on | April 17, 2013
Press release from Orly Taitz: Obama might not be the only one
compromising the U.S. National security
on | April 17, 2013
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Press release
Recently Admiral Lyons published an article stating that Obama is compromising U.S.
National security with
is lack of valid IDs. Obama might not be the only one compromising the national
Recently Obama’s friend Governor Abercrombie appointed Brian
Schatz to be the next Senator from HI. Schatz was the chairman of the
Democratic party of HI
in 2008 and signed a falsified certification of candidate (OCON) for Obama,
where he removed the wording “eligible according to the U.S. constitution”.
Another area of concern is a recently declassified report by
the Russian TV about the Vietnam war. It stated that a previously unknown fact
is that “John McCain was not only downed by a Russian missile, he was
questioned by the Russian counter
intelligence officers” .
Sudden surge of McCain and Obama during 2008 campaign was puzzling to many, as in the
polls both did poorly prior to their sudden surge. Knowing that electronic
voting machines and electronic ballot counting scanners are prone to manipulation leaves an
unanswered question: was there a manipulation to artificially place at the top
of both tickets
candidates who were not born in this country and force GOP in a back room deal
with the DNC to be silent on the issue? Additionally there is no reasonable
explanation to McCain’s behavior in refusing to address the issue of forgery in
Obama’s IDs, Obama’s use of a stolen SSN, his 2010 TV commercial where he
launched a full frontal attack on attorney Taitz, as well as McCain’s current
push for flooding this nation with millions of illegals and braking the bank of
the Social Security services by amnesty of millions of poor illegals, who will
be standing in line for SSA, welfare, unemployment handouts. There is no
justification for Mccain’s push for this amnesty when 90 million American
citizens are out of work force, stopped looking for work and 23 million are
unemployed or underemployed.
So far we are seeing nothing but corruption in the top
echelons of power in the law enforcement and all 3 branches of government and
criminal cover up of Obama’s use of all forged IDs and his use of a stolen CT
SSN 042-68-4425 of Harrison J. Bounel, immigrant from Russia, born in 1890. It
is incomprehensible that this nation reached such level of lawlessness and
corruption that such act of elections fraud and Identity fraud is still being
covered up.
Are We Being Compromised by Barack
Obama’s Murky Past?
By James Lyons @ American Thinker
( Hat tip Flotsam_Jetsome
Since he first became a presidential candidate, President
Obama must have spent millions of dollars in legal expenses to combat dozens of
so-called “birther” challenges seeking the
original documents pertaining to his birth. As president, he
famously issued an electronic document on the White House website in 2011; the
document purported to be his long-form birth certificate, though it is
apparently a forgery. In addition, he has taken great pains to hide the paper
trail of passport records, college
transcripts, and other data — all of which a prospective employer might require
of a job applicant.
The public’s right to know is but a minor consideration. Our overriding concern should be what unfriendly foreign intelligence adversaries, particularly Russian, may have obtained on our president’s background.
Among all the foreign intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence (SVR) has a long history and has made a science of studying the backgrounds of American presidents. Therefore, we must assume that since Russian intelligence is particularly skilled and a persistent practitioner of this art, it is possible to the point of certainty that, using all their resources and “black-bag” tactics, they have long had the biographical background data that President Obama and his team of lawyers have been so diligent in concealing from the American public.
The Russians most likely would have started collecting data during Obama’s university years, when he professed radical Marxist views. They were certainly focusing on him by the time of his celebrated speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
By that time, Russian intelligence had easy access to the true facts concerning Obama’s birth, parentage, and childhood; his mentor (communist Frank Marshall Davis); and his college performance, as well as who provided his finances. They also would have obtained the information on his passport history and his complete political career and associates.
It is recognized that among all the intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence is the most skillful in looking for information and points of leverage — which are then exploited cleverly and “gently” by Russian statecraft.
By now, the Russians have most likely have told Obama discreetly that they have such information. How would they use it? As one old Soviet KGB operator said, “Kompromat [compromising information] is the most powerful tool of espionage.” [...]
James A. Lyons, U.S. Navy retired Admiral, was commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.
The public’s right to know is but a minor consideration. Our overriding concern should be what unfriendly foreign intelligence adversaries, particularly Russian, may have obtained on our president’s background.
Among all the foreign intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence (SVR) has a long history and has made a science of studying the backgrounds of American presidents. Therefore, we must assume that since Russian intelligence is particularly skilled and a persistent practitioner of this art, it is possible to the point of certainty that, using all their resources and “black-bag” tactics, they have long had the biographical background data that President Obama and his team of lawyers have been so diligent in concealing from the American public.
The Russians most likely would have started collecting data during Obama’s university years, when he professed radical Marxist views. They were certainly focusing on him by the time of his celebrated speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
By that time, Russian intelligence had easy access to the true facts concerning Obama’s birth, parentage, and childhood; his mentor (communist Frank Marshall Davis); and his college performance, as well as who provided his finances. They also would have obtained the information on his passport history and his complete political career and associates.
It is recognized that among all the intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence is the most skillful in looking for information and points of leverage — which are then exploited cleverly and “gently” by Russian statecraft.
By now, the Russians have most likely have told Obama discreetly that they have such information. How would they use it? As one old Soviet KGB operator said, “Kompromat [compromising information] is the most powerful tool of espionage.” [...]
James A. Lyons, U.S. Navy retired Admiral, was commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.
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