Something Fishy May Have Happened in Boston
Now that the dust has settled a little bit it
is clear that something fishy may have happened in Boston. No kidding. Enough eyeballs are on the Boston Marathon false flag that it will probably not endure for long. Numerous theories now exist as to why the presented materials for the official version are so sloppily created or so patently created, or are so misleading. Among them are that one faction is deliberately trying to undermine the activities of the other faction by presenting disinformation, sloppy product as though its own, and conflicting facts. Another speculates that the active faction is deliberately throwing confusion into the works to rile the public up enough to start reacting so they can be shut down by official nation wide martial law. Or simply, that they really are unbelievably incompetent and are doing their sic, best. At any rate, here are some more anomalies that are so brazen in their obviousness that it beggars the imagination and will work for any of the scenarios. Rumourmill New has printed links to the amputee who was shown as having both legs blown off. In particular at: In particular image: ![]() Two things not yet mentioned about the photo. First where the heck are they, certainly not on the street where the bombings occurred as there is no bombing related activities any where in site, Also it looks pretty clear that it was taken behind the grandstand as you can see a worker in yellow leaning over a handrail over top of the paramedic in yellow. Also see that the amputee does not look particularly stressed. Plus you can see the blue tarps covering the back of the stands. In other words, Lights, Camera, Action! Just in case you are still not convinced about the war vet, the following image makes it very clear from: ![]() From the same link, it gets even better. As the following image clearly shows, the shattered leg is actually plastic: ![]() A blow up shows it even better. ![]() Notice that he's not in a lot of pain for the kind of injury he supposedly just sustained. Also notice that the lady just in front of the yellow coat is smiling. If that wasn't enough, take a look at the following from showing the amputee being fitted with the false legs. ![]() From the same link, it gets even better again. Take a good look at at the guy in yellow leaning casually against a guard rail like nothing to get excited about. Like he's the director. Take a good look at at the guy holding the cowboy hat just in front of him. It's the same one helping the amputee in the wheel chair. Also notice that the main body of people are way up the street. Also notice that there are no paramedics or emergency workers of any kind around the scene even though there are supposedly a number of badly wounded. ![]() In a blow up, Take a look at the guy in the light colored hood and shades lying on his back looking up at the guy in the red jacket. He's smiling. Also take a look at the glass all over the street in front of the blown out windows. How could a bomb that allegedly went off in front of a window, cause all the glass to land in front of the windows. A picture is worth a thousand words. ![]() The clincher involves the men from Craft who were filmed all over the scene when the bombs first went off but whom the authorities have categorically denied were ever present. According to the authorities, what everyone mistook to be mercenaries from Craft because of their corporate dress and the Craft insignias all over their caps and jackets, were actually CST special National Guard ops brought in prior to the start of the marathon to be around in case they were needed, proven by the CST markers on their backs. ![]() A blow up of the guy on the right clearly shows it slapped on off skew to the plane of his back and also partially over his hood: ![]() A further look at the original image show that there are only the two marked operatives even thought here are nine altogether the picture. Even Chef Boyardee could have cooked up a better job than this. The idea that they are being sloppy deliberately in order to raise an eventual public reaction looks more and more plausible all the time. Finally, the evidence suggests that one of the sic, CST guys may have placed one of the bombs. The picture clearly shows one of them carrying a backpack marked with a white square on the top grip. ![]() The picture below clearly show a blown up backpack with the white square on the grip. No other backpack observed at the scene, before or after had a white square. ![]() Finally, photographs exist showing the operative leaving the scene sans backpack. Rap has it that the bombing was actually a first time 'in the live' field test for a new type of explosive called a hot and cold fusion device. Which would explain all the bogies around the scene just before hand, and why at least one of them was carrying a radiation sensor. Something is indeed fishy in Boston. |
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