Wednesday, April 10, 2013

SPECIAL union states assembly call tonight 04/10/2013 9:00 PM est.

SPECIAL union states assembly call tonight 04/10/2013 9:00 PM est.

The folks in Michigan have been very active in reclaiming and settling the State, Counties, and Townships in their state. They have been interacting with, and educating the Sheriffs and other officials in Michigan of their duties and responsibilities to the People.
Robert and Marilyn Gilman and others from Michigan will join us tonight to share their methods, experiences, trials, and tribulations of their on-going effort to regain their freedom. They have set the example of how to get results and make things happen and we can all learn from their  extreme effort and hard work, There will be time for Q&A so please be prepared.
Please join us - AND bring a friend.
218-895-0970  pin 396109#
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A 50 minute overview and explanation of the union state project.
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