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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the
Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 04/16/2013
![]() ![]() Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 04/16/2013 13 Cib, 4 Kank'in, 9 Eb Selamat Jarin! We return! Let us begin today by reviewing what has transpired so far. As you know, our Earth allies have set up the basis for a new monetary and financial system and the Agarthans have used their diplomatic skills to establish the nucleus of the new governance that is to be run by a coalition under the auspices of your Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters under the guidance of Quan Yin in the East and Count Saint Germaine in the West have ensured that a new system of banking and monetary policy is emerging. These changes are intrinsic to the sacred decrees which are preparing this world for our mass landing. These divine directives are guiding us as we establish a way to set up the new reality for surface humanity. Freedom is a necessary condition for all that is planned and your realm is on an accelerated path to creating those prerequisites for your return to full consciousness. Our many liaison teams are monitoring everything and meeting every day with those who are to forge your new governance. As of now, these many programs have put all the necessary elements in place. Our personnel are overseeing the schedule of projects which are to produce the results we have long discussed with you. Meanwhile, our Galactic Federation medical teams are continuing to collect the data needed to update your individual Light chambers. When called upon these Light chambers will be the means for returning you to full consciousness. At present, all of you possess certain key blocks, both emotional and physiological, that prevent you from returning naturally and under your own steam to full consciousness, and it is for this reason that throughout the millennia various methods have been attempted to bring about this wonderful state of Being. However, the results of these complex technologies were haphazard at best, which is why we have been permitted to create a simpler means of achieving this goal. At the right time, each of you can access your individual Light chamber waiting for you in Agartha, and during three days of slumber be returned to your original state of full consciousness as physical Angels. Once you have secured your glorious new state of consciousness you will be eligible to rejoin the Galactic Federation by re-creating your former star-nation. In this the Agarthans will be your main guides together with your various Ascended Masters. Your first challenge after returning to full consciousness will be to set up your own galactic society, and part of this includes relocating those whose life contracts provide for this to the reconstituted worlds of Mars and Venus, and also the reconstructed planet of Pax (aka Maldek), which now lies in fragments between Mars and Jupiter. Your new star-nation is to become a herald of change for the former Anchara Alliance as these many new star-nations need a template for expanding their consciousness to its fullest levels. In accordance with this, you will be assisting many Galactic Federation members who are fully conscious versions of the multitudes of Dinosaurians, Reptilians, and Amphibians who now deeply desire to develop full-consciousness Light bodies. Heaven has mandated that this become your first mission as you begin to spread Light throughout the galaxy. These first tasks which you will be carrying out as physical Angels are fundamentally vital as they will make the galactic peace permanent. It is a sacred task which will prepare you to be a most welcome addition at Federation conferences. We fully expect your new star-nation to provide the core of many Space & Exploration fleets which are to explore the far reaches of this sector of physicality. In this capacity you will carry out many of the mission objectives that are part of first contact. In effect, you will be doing what we are now doing to accelerate your transition into the wonders of full consciousness. In fact, we see you shortly becoming masters of a first-contact mission, and all that that implies. In this way, what we are accomplishing here with you will be reciprocated by you many times over. The primitive 3D realm you now occupy is shortly to be transformed into one that allows you to return to the stars, and this fulfillment of your divine destiny will bless you in ways that are well beyond your present abilities to envision! Blessings, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! Many wonderful events are ready to happen. Gaia is prepared to step up the energies that she daily disburses among all her living creatures and ecosystems. These additional energies, which further accelerate your consciousness shift, could be seen as divine proof that you are being blessed by Heaven! Your sacred world has long been hidden within an especially manipulated shadow realm controlled by the dark cabal. Now, however, these new energies are ready to push you out of this dark dwelling space and into the Light. We are very pleased and Heaven is continuing to use her blessings to move you ever closer to the Light and toward your new more-conscious reality. Know that these shifts are inevitable! A series of events is upon you which will move you to the brink of a new reality. These events are celestial in nature and are harbingers of truly amazing circumstances! They are to bring you prosperity and freedom! The Agarthans are assisting us to prepare a way for us to be introduced to you. These introductory announcements will be made by the secret sacred societies and many vital Truths will also be elucidated at that time. The dark has long packed your minds and your societies with half-truths as well as outright lies, and these need to be corrected. You will shortly be in the company of those who have long known about your true origins and your real history. The divine plan requires that you be apprised of these facts and that you learn how you became reduced over time, and no longer able to easily converse with Heaven. This broken connection of yours requires our immediate attention. You are in a transitional stage and our purpose now is to use our abilities to shift you easily into a new reality. Your reality is scheduled to be swiftly upgraded by the introduction of a vast range of Truths which you are required to assimilate. The time has come to do so! Each day Heaven sends us great blessings. These 'blessings' are intended to make us more aware of where we are going and how quickly the divine plan intends to get us there. We are jubilant and wish to say that all of you have the innate ability to shift swiftly to higher states of consciousness. We are just waiting for Heaven's 'go' signal. The final series of events is ready to happen and bring us into a new Light. This Light will unleash an unending prosperity and bring a raft of new responsibilities for us all. Societies do not tend to change rapidly unless a new set of beliefs is taken up and readily espoused by a group of dedicated and passionate Beings. Our mission with you is to guide you, at the right divine moment, to the point where this passion, combined with sacred Truth, forges your new world. We would remind you, peace and Truth lie within. Be Love. Be Wise. Be Aware. Today we reviewed the progress being made on your world. We ask you to continue to be ready to accept the new manifestations as they come slowly, yet ever more swiftly, into being. Amazing things are ready to happen. Despite its power, the dark is to lose. It will lose because of your great collective Love! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be it! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy! Planetary Activation Organization |
Sorry but this guy has cold dark eyes no sparkle. His so called channellings ramble on for paragraphs about nothing informative.
I am and would be hesitant about willing going in the earth or off earth to complete ascension and/or spiritual progress.
I hesitate to give my free will over to any being without hearing or feeling first hand from any being offering assistance mentally physically emotionally and spiritually.
Each of us will have to FEEL our way through this event. We are truly on the threshold of an amazing divine time.
Please do not allow the abuse of previous desperation allow you to make an uninformed decision If your not feeling safe wait for the next bus so to speak. No one will be left behind regardless of time.
Love to all
I'm so confortable with what i've read, i'm loocking forward for the big change on this buitifull Planet, love and light to all
Our galactic family are here to monitor and assist when we awaken to full consciousness and have learned forgiveness compassion truth and unconditional love for ALL life NOT TO DO IT FOR US.
I find badly programmed not fully awake beings find it COMFORTABLE to look outside themselves to fix what has been broken and in doing so continue the old ways of handing over their power in exchange for being told what to do to feel safe or better.
This whole experience is a Divine Plan with all sorts of twists and turns to arrive at unity with your individual creativity intact
In order to have change in this world be the change. Our galactic family love us enough to let us figure it out by ourselves with no judgment just love. If it was all about showing up and whisking us away and doing everything for us we can stop now and just sit and wait.
All these amazing events coming should not render you comfortable there is no growth in comfort. Nobody EVER learned anything when their life was comfortable.
THIS IS AN INSIDE JOB. Our galactic family has waited eons for this celebration to watch us fill our spiritual contracts so have we. God speed
Again with the "Don't worry people get into this Soul Stealer,We're IN Charge of YOU"!
WHEN? are the PTB going to Understand after 234 years WE DON'T WANT OR NEED YOUR
"Instructions,Counseling,Guidance" AT ALL. ANY "Entity" caught giving us these 3
Messengers and operatives from God do not call themselves our "Masters". Angels truly from God are not interested in being our "Masters". Fallen angels, however...that's a different story.
"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ." -Matthew 23:8-10
"And I, John, saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, 'See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.'" -Revelation 22:8,9
Nibiru time : 16 Dops, 4.8 ecks, 37 Somas - You are not my master, ascended or otherwise. Keep your light chambers, we've survived a long time without them. Go back to DRATZO, at least you were numbingly predictable. STILL no proof or evidence of any of this galactic fairy tale. You are still imbued with all the trustworthy characteristics of a used car salesman. I noticed you went from ' GFL ' to ' GF.' So you read the comments at various blogs and react. React to this : channelers are not trustworthy, and until you provide examinable evidence and proof, hop back into your UFO and go find some. Crekketta bollenda ens nosstea voleenta -- Nibiruan for ' We don't want no stinking used cars.' TYJM frj
Hello? Can anyone e say "Logan's Run"? If you need a medical team to help you ascend do you not understand? You can only ascend if you are physically separated from your body. That happens when you die. If a medical team is needed to help you die then what do you suppose is the real agenda is here?
Our ascension to Heaven will happen for those of us covered by the blood of Christ at our death when we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye. We do not become angels! We are children of The Most High and a little hihger than angels. We shall be judging angels. Read the Bible and learn what God really says.
This guy is leading you astray. Ask then who is directing him since he speaks against God's Word?
Helloooo....we are all ascended masters. We just haven't stopped to notice.
I getting tired of Sheldan channel information, I know he says he doesn't channel it but receives it straight from the horse mouth, but I not sure thats the case. It seem his repeating the same stuff with slightly different stuff mixed in, on different days. I know alot of lightworkers believe change will happen quickly, but I'm not so sure that's the case aynmore - if anything change is very very slow, only because people are still so stuck in this game on Earth. They got us fighting each other, taking sides, not realizing that the enemy of progress is those who sit behind the curtains(some even on "UFO"). This game of "I'm better then you" is getting OLD, it aint fun anymore.
Sheldon seems to be on a merry go round,same info that's slightly reworded every week .And how many years are they going to be working on this supposidly new banking system.I see no changes except that the corruption and stealing seems to have escalated on a weekly basis. And with leaders like we currently have,who wants new ones lol.
He doesn't channel. He does get his information directly from the Virginia office. He was approached to give out updates and hide them in his sci-fi writings. I think he has been giving out updates since about 2000. At the beginning you had to hunt for a sentence or two. Most people didn't read his updates because they didn't understand what he was writing. After many complaints he has been much clearer. Most people don't want to read about ufo's and all that nonsense so I don't forward his updates on to my group any more.
My personal opinion is that this war could go on indefinitely. That Virginia office is fighting some pretty powerful corrupt people. Meanwhile all we can do is sit back .. wait .. and eventually die. Over 25% of the some 360,000 recipients have died and many more are getting close. Most were in their 50's when they ponied up their money. They are now in their 70's.
How long will these new age gurus continue to blaspheme against the Most High God. Sounds like satan's first lie that was told in the garden all over again!! Christ is Truth!
You think this is all illusion check out those Boston'll say they are real? for me this is totally crap, with use of photo shop they can fake everything. You don't beleave i don't care you'll be the last, and you will face your destiny it is your choice, light workers do there best to awake closed mind peoples. It is hard to show you something with eyes but the clue is you can't see nothing except the illusion that ego giving to you, it is sad for you brother. If you don't like what he say, why you are here to read him?? that's even more stupide.
That's the most or can i say less Q.I.participant response i ever read. Your right you gona die like a bug on a windshield, loll
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