Saturday, April 27, 2013

So how many people lost a leg?

I didn't see any of this for real stuff in the photos, How about you ???

So how many people lost a leg?
Posted By: NotRob
Date: Friday, 26-Apr-2013 19:58:17
“We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. … At least 25 to 30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.” Roupen Bastajian, a state trooper from Smithfield, R.I.
Tim Davey of Richmond, Va., was with his wife, Lisa, and children near a medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners when the injured began arriving. "They just started bringing people in with no limbs," he said.
I'm sorry I'm stumped. ( sorry) I found some pics on this site:
They seem to show two more people with missing legs the pics are about a quarter of the way down the page and also a pic of wheelchair mans foot. It all looks real to me but for the lack of blood. And the color. If the above quote is correct with 25-30 people missing lims I would think the blood would be running down the streets.
'Please pray for them': Mom of brothers who each lost a leg

I guess I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. Is it true or Hollywood?

1 comment:

Andrew said...

"True or Hollywood"? - Bit of both of course.