Sunday, June 9, 2013

'Obama won most lawless president in US history title from Bush'

'Obama won most lawless president in US history title from Bush'

Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, international law expert, Vancouver, about the issue of the NSA Director’s statement saying that spying on Internet users is legal and that the NSA has obtained access to the systems of Google and Facebook.


The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: First of all I’d like to get your opinion on the conduct of the NSA and also about comments from the head of the NSA James Clapper alleging that whatever is being carried out is legal.

Webre: Just to put it very bluntly Mr. James Clapper is lying because under the Obama administration, his use of section 215 of the legislation that is citing, in which he is saying that any tangible item of anyone can be taken, from financial records to any other records.

The actions that he is undertaking violate the first amendment of the US Constitution of freedom of speech; the fourth amendment of unreasonable search and seizure; the fifth amendment against self-incrimination; and the fourteenth amendment as applied to all of the states. So, this is an absolute legal falsehood. And it goes along with the legal falsehood that the CIA earlier has attempted to give to the Obama drone program, which likewise is a violation of the Constitution.

With this step Mr. Obama has in fact taken the title from George W. Bush and become the most lawless president in US history.

James Clapper has alleged that this program is necessary to guard against terrorist attacks. In fact, all of the attacks that have occurred in US territory have been false flag operations.

Starting with the false flag operation of September 11, 2001 that put in place the Patriot Act that started this travesty against the US Constitution down to the false flag attack of the Sandy Hook massacre that occurred this year; the alleged Boston terrorist attack of April 15th, 2013 …..

And now, yesterday, in fact two days ago on... June 6, 2013 when Barack Obama as the cornerstone of these false flag operations was in Bel Air... there was another false flag shooting in Santa Monica by a tele-guided CIA shooter who had 1,300 rounds.

So, this program by the NSA and its sister intelligence agencies... a police state in the United States and implementation of state terror so as to provide pretexts for the implementation of martial law; of domestic concentration FEMA camps of which there are now 800 as has been documented by the journalist Christopher Story...


Anonymous said...

And would this be the pot calling the kettle black??

Anonymous said...

when the masses iq is dumbed down and in fully trusting the power hungry to be their leader of the tribe to always con the sheep who believe the intergity of the slick talker stateing there is a boogy man comming to hurt the tribe or nation. history always has shown this to be true con that there must be slaves and masters to keep law and order or any other excuse, and only the open minded non brainwash ones are able to see this concept and learn to keep their mouth shut or else. then only after the fact the rest of us find out the tru facts of history and just accept it as oh well it didn't really affect me only the other guy, and it just cannot happen to me. for the things and actions that are so evil for most of the human masses mindset are never believed for most of us would never believe it that someone could be so heartless and not have any guilt to thier actions, you know the dog eat dog mind set is; that all is fair in love or war and power status to have others do the work for you while you live as a king amongt the loving or fearfull workforce/slaves/servant/ goon mindset of the 99% of the human race still asleep in the lies of the few for their own good, for we mus not have panic of the sheep that are needed to do the labor for the few to live life as kings.