Monday, September 2, 2013

An Open Address to Military Personnel Worldwide

An Open Address to Military Personnel Worldwide
To my fellow soldiers, airmen (and women), marines, and sailors,

Now is a most critical time in the history as well as the future of America, and indeed even the world. The apathy of the American people paired with the complicate ignorance of the American military have resulted in the culmination of the world events we face today. Lies, deception, and foreign policy whose foundation has been designed around the aforementioned have created a world fearful of not the faceless, AK-47 wielding extremist Muslim terrorists, but the few sharp dressed politicians of Capital Hill acting on the whims of their handlers and corporate constituents. Of the 500 people with the title of Senator and Congressmen, only a few hold true power, perhaps as few as a few dozen, if that. The reality is no one knows the names of those truly in power. And those with the true power to influence policy and monetary stability do not just control that of one nation, but of all. These faceless dictators have their fingers in all pots, in all nations, religions, social classes, and ethnic groups. These foolish plutocrats have been so long removed from the human experience they have lost a taste for it.

You have the Fords, the Rockefeller, the Vanderbilt, all proud American families whose wealth is immeasurable and inexhaustible. But even these families are a low rung on the ladder of power in this world. The fact of the matter is, the families who have the power have always had the power. The families behind the pen of Josephus, the families who put Galileo to death, the money commissioning all the art of all the Renaissance influencing public opinion on religion and their place in the world. Ironically, despite changes in technologies and mediums, these families throughout the ages have utilized the precise same tactics from then until now. They have bought and paid for everything in the world. With the exception of one thing that even all their money in the world couldn't buy.


Despite every loss, every shameful defeat, America defeated not just King George, but the despotic tyranny of the world power at that time. And though it didn't take long, less than 50 years all told, we showed the world that freedom was possible. Individuals have crept their way through the oppression and into the public limelight here and there rekindling this flame of fearless bold freedom, but they were quickly snuffed out. Regrettably, while freedom cannot be bought away, the assassin is ever ready to cash in. And it is through this means our nation has been strangle held by the unseen reality of this world throughout the ages.

The truth is we have never truly been free, save for a few years after the Revolution while Europe recouped their losses and the bankers and TPTB at the time planned their next moves. But now we have come to a time again, where we have been pushed to the brink and are faced with the decision of our destiny. Having their way, the invisible elite--who in truth are not very invisible if you actually pay attention--will see 3/4 of the worlds population wiped out in order to contain the masses into a more "manageable" number (see Georgia Guidestone). By their own admissions, they planned on manipulating the populations of the world into a lifestyle of drug abuse, suicide, and apathy to violence and cruelty. We have been taught that we are incapable of free thought and creation, these things reserved for the elite and their chosen few. Notice how Obama always panders to the poor, talking about rising them up to middle class, while never mentioning ever enabling the middle class any progression at all. He creates this hopelessness that those of us without a famous name or some worthwhile product for political or military exploitation, we are doomed to suffer with our nose to the grindstone until we are late in years and forced onto the government tit for sustenance.

So with all of this going on in America, and most of it just since I have been out of the military, servicemen and women are continuously sent abroad to one country or another, ostensibly for our national defense and in support of American Freedom. I was told while I was in that we do not enjoy the freedoms we defend for our nations citizens, and I suppose from a certain perspective that makes sense. However, when I find myself with less freedoms now as a citizen than I did as a soldier, we have a serious problem. You must see this, my brothers and sisters in arms, that we are all going to suffer. You are being used not for the defense of our nation, but for the blood lust and greed of those who line our politicians pockets. You receive your measly pittance for your blood sacrifice--if you live to receive it--while those you fight for rake in millions, and kill your nations citizenry and their freedoms all the while. This final act, this attempted act of aggression by the so called Commander in Chief, is the line in the sand. It must be the point that you all recognize the domestic enemy that has co opted our entire way of life, and is using your patriotism against America. The military has rarely been used for legitimate cause, if you really learn the history of all conflicts we have engaged in, but mark my words, friends, this will be the final act. And for all of the bravado and lies and hubris your President has exhibited lately, if he backs down it will be worse than if he saw his threats through.

And this won't end like North Korea did. North Korea, if in fact they did act aggressively, can be allowed to make idle threats because they don't owe anyone money. At least not nearly as much as, for one, America owes China. Our government over the last hundred years has conducted themselves in such a manner that they have made us debt slaves to the very people they railed against for ten years during the cold war. In the very brief time the cold war has been over, we have become indebted to the very people on the other side. And when the hammer falls, and Obama launches on Syria, or Iran, or wherever he decides to launch, it will be our men and women, with our American flag on their shoulder, and the blood of them and all civilians lost as a result of this, yet another baseless, frivolous conflict, will be on the citizens hands as much as the militaries.

As American service members we are not supposed to be autonomous robots that does whatever we are told without questioning the motives of our elected officials. Especially when those "elected officials" are clearly operating outside the purview of their power and the wishes of the American people. The voice of our government and all of their elected and appointed members are null and void based solely on the fact their integrity is compromised by the foreign debt currency that bulges their pockets. The sole purpose of the federal reserve is and always has been to take any political power away from our government and basically make our entire elective process null and void and if not easily corruptible by the infinite supply of money that is funneled into Capitol Hill. You want to know why there has and never will be an audit of the federal reserve? Because an audit of even the smallest magnitude will reveal a money trail leading to every single policy making politician in the DC area and no doubt countless corporations and foreign assets.

America has been insolvent in her intended form for a long time. It is time the American Military begins the global revolution of wiping the scourge that is monetary militarism off the face of the earth. The old saying is "Follow the money", and the saying even older than that is "Money is the root of all evil". Let us begin, service members in America and abroad, taking back freedom, taking back our money, taking back our humanity.

It all starts with saying the simple to letter word NO. And following it up with a resounding YES to liberty. There is no glory in war for the sake of waring. There can only be glory in a fight for freedom, and the assurance of that freedom, without strings, fringe benefits, or hidden agendas, for all of humanity. It has been proven that money cannot feed the hungry, house the homeless, or cure the sick. Money can only keep at least some people in all those modes. Only pure compassion, and courageous focus on ensuring freedom for all, can bring about the cures from all pestilence and suffering our global community endures at the hands of the current world superpowers. This fact reveals one very important fact: those with the money have no power to actually affect any influence on a people who have resolved not to be controlled. It is time humanity becomes the supreme power in this world, and the pre-eminent source of all power.


princesirki2012 said...


Anonymous said...

I really like what you said, and agree with you that: It is time the American Military begins the global revolution of wiping the scourge that is monetary militarism off the face of the earth.
The military who goes along with a war like this will end up dead, and they will also know that they are not fighting for America's Freedom. There is a man in the White House who is operating from hidden agendas and his alliance is to the Saudis and the muslim brotherhood and not to America. He gives our money to finance their operations of terror against us and wants to willingly bring them into this country to destroy it from within.
Don't lose your life for "money". There are other ways to earn a living for your families. We can help each other to become better spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

The American military and policemen take an OATH
to support and defend our Constitution. To carry
out ILLEGAL ORDERS is a violation of that oath.
The moronic new laws in NYS are a prime example.
And the illegal wars our military fights is another. The evil feds will not even care for our wounded warriors. I am a veteran of both the
military and police and regret my role in foreign wars.