We are all seeking a safe bank to deposit our Blessings. A bank that is safe from the dark cabal stealing your funds.
Any suggestions - Your Comment Is Requested. Please respond by a comment to this posting.
GOD Bless,
John MacHaffie
Sunday, April 7, 2013
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The safest bank s one you alone own and place it where you alone can get at it deep down some where like they used to do way back when no one trusted banks or goverment at all, sort of like today only on a smaller scale. If they don't know they can't go, a silent keeper of the keys or exchequer is a winner everytime, those that blab are the ones they grab. So a MY BANK is definitely the safest. DJ
John, we have found the perfect Trust for the majority of our money, but you will pay tax on any monies taken out for personal use. Also, small private banks are much safer than large ones. I'm happy to send you a connection to your email. I will give it to you and you can decide, after checking it out, whether you want to give it out to others. Let me know how we can communicate this privately. Be Blessed, Your friend in Christ
The big question is if Wells Fargo is a 'safe' bank?
Wouldn't the bank that we go to for our PP funds have a list of Basel III banks?
Just buy gold and especially silver coins and let them bankers keep their inked paper.
Silver is the Achilles-heel of the Cabal's system. So, a sliver coin is not only a silver shield to protect your wealth, is also a silver bullet that helps getting the banksters out of business.
Maybe Massive amounts of letters to your Congressional Representative to ask where they are keeping their funds and why ALL their funds will be safe, yet not yours!
Why are they allowing this to happen or else they say it's just a rumor!
If you are a veteran or qualify as a spouse or child of a veteran, I highly recommend USAA. Because they cater to Military, they are set up to deal with a worldwide presence. They have a high net worth department and their customer service has been second to none, in the 40 yrs I've dealt with them.
Maybe you better file your tax returns and pay the full amount to the IRS by 4/15 or have ALL your property seized as Neil Keenan has not refiled his lawsuit.
Your bank accounts belong to the Rothschilds as you have NEVER been Sovereign!
How about your community Credit Union?? Will obummer also raid Community
Credit Unions??
I personally wouldn't call any big banks like that safe, because of how they were originated. My opinion would be the bank of you, tiny community banks, or perhaps even credit unions.
Basel III or not, you won't find a safe bank in the U.S. It must be offshore. The bad guys still run this country and our president ( if you want to call him that ) works for them.
Put it in your mattress.
Look into Native American banks too. Also, do not forget about Palladium as a precious metal option.
The "Banks" are the "SYSTEM" stay out of the system and yes you are so correct silver will kill the beast.
As far as keeping your non "PONZI" assets safe, dig a hole pvc tube, in between walls, attic, you get drift.
One thought that I have is a good Credit Union is probably safer than a bank. However,I want to comment on Poof's remark today,and previous days,that our funds are in a five star trust.That sounds good to me. However,if you take some money out,pay your bills and keep some money at home in a safe place.As I type this,I realize how sad that it is that we have to even think about safety of our funds.What a sick world!!
I like www.enumbered.com
Free Lakota Bank! They don't recognize the Federal Reserve or the IRS!
How can you even ASK that? All the big banks are UNSAFE, and Wells Fargo is right in there with the rest of them on ILLEGAL home foreclosures and swindles. Anyone who still has money in the big Zionist banks is a FOOL!
Native American money and banking
"The Lakota nation is not part of the USA. They have a bank with no currency, only gold and silver, emphasis on silver. Natives may be the saviour of us all. The Lakota led by Russel Means, Ron Paul's first opponent for the presidency, in a primary, has said they will share their sovereignty with all Americans of all races."
Check out these websites:
When are you going to the bank for your PP funds? The PP funds are the main funds that the bad boys want to steal.
Be careful of "Community" credit unions ... many have become members of cooperatives (Big) ...
Lets hope the 5 star trust is offshore.
Put everything in the Christmas Tree on the side of the street so everebody can surve self and you do the same when you go shoping, take money in a Christmas Tree beside the choping center, have a nice day. Money money money a we should solve or problem with prosperity income, and what i realise here is that with money there is no possible sollution. So the better is to skip and go directly with heart gift and surve for others as much as we did before with the money we know and we are all saved.
Seriously, the awakening for every human been on Earth is the only sollution, or we stay in the same sh... or move to an other.
Why in the hell is everyone going batshit about the dinar. It has not RV'd like everyone thinks. There is nothing on the Forex, Central Bank of Iraq or anywhere else. They all still show 1163 to the dollar. Also interesting to note that all the websites that sell dinar still sell for the old rate. Seems to me they would stop selling or at least mention a new rate coming. Me thinks you've all been had as usual. Monday will come and go and you'll wonder again what happened again.
Become a resident of North Dakota...the only state in the Union with a state bank never tied in with the Federal Reserve. They have billions in reserve, never had any subprime problems and low unemployment. Read all about the North Dakota State Bank on Ellen Brown's website: www.webofdebt.com Search some of her earlier articles on the North Dakota bank. 11 other states have legislation pending to start a state bank, don't know the status of these efforts.
As an Aussie, I am aware also of this dilemma here, should you wish to use the banks. However, the answer in my mind is simple. DO NOT USE THE BANKS! No deposits will surely make all banks start to fail if they do not meet your terms. Take control and be a winner. :) Am sure many of you will be VERY creative as some here, already have suggested ways.
How about considering that North Dakota Bank too? It's doing right work in that community.
The Confiscation of Bank Savings to “Save the Banks”: The Diabolical Bank “Bail-In” Proposal.
Is the Cyprus Bank “Bail-in” a “dress rehearsal” for things to come? Is a “Savings Heist” in the European Union and North America envisaged which could result in the outright confiscation of bank deposits?
Economy Will Implode - Jim Willie, PhD.
Dr. Jim Willie of GoldenJackass.com says powerful forces around the globe are working to do away with trading in U.S. dollars because of massive money printing by the Fed. Dr. Willie says, “The world makes a reaction, and what they have done is create, slowly but surely, a U.S. dollar alternative for trade.”
Mr. Jones of the Jones Trust, one of the Prosperity Programs, used to tell us:
"You are the bank. You, make your own bank."
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