Tuesday, September 10, 2013

ALERT: The Failure of the New "Road to Peace" is Baked into the Bad Guys Strategy

Subject: ALERT: The Failure of the New "Road to Peace" is Baked into the Bad Guys Strategy

Just like the Bad Guys in the UK, the Bad Guys in the US were on the verge of losing their chance
 to engage in their much needed war with a "NO" vote in the US Congress. The vote was scheduled
for tomorrow and it was clear that they were going to get turned away.

Enter the NEW strategy...

John Kerry's off the cuff comment at a press conference that if Syria gave up all their chemical weapons
we would not bomb them was NOT by accident. It is all part of their NEW plan to get their war and here's

The world breathed a sigh of relief as everyone thinks there is now a way past the WAR card...
but Obama and Kerry are saying that it is ONLY the threat of war that has brought Syria to the
negotiating table.
Therefore, they conveniently say, we must LIVE UP TO OUR THREAT if this attempt
at a peaceful settlement falls through!

And when it does...VOILA! The Bad Guys get their war with the support of the Sheeple and the "World
The failure of this new "Road to Peace" is already baked into their strategy... 


WE THE PEOPLE cannot stand down on our steadfast position against the war plans in Syria.
It's all a setup and we can't believe anything they put in front of us. We must force Obama to stick to the
Constitution and get Congressional approval before going to war.
We must demand that our Congressmen
see through the con and REJECT any backing for the Bad Guys war.

The Bad Guys are on their last legs and this may be their LAST CARD.
Be strong my friends...the END is near!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

1 comment:

Dan said...

Ask Obama if he is willing to talk Peace with Assad.
If Assad is willing to talk, then it is NO different then Japan's Representatives in Washington D.C. up thru 12/7/1941 that were ignored so the Japanese fleet could bomb Pearl Harbor.
So here it comes Again!
Syria Nuke Bombing Charleston, SC.