Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bankster Benefits to a Grid Shutdown

Bankster Benefits to a Grid Shutdown
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Sep-2013 10:51:34

Bankster Benefits to a Grid Shutdown
There are some tangible benefits to the banksters perpetrating a grid shutdown. In the aftermath of a grid shut down, a shut down that might only last a few days, the Internet would go down and the banksters could restore the Internet at some point with Chinese types of censorship controls which would effectively silence the truth movement. McCain at one time wanted offensive bloggers fined $300,000. Senator Jay Rockefeller stated that he wished the Internet had never been invented. Both men may soon get their way.
A power grid shut down would also allow for the full implementation of a North Korea type of police state apparatus under the guise of keeping order. The NSA would provide the intelligence and DHS would provide enforcement. And I think the beleaguered citizens of the United States would soon discover why FEMA signed the bilateral agreement which allows Russian troops on our soil. Certainly, if the Russians are used to supplement martial law, we could conclude that all the drama over Syria may be very well-orchestrated theater and that Russian and the United States are on the same side and are serving the same “Gnomes of Zurich” banksters. Yes, war could still happen between the two super powers, but it would be a contrived war, not a spontaneous event.
An additional benefit to conducting this drill is that it will allow the banksters to test their ability to shut down power to selected communities and/or regions. This would be a useful tool in combating the insurrection that surely will follow the tyranny of what is coming.
In a grid shutdown, the above developments are likely given the cast of players who are making the grand decisions impacting this country. However, a perpetual state of martial law, extreme Internet control and insurrection suppression through denial of power do not represent the final goals in this latest plot against our citizens.
It is completely understandable as to why some people are viewing this terror drill with extreme suspicion. Sometimes, when journalists cover events, they get a feeling for what lies ahead without fully knowing all the facts. I, too, like so many of my colleagues have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach which is screaming at me that this terror drill will produce some very ominous spin-off complications. And as bad as the November 13th terror drill may be, I strongly fear that this event will have a second possibility which contains some very dire consequences in which the resulting effects will be much more devastating than just suffering through a prolonged blackout.
There is a strong possibility that there could be a false flag attack embedded within the false flag attack coming upon our grid and I will address that possibility in the next article in this series.

1 comment:

Dan said...

The word should get out fast.
Someone should write a good letter to present to the Bankers, local government officials, Law enforcement, local power companies, the Nuclear power plants, ones like Hoover Dam power plants, State Representatives, Governors, Congress, President Obama, and the Pentagon!
We will NOT Stand for another 9/11!!!
“There will be drills across the country for terrorist attacks on power plants on the same DAY at the same TIME?
How can ALL the Nuclear Power Plants and others like Hoover Dam go down at the SAME TIME, or within a few hours and CAN NOT BE REPAIRED FOR DAYS?
Will it be that the Nuke Bomb that went Down in Charleston Blew OUT ALL the Power Grid in just the 48 States, but didn't cross the Mexican border?
When the power went out it shut down the Banks' servers and destroyed the memory, except for the banks' money records, but your accounts are Null and Void Now as they are blank, yet your loans are still to be accounted for?
Governments' accounting servers were still in tacked of what you owe?
The IRS' servers were still in tacked of what you owe, but lost all those that were due refunds?
And ON and ON!
We The People will NOT STAND for an Attack of ANY KIND, so if something major goes down then ALL Personnel that get their wages from any Tax Dollar, or those associated with the Power Grid, they will be arrested, or if the people get to them first, they may be tortured to death, as we trying to control this situation have NO CONTROL OF THE MILLIONS OF THE MASSES!
May God have mercy on your Soul!”