Ways Of The Archons – from James Gilliland
We have spoken earlier about the archons, the
regenerate ETs, astral beings, at the lowest
some real dark serpent beings. As I write this article they are really pissed
off hitting me with some real sickening painful energies. They were working
last night in my dream state creating extreme negative scenarios with old
lovers, family and friends. As I speak I am laughing at them. Before I continue
with this article I have to clear them to insure the information is correct.
There, now that that is done we can continue. I hate to burst the bubble of
many new agers, yet there is a war going on. It is an interdimensional war,
which is acted out as above so below. The below is the gross uneven dispersal
of wealth, the planned obsolescence, the enslavement through dependency, the
pollution and destruction of the environment, as well as the manipulation and
mind control through various mediums. The above is the archons who feed off of
the negative emotions, the pain, suffering, sadness, sorrow, etc. They have
manipulated humanity through the network, which is filled with false dreams,
the American Dream, desires, wants and needs including the need for acceptance
and approval by social consciousness through external means. These manufactured
desires are all external designed to keep everything external, trapping souls
in the physical 3d reality. They focus on the first three chakras survival, sex
and power, now even using those close to you to hit you in the 4th chakra to
take you out of love and into confusion, pain, and suffering.
There is a story of
Buddha’s awakening where the dark lord uses fear, tsunamis, hordes or demons
fires, his sexy daughters, his own wrath all to pull Buddha from his center. To
trap him back into the 3d reality he was transcending. This is happening on a
grander scale, because the archons are loosing their battle with the 5th, 6th,
and 7th dimensional beings, the very Source itself. They are pulling out all
stops, using everything at their disposal to keep the awakening Gods, “YOU”
trapped in be ‘lie’ ving your 3d reality is all there is to you and in this
lies your security. Many are falling, going back to what they believe is
many will fall even those closest to you yet now is the time to rise up to the
new 5th dimensional energies rather than join those who have chosen the
downward spiral. Know that thbserving on high are just shaking their
heads almost in disbelief at the self-sabotaging choices and actions carried
out by wounded egos. These higher beings know soul evolution will not be
stopped, the reactions to actions against universal law cannot be avoided and
try as it might, the wounded egos will experience the lessons no matter how
hard they may be to get back on track with soul evolution and spirit.
These higher beings also know it is not the destiny of Earth to neither fall into the hands of the archons nor be under the control of their network. The saviors need to trust, allow those who have chosen the path of the ego, the false security of the external to have their lessons no matter how hard they may be. It is time to practice loving detachment, set some firm boundaries and be an example by refusing to participate in the dramas of those who have chosen to act in ways that are self serving, impacting those around them, humanity and the Earth in a negative manner.
It is time to know who the dark forces are, their ways and buck up for battle. The ultimate power is love, many will fall even those closest to you yet now is the time to rise up to the new 5th dimensional energies rather than join those who have chosen the downward spiral. Know that this too shall pass, it is a process and hopefully when it all gets sorted out after some real hard lessons you just might see those who fell on the other side of this shift. It is up to those who are not seeking help, choosing not to participate in the awakening and healing process and continue with the ego driving their destiny to save themselves. We no longer have the luxury of dragging them along nor should we. It is time to step out of the archon network, know it for what it is, realize it is on the way out yet it will do everything in its power to create as much chaos, pain and suffering possible to maintain its sick little world. Hang out with and support the real wayshowers, the ones who are empowering you to make your own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection, break the bonds of enslavement due to external means, the need for acceptance and approval outside of self, attachments to people places and things.
The old external 3d ways are coming to a close. The balance between internal and external, Christ consciousness where God knows itself to be man/woman and man/woman know themselves to be Gods is coming. It is time to flow with it, become it. In the days to come trying to hang on to the past, the old ways, the old world will become the greatest insecurity and hold the hardest lessons. It is a time for right living, right choices, right actions. Be well.
James Gilliland
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