his hood and sunglasses disguise so effective that no one knows who he is? At the very least, Bauman needs to be confronted about this. What exactly was this guy doing to his legs? If it's something "heroic" like making a tourniquet and applying it within seconds of the blast, why hasn't this been discussed in the MSM? Seems like a perfect story they'd jump on, to me.
In fact, in a later photo, this mysterious Hooded Man seems to have completely forgotten about the legless Bauman who is apparently writhing around bleeding to death just two feet from him. In fact, no one seems to notice him at all! Not until a dude in a cowboy hat holding an American flag (give me a freaking break) notices Bauman, does anyone make an effort to help him at all. If the Hooded Man really is a hero who instantly, amid all the smoke and chaos, fitted Bauman with a makeshift tourniquet, why did he not alert the EMTs who were helping him (with no real injuries, btw) to the dying legless Bauman just two feet away? Here's the photo again showing this ridiculous scene:*r0ZyR3lSX*H4ovYlRV5jPw0Z-Ru7*ItH0EVypyPbwIbKi*sOa8bFbhuHzeAc8cZvg2XVDOwAtDGK--Aj/64252_448847741869899_6696014_n1.jpg
The black lady with the red shirt who was practically on top of Bauman's legs was already taken away in a stretcher at this point, but not the legless Bauman who was right there next to her? There's a photo showing the Hooded Man casually kicking it on the ground while the black lady with the red shirt is still there on top of Bauman's legs. The full version of this photo haas been taken down but you can see a smaller copy of it here:
There's also a picture of the black lady being hauled away in a stretcher but I can't seem to find it. Someone needs to put ALL of these pictures together in a competent way. Someone with a mind and some decent organizational skills needs to do a real comprehensive presentation of all this evidence and present it to the MSM. Why can't we get our shit together, people?! It's no wonder we're still enslaved!
You're right. Someone competent needs to present this evidence to the public and spread the news. Wait, isn't that why journalists have jobs? Sigh. The more data supporting our hypothesis the better though. Just today I discovered that the 8-year-old boy, Martin Richard, was killed at Bomb #2. Plus a woman who lost her whole leg, Roseann Sdoia. Plus a woman who lost her foot, Heather Abbott. Plus the little blonde injured boy on the cover of Time magazine now. All four at Bomb #2. Amy Berti was at Bomb #1 standing by a man who looked maimed (actor) and was unscathed herself. She said, "It doesn't make sense." Yes it does. Bomb #2 had shrapnel. Bomb #1 did not so the actors could perform their show according to script. The three women have all submitted to mainstream news interviews. And you bring up an excellent point: Has Jeff Bauman been interviewed...about his injuries...about how Hooded Man helped him? No. Even Carlos the Cowboy Hero only has a couple of pseudo-professional interviews on youtube. Why not go on Good Morning America or something? Has any non-actor victim at all been interviewed who was injured at Bomb #1? I don't know. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
I'm re-submitting my comment because I fear it might have been rejected for its colorful language. I just couldn't believe what was going on and couldn't contain myself. I'll try to stay more calm this time.
Check this out, people. The Hooded Man has been identified! His name is Christian Williams. Look at this story about him and prepare for your head to spin:
In the article, there's absolutely no mention of his involvement with Bauman. In fact, take a look at this bombshell of a quote:
"After speaking with Christian about his ordeal, he remembers quite vividly that a Boston Marathon runner who is also a surgeon, came to his rescue. He remembers the man was able to get people to help him apply tourniquet to each of his legs, he hollered out "if we can get this guy out on the next transport he has a chance, otherwise he's going to die".
That's when he realized how serious his injuries were. He remembers the man taking two belts and putting a tourniquet on each leg so he wouldn’t bleed to death."
WTF??? Does he also "vividly remember" applying a tourniquet to JEFF BAUMAN'S leg? Because he was clearly CAUGHT ON FILM doing either that or "something else" to his legs! Please explain yourself, Christian Williams! According to Williams, this whole ordeal that was CAUGHT ON FILM never happened. When I look at these photos, I see Williams, cool as a cucumber, immediately going to work on Bauman's legs before the smoke has even cleared. He's intimately involved with Bauman, touching his legs and clearly slipping something over at least one of them. What, he doesn't remember this? Post-traumatic amnesia of his own "heroism?" It was actually WILLIAMS HIMSELF who had tourniquets applied to HIS legs? Again, WTF??? Why isn't this outrageous discrepancy between the photos and Williams' story being talked about everywhere?! Will someone ever show him these photos and ask him WTF he was doing to Bauman? I feel like I'm stuck in The Twilight Zone here! This story is getting more and more absurd every day.
Check this out. Someone on this very informative forum made an animated gif of the sequence here:
In fact, I propose that Nesaranews create a new post about it. Will the mods please do that? The discrepancy between what you see in the gif and Williams' story is outrageous! And they're making money off of this, too! $90K+ raised so far?
Update: Hooded Man is Christian Williams. Scroll half way down his web page here to see Hooded Williams himself chilling on the sidewalk after the asking for donations.
Yeah, just found this out, too. Read his version of the events that day. Interesting contrast what the pictures show:
So the question still remains, why is this ridiculous story being fed to us like this? Seems intentionally sabotaged and absurd. My only guess is it's to make everyone start questioning what's real and what's not real so that when they pull something that's very real, everyone will assume it's fake?
Update2: Hooded Man (who helped Jeff Bauman on with his fake leg):
"This is hands down one of the coolest projects I was able to work on...never saw the light of day because the actors weren’t “real” "
So what if actors aren't "real". Right Christian? Your Boston Marathon project did see the light of day. Good for you.
We all have respect...IN A REAL AND VALID SITUATION with FACTS AND PROOF! Name calling won't make you any friends. I do agree, people like you need to WAKE UP! Don't take someone elses word for it.......DO THE RESEARCH YOURSELF! Then you might open you're eyes.
Wow, that's quite a resume. I wonder how long this thing's going to hold together. I'm so freaking amazed it's lasted this long. How weak and gullible are we as a people? This is going to be a quite a test for us humans. Will we graduate? Trying to remain optimistic...
I think a cross-checked list of those injured who belong to an "emergency acting school" would make for an interesting read.
What? The medics could not bandage the man's legs properly before taking him away? Not standard procedure. Sloppy. Reckless. But proper procedure for most dramatic effect and to get rid of the evidence, avoid the amputee wound to be discovered as fake. But too late.
So far, here are the list of casualties I have from Bomb #2 (shrapnel injuries reported):
- Martin Richard and Roseann Sdoia
- Heather Abbott
- J.P. Norden, Paul Norden, Jarrod Clowery, Marc Fucarile and James Costello
- Lu Lingzi
- Jackie Webb
Here are the list of casualties I have from Bomb #1 (no shrapnel injuries specifically reported. Please correct me if otherwise):
- Jeff Bauman (wheel chair hero)
- Christian Williams (Hooded Man who "helped" Bauman)
- Krystle Campbell
- Karen Rand
But here is news of Bomb #1 shrapnel victims that I can't explain according to the hypothesis unless we guess that the Corcorans are actors like Bauman. I am a little suspicious about all three at Boston Medical Center together...
Anyone have any thoughts on the Corcorans? Can we spot them in the Thorndike photos or other sources doing anything strange like Bauman and Williams?
Here's a news interview with Jeff Bauman. Too bad they didn't ask him about his interaction with Christian Williams. Be nice to clear that mystery up.
Amazing. These two men are captured on film involved in a very specific, highly-focused interaction just seconds after the bomb went off where Williams is applying some kind of object to Bauman's leg, instantly changing its appearance. And neither of them mention it in post-event interviews? And Williams just happens to be a reality TV art director? Is it actually possible that neither of them will ever be asked to explain this? This is just insane.
When exactly did the Thorndike photos appear online in a form where you could clearly see the interaction between Williams and Bauman? Just wondering.
April 17
@Anon8:10. Yes it is insane. Just try to get used to it. Remember, you never saw those Thorndike photos. It would have been much simpler if Mr. Thorndike had gone directly to the FBI with them instead of emailing the 25 photos to CNBC. Then the authorities could have simply deleted them before they polluted your eyes. Like they did with the photos from this man's camera (4:20):
You will clamor for more government and more taxes to protect you against terrorism. Or else.
Just like the London bombings of 7/7/2005 the crisis 'actors' are not evil, cruel, public-hating, FBI spooks who are prepared to get involved in doemestic false-flag terrorism... no, they are dupes, who at the final minute aren't sure if it's a drill or gone real, and so blunder about their programmed trainiing and do exactly the things we see in the Boston street footage e.g. sit back down, put one's sunglasses back on, not be unconcious after severe injury et cetera!
False flag!
OK, so that was before the article on Christian Williams' fundme site was posted. I thought maybe he didn't mention his involvement with Bauman because he didn't yet know there were photos online showing it. So both Williams and Bauman are just pretending these photos never existed. And this whole thing will be swept under the rug and they'll NEVER have to address it, meanwhile collecting untold amounts of money from their fundme sites. Amazing! This just shows me that we, as a people, don't really want to be free. We prefer to remain slaves, manipulated and lied to forever.
In the extended interview, Thorndike says people call his building "the Darth Vader building". Dick Cheney referred to himself as the Darth Vader of the Bush administration. Notice also in some photos before the blast how some people in the crown (actor staff?) are looking right up into Thorndike's camera.
Did Cheney engineer this hoax to bring down the Obama Middle East foreign policy? Is he and Putin (RT television crews are also helping to "expose" the actors) upset about Obama's plans to unseat Assad in Syria?
My question is why is the emt or whoever with the blue latex gloves looking and touching the guy who was in the picture with him and no one is paying attention to the amputee laying by him self two feet away????
Getting this out to any reliable media source (if they would even dignify it with a response) would expose it as the complete fantasy that it is. Actual facts or interviews with any of the victims, doctors, hospital staff, etc. would force the theorists out of their Mom's basements, where they would have to confront reality and life. Employment, fresh air, dating, etc. Much easier to look for "hand signals" in photos of trauma scenes.
Oh all knowing "Seasoned level 1 Trauma RN" Could you please inform me what is the appropriate facial expression to wear after having both of your legs blown off? I think I would be a bit "dismayed" also, given the situation.
I know, it makes no sense at all. So many things don't makes sense, yet somehow, it doesn't seem to matter. It looks like all of this will just be swept under the rug, as usual.
I just think the most obvious evidence that something planned went down are in these photos of Bauman and Williams, so that's why I'm focusing on them. It's COMPLETELY clear that Williams is putting something on Bauman's leg just SECONDS after the blast. There's still smoke in the air from the "bomb" and he's already fast at work doing "something" to Bauman's legs. This was obviously planned ahead of time. What could possibly be their explanation? If they say he was applying a tourniquet, there's no way Williams could do it that fast if he was really surprised and disoriented by the bomb as he claims he was. This is just seconds after the explosion! They must already have been doing something under the cover of smoke before it even clears, so that means Williams would have started this task literally the second the bomb went off! Maybe he even had some kind of glasses on that helped him see through the smoke.
The most insane thing to me is that it appears neither these two men will EVER be asked to explain what's happening in these photos even though EVERYONE ON THE PLANET can see what's happening in them, plain as day. Two men against the world and the two men win, collecting massive amounts of money in the process. They're "victims" so asking them about this would be rude, right? If anyone cared about uncovering the truth, they'd be hounded about this every day. But no, no one cares. No one will even make a competent YouTube video or post a competent message about it on a web site. They'll leave out frames and present it in sloppy way that just ends up confusing people. Zippity Doo-Dah, life goes on as usual. This is just so freaking ridiculous I'm seriously ready to give up on the human race.
Don't give up. And you're right to focus like a laser beam on the Bauman-Williams interaction. Don't get distracted by anything else. Politely but firmly correct anyone you come across who repeats the whitewashing of this event. Keep the Thorndike pictures in your wallet. Ask them why they think no journalist has questioned Bauman or Williams about their cooperation they started under cover of smoke. Tell them you are an independent thinker and are curious to hear some kind of explanation from either man. Conclude by asking them, "Aren't you curious too?" You'll get a variety of responses ranging from anger to disbelief. But just watch. Soon they'll be asking others they meet the same simple question. And some of those others will do the same. And one day we'll get our wish. One day.
Krystle Campbell was the only person who died at Blast 1, and yet her family was told by hospital staff she was fine; they went to the hospital and were sent to Krystle's friend's bed & had to tell the hospital staff that wasn't their daughter. that's when they were told she was dead! it would seem perhaps no-one was really injured at Blast 1, except for Krystle, whose death might be another mystery. may she rest in peace.
Dr. Stan Monteith, a 35-year orthopedic surgeon on Jeff Bauman’s leg amputations: “I believe that this young man was an actor”
here are my questions:
if jeff bauman and the sungalsses guy are "actors" what about all the other people at that bombing site? were they actors too? what about jeff bauman at the hospital and sunglasses guy at the hospital...were they in on the set up? That seems like a lot of people to put in a set up when all it takes is one person to go rogue to expose this as being a false flag with real proof.
what about where you see sunglasses man real injuries?
And why one real bomb and one fake bomb? Why not just two real bombs? Why put on a show of fake blood and fake injuries when those would be easy to spot as fakes and actors and more moving parts to be indentified as a fraud as opposed to real deaths? They obviously you don't have a problem with real deaths as you see from the the oter bomb.
Why blame the two brothers from Chechnia? Not like there's any oil there to want to invade that country! Or were they part of the plan too? Conspiracy theorists say that 9/11 was there so they'd have a reason to invade countries for oil so I'm not sure what the benefit would be to blame two boys from a country with no resources they care about.hi
All this to expose us to martial law for what, a few hours? It just doesn't add up!Some times there are crazy people who do crazy things, not everything is an inside job with actors and fake blood!
The Department of Homeland Security has gone public with an admission that an exercise was planned months before the Boston Marathon bombings that involved backpacks being used to detonate explosives by rogue terrorists.According to the DHS documents acquired by the Boston Globe, the agents were planning on conducting training exercises centered around a fictitious terrorist group called ‘Free America Citizens’, a group that would plant backpacks full of explosives around Boston that the detectives would be forced to track down. Ultimately, of course, this ended up happening at the Boston Marathon itself with precise accuracy. The Globe report reads that “the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.”And the DHS isn’t denying that the training exercise manifested itself at the Boston Marathon, as detailed in the back-end article on the Boston Globe that I discovered while browsing the news.Read more:, Here's some breaking news your really not going to like.
Boston Globe:
The Department of Homeland Security has gone public with an admission that an exercise was planned months before the Boston Marathon bombings that involved backpacks being used to detonate explosives by rogue terrorists.According to the DHS documents acquired by the Boston Globe, the agents were planning on conducting training exercises centered around a fictitious terrorist group called ‘Free America Citizens’, a group that would plant backpacks full of explosives around Boston that the detectives would be forced to track down. Ultimately, of course, this ended up happening at the Boston Marathon itself with precise accuracy. The Globe report reads that “the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.”And the DHS isn’t denying that the training exercise manifested itself at the Boston Marathon, as detailed in the back-end article on the Boston Globe that I discovered while browsing the news.Read more:
You don't need to be a doctor to have enough COMMON SENSE t think for yourself and not believe the official story. Remember the 911 Commission? A bunch of yahoo puppets that fabricate a story for the sheeple about 2 100 story buildings that fall into their footprint at freefall speed. I for one knew they were lying before 100+ engineers and architects said this was impossible. Same thing here. Think for Yourself. Learn to THINK THINK THINK.
It smelled and looked suspect, from the beginning. These injured people don't look like they are in very much pain to me. I don't know if anyone saw the picture of another runner, who was dialing her/his cellphone with a smile on his/her face, with both legs blown off.
Those stupid schmucks should have subcontracted the Illusionist David Cooperfield to do the job!
He would have set up the whole thing in such a way , that you wouldn't have seen any trickery!
not wanting to reiterate previous medical opinion on here, i'd like to throw in my 2 penneth worth.
I am a fully qualified Paramedic here in the UK. Have been for the last 13 years. We undertook a lot of trauma training last year in preparation for the Olympics in case of a possible terrorist attack there. This is also on top of the trauma experience I have gained over my time. When i first saw these pictures, my first gut reaction was that they are absolutely not right. I accept the possibility of shock giving a 'fight or flight' reaction being a factor here but this man has just had his legs blown off by a bomb. The air rushing against the raw nerves would cause excruciating pain..this man looks far too comfortable to me.
There would be catastrophic blood loss with these injuries and we would put a tourniquet on just above the stump end so tight , it would be potentially more painful that the wound...this is to press the arteries against the long bones to stop arterial bleeding. This clearing is not happening here. There would be major blood leakage causing hypovolemic shock very quickly with this man, exacerbated by posture of him sitting up !!!! if he could sit up that is. Yes he is pallid, but i can guarentee, after picking people up under trains with similar injuries, he would look like absolute sh*t - like death in fact , rather than pale but in control, as this guy does.
The blood colour - debateable. You could argue the camera and the light at the scene has made it look so red...arterial blood is bright red as it is oxygenated. But it does look quite cartoonlike in this pic. Also, there would be copious amounts of venous blood which is darker.. when all this blood comes out regardless of venous or arterial, it congeals on contact to air and formed crimson jellylike pools , much like a lump of liver. Theres nothing like that here.
If the blast was enough to disintergrate his feet ( no evidence of his feet in any pic), then i would suggest there would be more amputation injuries to those stood by him. Thats some explosive force to make his feet completely disappear on both legs - not even tattered remains of a foot.
The stumps look weird... far too neat. I'd expect to see lumps of white fatty tissue everywhere, certainly lots of blood splattered all over those near him ( lady with the clean white shirt is right on top of him). The exposed bones look false. If you look at pic one - him in the wheel chair, the length of tibia from his left knee stump - the actual flesh- is what maybe 6 or 7 inches ? its a clear view because he's holding his left thigh. If you look at pic 8 with him on the floor by the pool of blood, the exposed bone from the stump has doubled ??? And somehow he has strength to lift his left off the floor when lying down. In the aftermath of the blast, with those injuries, my guess is, you be just lying there, not lifting your leg up as if to show it off more. The exposed bone ends look too square especially in pic 8.
Finally, if the medical staff on scene thought he was not a priority but shipped out other patient's first leaving him there, they should be sacked on the spot. His injuries ( if real) are immediately life threatening. He'd be the first to go. Without fail. Its as if he was left there to make sure he got captured on film.
I don't know what happened but thats my educated opinion from working in this field. Something is very wrong with this scene.
Hey, Max. Your analysis is greatly appreciated. It's actually silly that we have to engage in this discussion as if there is a debate in which the other side (the official MSM story) has any credibility and believability whatsoever. On every level, it's become crystal clear that this incident was a fake and that the MSM story is an (often improvised) scripted web of lies. For instance, take a look at this recent revelation regarding the prime "suspect."
Yet another glaringly obvious contradiction exposing the mass deception of the official story. How much more obvious can it get? Everyone can see that there is no throat wound in the photo and everyone can conclude that they were lied to about it, yet does it matter? Apparently not. The official story doesn't even have the structural integrity of swiss cheese. There is simple NO CHEESE there at all. It's nothing but holes! How they've been able to keep this pathetic fraud going for so long is simply ASTOUNDING to me. WTF is wrong with *US* that we are allowing it to continue?
It's almost as if we're being challenged here. It's like they're saying, "Let's just see how ridiculous we can get and how transparent we can make our lies and see if the public will STILL buy it just because their TVs tell them it's the truth." They're testing us to show how truly impotent we are. How unwilling we are to stand up and declare, "The Emperor has no clothes!" So far, we've proven ourselves to be the mindless zombies that will accept and consume whatever crap they throw at us that they believe us to be. That they DEPEND on us to be. When are *WE* going to end this sick, absurd, abusive, symbiotic relationship? Are we really so emotionally dependent on the stupid disposable consumer products they offer to us to play and distract ourselves with? Keep your eyes on that TV, on that "SMART" PHONE, on them INTERNETS and you don't have to even know you're being raped every day or your life. Can't you see they're using words like "smart" and "i" in all their data-collecting, energy-harvesting products to appeal to your pathetic, beaten-down, slave-ass need to feel "smart" and narcissistically "special" and significant? We need to reject their Saccharine molester-candy, get pissed and offended and begin defiantly opposing their enticements. Are we really such easy prey? No? Well, let's start proving it!
REJECT ALL CRAP!!! ALL DISINFO, ALL PRODUCTS, ALL ENTERTAINMENT, ALL MANIPULATION, ALL ENTICEMENTS. Yes, dropping these things from your life will leave a big gaping hole in your soul, exposing how truly empty you have become after a lifetime of manipulation and enslavement. But this feeling is only temporary! Do not fear it! Know that only by removing the crap from your life and mind will you be able to become truly whole. Only then will you be able to retrieve the soul that has been stolen from you. We can be truly free the second we CHOOSE it!
anyone who helps the shadow CIADA should have their balls cut off and sleep with the fishes.
TPTB are still trying to suck the USA into an all out war with Islam and Islamic countries.
Russia is not our enemy now,China is not our enemy now. We NEED a new enemy and Islamic countries fit the bill. Not all have oil but they are targeted for a pipeline crossing to an outlet port.
Don't forget there are paid trolls to corrupt these sites. IMHO, 'Benghazi' won't go away and these events are to take attention off Benghazi so Hillary can run again.
The minute I see a stories like Boston hit the news my "bullshit meter pegs". However, I'm told that the vast majority of viewers are mesmerized to a state of hypnosis. Therefore, they literally soak up the fiction and it becomes mind altering fact to fuel the other layers and layers of brainwashing received by them from media sources over time.
The problem becomes, " How can we as the enlightened unwind all the misinformation and make a difference?" I worked and played my entire life in the Cabal and I didn't even know it.
Now I want to reveal them and the truths but it's scary because this conspiracy runs very very deep!
for crying out loud.. get a life you all.
Just moning and judging, and making assumptions on so called evidence.. against this and that. Searching the so called trusted underground or above the ground news sources for the so called truth... get a fucking life. Thinking that you have gotten wisdom thru the smae channels that give,s anyone, anywhere the chance of writing, manipulating whatever they feel like. For what.? What does one gain by this, but empty discussions, emtpy assumptions, empty life,s.. there,s just one thing to gain, and one winner. He who love,s it, when youre i doubt, anxious, uncertain,searching and lost, bewilderd and lonely, klicking your mouse button. plz.. get a life,.. plant something, enjoy the sun.
Moaning and judging? Ummmm... The shadow government staged a false flag attack with actors and told us it was real in an attempt to create fear and further clamp down on our liberties. The fake actor "victims" have accumulated millions of dollars in donations. There have been other "attacks" like this that have led us into major wars that have killed millions. You don't find anything to moan and judge about that? This type of lying and manipulation by the MSM is something that is affecting your daily life in horrible ways whether you realize it or not. We're just trying to expose all of this crap to people who are still asleep or who don't think it matters. So you want all of us to shut up, be good slaves and allow the rape of our reality to continue? No amount of sun is going to make me OK with that.
Those pictures are real, dude. They're not altered. Look at them for yourself and tell me whether the B.S. official story holds up or if it looks like something else was really going down here. Seems pretty obvious to anyone with eyeballs and reasonable deductive skills. Look again and tell me what you think Christian Williams is doing to Jeff Bauman's leg. Once you respond, I'll walk you through the rest of the thought process:
Check out "Wag the Dog". All of this stuff is so contrived. I don't see why people in this country are so blind to all this S***. It is so obvious. 911 was obvious to me.
The double amputee is an army actor, and of course the entire montage is "staged."
Because the pictures aren't of the Boston Bombing, but the training exercise mentioned all over the place.
The government DID allow this act of terrorism to take place by actively recruiting Muslim extremists from all the world to come here and get on welfare, thus forever voting for Democrats.
Robert Tomlinson MD is providing the emergency treatment and surgery to the patient. Many experienced doctors are their to treat you with full satisfaction, thanks a lot.
It takes a while to put on artificial legs. Just ask anyone who wears them. It would have been impossible to put them on in the time frame involved. Fresh blood is bright red unless you are an alien. As it dries it gets darker.
To pull off a staged event would take hundreds of people. You would have to pay off all the Doctors for a start, some of whom have published accounts of treating trauma which happened at this event. You would also have had to pay off my cousin who was injured by one of the bombs and saw some revolting sights.
Comparing Jeff with Nick reveals they are not the same person and also if Jeff was Nick his missing finger has mysteriously regrown.
I don't know why I should bother responding because the disinfo agents will just keep lobbing the same crap back, hoping it will stick in the minds of the ignorant. That's all they've got at this point and it's quite pathetic. But once again, here's the truth.
First of all, if practiced enough, which Bauman and Williams surely did judging from the speed and efficiency shown in these pictures, prosthetics mimicking fake injuries CAN be attached VERY quickly. It's like a magic show that's been rehearsed a million times over to the point where the audience can't see the trickery being performed. All that smoke you see in the pics was there to further obscure what they were doing. You can see that Williams is already working on Bauman's legs when the smoke begins to clear which means he was ALREADY WORKING ON HIM WHEN THE AIR WAS STILL THICK WITH SMOKE! They had to train so diligently for this task to the point where they could essentially do it blindfolded and in the dark. This is exactly how people in the military special forces are trained to be able to work under high-stress situations where normal people would fumble and fail. So it's VERY possible for people to do this in the time frame involved. You have clear evidence in these pictures of them actually DOING IT right in front of your eyes. Once again, here is the obvious evidence for those of you with functioning eyeballs and brains:
Yes, doctors can be paid off or even invented out of thin air for special situations like this. That's what The Cabal does. It's their game. You might want to read this reply again:
Oh, so an anonymous disinfo agent says his cousin was injured? OK, you've convinced me now, LOL.
And as for the issue of Nick Vogt, he was a red herring, another piece of disinfo that was deliberately planted to mislead and confused people. Nick Vogt had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this incident, so your assertions involving him are meaningless.
In these pictures, you see CHRISTIAN WILLIAMS and JEFF BAUMAN working together to pull off this deception with the help of the other actors on the ground, including but not restricted to the black lady with the red shirt who attempted to further obscure Bauman's legs and Carlos The Cowboy whose job it was to "notice" the legless Bauman long after multiple "professional" EMTs cluelessly "worked" within inches of Bauman's still alive writhing legless body, ignoring him completely. Even Williams, the guy who theoretically saved Bauman's life by quickly applying tourniquets to his legs, if you buy that take on the story, conveniently "forgot" to tell the EMTs treating HIM that there was a guy WITHOUT LEGS a mere two feet away (as if they had to be told this). It was Carlos' job/role (after biding his time before his cue a few feet away from the clearly visible Bauman by obliviously and pointlessly fiddling with scaffolding) to "see" Bauman, rush to his aid and wheel him off for the official heroic photo-op to sell the story to the clueless public. Together they have appeared on all the propaganda news shows hocking the BS official story while making absolutely no mention of Christian Williams and his clear and obvious interaction with Bauman in the seconds following the blast, "whatever" that was all about. Well, we know what that was about and what really happened here. We can see it in the pictures. No one with any brain cells is buying the official story now with so much evidence to cast doubt on it. The disinfo agents should just give up because they're seriously wasting their time at this point.
You're an idiot... How'd he get out there in the first place? Your supposed 'actor' just appeared so the guy in the hoodie could put his 'prostatics on? Where was he one second before the explosion? No wheelchair in any of the photos 6-20, so I suppose he was standing there on his stumps waiting for the explosion to go off? I bet people around BEFORE the explosion would have noticed and remembered an amputee standing on his stumps eh? Piece of shit for exploting this man's terrible injury so you can feel important!
Ya, your right! Every single bad thing that has happened in the United States was staged! Davy Crockett? He was an actor playing his part. All those Mexicans soldiers? They were really American troops dressed up as Mexicans so we had a reason to start the Mexican-American war! Abraham Lincoln lived to be 98, they just set it up so he could leave office early once the civil war was over, he just wanted to retire quietly. The guy who shot him was really and actor (um ya an actor posing as an actor!).
You guys are loony tunes! Give it up. Some things are really real.
It amazes ME that some people believe EVERYTHING is a government conspiracy! By the way, the man's name is Jeff Bauman, Jr. Now almost a year later, he has been all over the news, is obviously a real person who really had to have his legs amputated. He was there to watch his girlfriend finish the race.
The man in the cowboy hat is Carlos Arredondo, he is holding tight his makeshift tourniquet and is credited with stopping Jeff's bleeding before he bled out.
What do you think the 'cowboy' aka Carlos Arredondo is holding in his hand? Jesus you people could look a clear blue sky and say it was a government conspiracy, the sky is really red.
He was in the 25th army division. there is another pic of him in uniform overseas. Where he lost both his legs years before the ''bombing''. I would attach a pic if there was an option. his name is Lt. Nicholas Vogt, 25th Army Infantry Division. An American citizen that swore an oath to protect and defend this country against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Now HE is the threat to the American folks.
This is how I see the events as well. The victims at the second bomb site are real but the victims at the first bomb site are crisis actors.
What a bunch of fucking shitheads. These are pictures from one of the many drills around the country to prepare for just such an event as happened in Boston. They are NOT pictures from the actual bombing. Pardon the drill creators for not being authentic enough for you assholes.
Nice post, thanks you for your share
Xem TỠVi Hà ng Ngà y, Xem TỠVi hôm nay
Its fake cause when you see the videos of the court hearings the double amputee is not even the same person that is shown in this video. The entire municipality is corrupt.
Yes thank you for calling these idiots out on their stupidity. I cannot believe how dumb some people are to believe any and every conspiracy theory. My friend knows the guy who had to hold the double amputee's artery so he didn't bleed out. The people who are helping are heroes, not fucking actors. I'm not a trauma surgeon, but what is posted above is probably right, that the smaller arteries were cauterized, and the large artery running through the femur was the only one still pumping out blood. I don't think there is any need to address every argument on this page, because they are all stupid (why did they take him out on a wheelchair instead of a stretcher? because they were trying to evacuate the area you fucking retards! Terrorists like to follow up a first explosion with a second one about 10-20 minutes later to kill the first responders, this is common knowledge and happened in the London and Madrid attacks). The people who are posting this stuff should first of all feel stupid as fuck (did you forget how to not retard??), and secondly feel ashamed and like a piece of shit for doing this. Could you imagine if you lost a family member in this attack?! People died here you morons!! You can look up their names and see interviews with their families and friends, some of whom were at the attack when it happened!!
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