Thursday, September 12, 2013

20130909 Ever Beyond Special; Tolec - Setting things straight

20130909 Ever Beyond Special; Tolec - Setting things straight

Hi John  
Just sending this to you for your blog, if you choose to post it.  Great interview.
It's a follow up to the video just sent out re: Comet Ison/Xanterrax Biosphere and lots of other stuff.   Opens up with a brief response to accusation from Drake that Tolec is possessed and working for the "bad guys".  As usual, Tolec, is quite balanced and positively focused.  I love the guy.
I suggest you listen to it before posting it on your blog - they go into some detail about what the Reptilians have been doing to humans, and I chose to not send it to my list but you may determine that your audience can handle it.  But, overall, it is an uplifting video with lots of good news. 

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