Request-Official TNT Site Notes from Tony's Wed. CC by Flying Star
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TODAY THE PPL ARE AT THE BANKS….THEY WERE THERE YESTERDAY NEW WORD OF THE DAY..NO LONGER IMMINENT…THAT WORD DIDN'T WORK OUT NO LONGER SOON…WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SOON MEANT BUT THE WORD OF THE DAY..EVERY PLACE WE CALLED…EVERY DISCUSSION IS DONE DONE AND DONE NOW PPL THAT WERE CALLED IN FROM THE BANKS WERE CALLED IT---- DONE..COME IN NOT ANNOUNCED BUT EVERYONE IS SAYING ITS COMPLETED IT IS IN FACT DONE THERE ARE LIVE RATES…TALKED TO 3 BANKS AND GOV. AGENCIES AND THE RATES ARE THE SAME DOWN TO THE PENNY THEY ARE THE SAME RATES…THAT'S A GOOD DAY GUYS SHOULD THIS HAVE GONE BEFORE…YES THE EXPLANATION---…THE RATES WERE LIVE FOR 15 MI. OR 45 MIN. I DIDN'T GET THE 3 HOUR THING BUT WE'VE SEEN IT BEFORE IT WAS PART OF THE PROBLEM AND PART OF THE SOLUTION WE KNOW THEY WERE STILL CATCHING PPL AS OF YESTERDAY PPL AT DIFF. BANKS USING THE LIVE RATES AND WE TALKED ABOUT IT USING THE LIVE RATES TO CASH OUT SPECIFIC PPL, FRIENDS AND FAMILY…SO HEY IT WAS A LIVE RATE TILL THEY TOOK IT OFF, WE USED IT AT SOME POINT IT WILL COME BACK ON THOSE PPL AND THOSE LOCATIONS FOR SURE THEY HAVE CHANGED ALL THAT…SYSTEM HAS BEEN UPDATED…CODES HAVE BEEN UPDATED NEW AUTHORITY IS IN PLACE AND WANTED TO TELL YOU. BUT COULDN'T …IT WAS PART OF THE CHANGE GOT IT 2, 3 DAYS AGO WHEN I GOT BANKING PROCEDURES ONE THING WAS LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD AND THE OTHER WAS TO GET THE HIGHER RATES THERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO THAT AND WILL EXPLAIN IT WHEN IT GOES LIVE THAT WAY THEY DON'T GO LOOKING FOR PPL THEY ARE THERE NOW AT CASH OUT LOCATIONS..AT CALL CENTERS AND HERE ARE THE LOCATIONS FLORIDA- DC- TENN -TX -CALI -….MANNED RIGHT NOW THEY ARE WAITING AS WE ARE WAITING THEY ARE TOLD AS OF TODAY THIS IS DONE JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN THE PHONE IS GOING TO RING I HAD 3 DAYS GAVE YOU THE 10TH AND THEN WE TALKED ABOUT THE 16 AND THE LAST WAS THE 26TH AND THE END OF THE MONTH SO HOW MANY DAYS ARE IN THIS MONTH 30 WE'LL GO TO THE 30 ANY MOMENT FROM NOW UNTIL THEN WE SHOULD SEE IT AT UNBELIEVABLE RATES THE HIGHEST RATE I'VE EVER TOLD YOU IS HIGHER THAN THAT THEY DID IT THAT WAY IS BECAUSE ITS BEEN TRADED BY COUNTRIES AND BANKING SYSTEM FOR MONTHS AND ITS HIGH NOW WE NEGOTIATED IT HIGH TOO -- THE US GOV. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO IN APRIL WE'LL REAP THE BENEFITS OF IT I KNOW WE DIDN'T LIKE IT THE MORE THEY ARGUED THE MORE BENEFIT WE GOT THAT'S ALSO WHY THE 30 DAYS IS IN PLACE AT THIS RATE NO ONE SHOULD BE PLAYING GAMES NOT IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS WOULD YOU THINK THIS RATE IS POSSIBLE NOT IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS DID YOU THINK IT WOULD GO TO THIS RATE THE INDONESIAN RUPIAH I HEARD WAS 1.07 AS OF THIS MORNING ITS 1.08 ACROSS THE BOARDS DO NOT BUY DONG, DINAR OR RUPIAH, BASED ON WHAT I'M TELLING YOU BUT I'VE BEEN TOLD THIS MORNING ITS DONE DONE DONE AND ITS OVER ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS SWITCH IT OVER IT WILL NOT GO LIVE UNTIL THE 800# IS ISSUED TO THE BANKS BEING ISSUED BY THE UST AS SOON AS THEY ARE ISSUED THE RATE WILL GO LIVE IT CAN BE THE NEXT HOUR OR THE NEXT 3 DAYS OR BY THE 30TH BUT I WAS GIVEN THE 26TH TO LOOK FOR IT IT COULD BE AFTER THIS VOTE IS TAKEN THIS MORNING OR THE DEBT CEILING IT COULD GO LIVE NO SENSE TO HOLD IT UP BUT WE ARE THERE AND WITHIN AN HOUR OF THE VOTE ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AFTER THAT ITS A SUPER FANTASTIC DAY DON'T NEED TO PUT OUT MORE REASONS WHY IT WAS LIVE AND IT DIDN'T GO IT WORKED OUT IN OUR FAVOR SO EVERY TIME IT HAPPENS THE RATE GOES UP WHY YOU COMPLAINING LOL….ITS GOING UP EVERYONE IS EXCITED BEST OF ALL IS THAT IT'S IS HARLEY ROSE BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHOENIX ITS PHOENIX BIRTHDAY TOO READY PAM DID I FORGET ANYTHING BEFORE I GET STARTED PAM TALKS WHEN THE PH IS ON MUTE PAM: DID YOU TELL THEM TO MAKE DATES THAT HARLEY ROSE BIRTHDAY IS SEPT. 25TH AND ITS A WED. GOOD MORNING TNT DID YOU DO THAT T- I DID THAT JUST FOR HER T- LET ME DO THIS BEFORE I GO LIVE, GOT SOME QUESTIONS HERE I GET A BUNCH OF PRIVATE MESSAGES AND CAN'T ANSWER THEM ALL, EVEN THOUGH I TYPE 82 WORDS A MIN. I WOULD RATHER TALK TO YOU, CAN'T ANSWER THEM ALL, I APPRECIATE ALL OF THEM AND APPRECIATE EVERY DONATION, IF I'VE BEEN REMISS, I APPRECIATE, WE HAVE THE BEST GROUP AND ITS ACCURATE INFO AND AHEAD OF THE CURVE... WANT TO READ ... THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF LISTENERS THAT WANT THE ANSWER TO THIS, WE WERE TOLD FOR MONTHS, IF WE EXCHANGE DONG TO PAY OFF THE RESERVES AND WENT TO WF.... T- HOPE YOU ARE NOT WORRIED, IT WAS A FEAR FACTOR, TRY TO GET YOU TO DO SOMETHING... HOW WOULD WF KNOW YOU WENT TO BOF AND CASHED OUT ALREADY, THEY DON'T SHARE INFO, IF YOU FILLED OUT A FINCEN FORM AND THEY TRACK IT FOR CRIMINAL PURPOSES ONLY, WF OR ANYONE WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT YOU DID AT ANOTHER BANK. GOT TO SEE THE LIGHT AT SOME POINT, SOMEONE IS USING FEAR TO GET YOU TO DO WHAT THEY WANT .... CASH OUT AS MUCH DONG AS YOU WANT, THE ONLY THING I KNOW ABOUT WF IS THAT ---- AGAIN -- I WOULDN'T HAVE THIS INFO IF THEY DIDN'T GIVE IT TO ME --- IF YOU CALL A GROUP # WHETHER YOU CALL THE GROUP OR NOT, THEY'LL LINK YOU WITH THAT GROUP -- AND THEN YOU CALL THE OTHER 800# AND CASH OUT, YOU WILL STILL BE LINKED TO THAT GROUP -- THAT'S WHAT THEY TOLD ME... AND THE REASONS ARE FOR CERTAIN BENEFITS... TELLING YOU WHAT I'M GETTING FROM WF. ( YOU BETTER LISTEN TO THE REPLAY FOR THIS -- TONY ISN'T READING THE ENTIRE QUESTION AND HE'S GOING SUPER FAST ) THEN I LOST THE RADIO-----------( SEE THE REPLAY ) ************************************************************************* LIVE Q & A WITH THE PHONES ( LOST RADIO AGAIN ) every bank every agency informed that it was DONE AND COMPLETED WE DON'T KNOW THE TIME OR THE EXACT DAY BUT EVERYTHING IS COMPLETED c- go to a bank and cash in one note, and then get the 800# how does it play out t- everyone knows the dinar is not tradeable currency now, everyone will sell it but not buy it back, this morning travelex told them that its now a tradeable currency, and they would buy it back for 550 per mill. what idiot would sell it when they bought it for more, but last week they wouldn't buy it back, but as of today its tradeable, that's a big step t- the banking system said that we can't go to a bank and cash out, until they are issued the 800# and there is a fair playing field, so its fair, no one can cash out dinar or rupiah, they don't know at the call centers or cash out centers - they don't know how this will be done, they won't get the instructions till 30 min. before they go live, that's so i couldn' tell you guys that's how close to when it goes live c- so we wait and you'll send out the info t- that's right, I'm not the only one, everyone's phones will go off, am i going to get the info, yes t- lots of ppl will get it and say its live, here's the number, it will dwindle down t- HERE AT TNT WE WILL SEND OUT A TEXT AND INCLUDE IN THE TEXT THE BASE RATE FOR THOSE 3 AND THEN HEAD TO THE BANK and like everyone else, see if its real and then do a call even if you ran to the bank, you have to get the 800# to get an appt. c- due to what is going on w/ the gov. and possible shut down, will it effect the RV from happening.. if we exchange our currencies before that -- locking up our RV t- its affecting it right now, it hasn't gone live because of that, but after the vote is taken, there won't be a gov. shut down, the senior republicans already said it doesn't make sense, the tea party doesn't have the votes, its just a show for their constituents, the gov. is not going to shut down, the only question is when do we go, we heard yesterday its so many days before the 100 bill comes out, we heard today that it has to happen before the gov. runs out of money t- they can take it up to the last minute. We are in the window, and the 26th was mentioned in the beginning of the month, that's tomorrow, don't worry about the gov. shut down c- so not to worry about the Cyprus thing c- can you share that its higher than what the rates were t- i told you before 23....told you its higher now c- going to change ppl's world t- be prepared next c- thank you.... 1 ? , VNN - no rush to cash it in t- I WAS GOING TO CROSS THE LINE A LITTLE BIT IT BEING--WHO WAS HOLDING IT UP WE ALL SHOULD KNOW THAT BY NOW THE FACT THAT IT WENT BACK AND FORTH AND ALL THAT IS DEBATABLE IF IT WAS I WOULD TELL YOU HEARD IT AGAIN FOR TOMORROW THE RATES WERE GOING LIVE AND WE SEEN IT LIVE AND PPL MANIPULATING IT WHILE IT WAS LIVE AND THEY HAD TO TRACK IT TO KNOW WHO WAS DOING IT AND UPDATE THE SYSTEM AGAIN SO TECH PROBLEMS…PROBLEMS BROUGHT ON BY OURSELVES THEY IDENTIFIED PPL AND BANKS AT THE SAME TIME IT WAS USED TO GET THE RATE RAISED HIGHER IT SHOULD HAVE COME OUT AT 3.44 BUT USED AS A POLITICAL FOOTBALL TO GET A HIGH RATE AND DON'T LIKE GETTING INVOLVED IN A WORLD EVENTS KNOWING THE PPL FROM OTHER COUNTRIES LISTENING TO THE CALLS AND IT FORMS THEIR OPINIONS I DONT' WANT TO BE CAUGHT UP IN DOING THAT ESPECIALLY W/ INFO I DO KNOW THAT'S NOT ON 60 MINUTES ALL THAT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT ABSOLUTELY DID NOT US BUT NOT TRYING TO FRUSTRATE US….BUT USED TO FRUSTRATE OTHER PPL DONT' WANT TO BE TOO SPECIFIC A METHOD TO THE MADNESS AND WE HAD TO PARTICIPATE IN IT I COULD HAVE TOLD YOU THE 10TH, THE 16HT AND THE 26TH BUT IT COULD HAVE HAPPENED AT ANY POINT IT WOULD HAVE AFFECTED MORE THAN JUST US AND COULD HAVE CHANGED AT ANY MOMENT TODAY WE ARE RIGHT UP TO IT THIS AFTERNOON, OR TOMORROW ITS WHERE THEY SAID WE'D BE ITS DONE THE VOTE IS BEING DONE WE KNOW WHAT TAKES PLACE IN OCT. EITHER WAY YOU LOOK AT IT WE HAVE A 5 DAY WINDOW ARE THEY GOING TO GO TO THE LAST MINUTE OR WILL IT GO BEFORE THAT c- new authority, banking or shot calling authority t- did I say there was a new authority c- yes sire, confusing me.. t-lol c- you are more important than EF Hutton t- everyone is saying done, done done, what time do we flip the switch, the 800#s first and then flip the switch, they have call centers all over the country, they won't know till 20-30 min before it happens and then they'll have to give it out, start texts and get the ball rolling, and you passing it on to your friends and family -- its not going to be on the news, in the newspapers or write it across the sky c- should put it on TNT t- I'll send the text, but my first phone call will be to Okie - he deserves that, he's been through a lot, and hope he gets the call before me, I don't care, I don't care who announces it, I'm going to the bank c- Okie we love you, stick w/ Tony and you'll be alright t- ty next T- THEY DID THE VOTE WHILE I WAS TALKING TO YOU .... IS IT TRUE P- SENATE VOTES 100 TO ZERO TO KEEP THE GOV. OPEN T- IT COULD BE ANY MINUTE NOW next c- how are you t- super fantastic c- trying to develop a strategy for day ONE, post RV, presently the procedure for exchanging at 2 banks, is that they send it somewhere and credit your account, within 48 hours.. but if we can't until the 800#s... don't want to wait to make an appt. to cash out a small amt. nor cash out a note and tell me that they have to send it out and wait a few days and travelex will only do a cash exchange, up to $50K USD, and if the rates are anywhere where we think they will be, its above the max. t- think you are a lucky one, because not everyone has a bill that puts you over the limit, and if you have dong, walk in and exchange it, but the 800#s when they come out, they're taking appts. immediately, within an hour, they expect to see ppl within 2 hours of the # issued they want to do appts. and scheduled them till 11 tonight, and told they will work this weekend... c- exciting next c-happy birthday to Harley Rose and Phoenix, its my birthday as well, t- happy birthday c- the 800#s will be issued to the 4 major banks, or broader than that t- they didn't tell me that-- don't know about the smaller banks, and right now, is that WF is the only one doing the GROUP 800# and so they're the only one doing 2 -800#s, so be sure which one you are getting c- but on your website, it will be NON GROUP 800#s t- right c- how much fluctuation do you anticipate on the 30 days, this is the rate regardless t- its going to fluctuate, its going to go up and go down... c- thought they'd hold it, oh well t- that wouldn't be any fun c- interesting to hear the Senate vote, keep the gov. open, would love to know who is involved in the high stakes poker - unbelievable t- it is and talked about it for months, posturing and bluffing, and who would really take action and up to this point, no one did... on the UN FLOOR, and if its not done by the first of Oct. the IMF takes over c- would it go to the 3.68 rate c- I think we all just want to see it done c- new word is done done and done-- that's 4 words, don't want a new word t- ok, I'll pass that along t- lol next c- just want to say Thank God t- everyone heard you in the bath tub -lol -ok heard the water splashing next c- once the RV happens and the VNN rate -- i can walk into Chase and exchange, t- don't need an appt. for VNN c- the rate that is so unbelievable = is it less than $30 t- yes c- so if we have a group w/ a lot of IQN, we should not worry about negotiating the spread t- well that's up to each individual, while I say it would be a high rate, i didn't say the ceiling rate, but for those that don't know how to negotiate and don't want to be restricted are going to absolutely love this rate, go get the money and live your life and this money is going to give you privileges anyway, you'll have millions and they'll offer it w/out you asking, ie. investment opportunities, or start ups , where you're expertise lies, cards, concierge, conduct life biz. buy your real estate, that's not what you are negotiating, maybe the interest rate, they can do that, the rate is over $23 how much more do you want ????? c- developed 40 ppl that are not sophisticated financially and want to go with me and want me to say to the Chase banker, if you want my money, you better give them the same high rates... Thank you and the Mods... t- the perks are diff. based on what you have, but if the base rate comes out and I say if guys, its mind blowing... it hasn't happened and if it comes out at that rate, if they have one dinar note, they'll get that rate, a 5k note, its going to instantly change their life when they walk out the door, but if you argue yours up higher... next c-Tony t- hello c- talking to me t- yep c- roggie b b out of Vegas ready to take you to the smoke shop t- ready c- in your personal opinion, when is this going to happen t- i don't know t- my personal opinion, is that tomorrow is a good day, it could happen today, and told that by the end of the month, for good reasons, contracts that couldn't happen unless this did, and more changes in the banking system that take place on the first and to help other countries to qualify on the first, its the best i can give you c- VNN over $4 t- at some point c- not in the beginning c- you're the greatest, we love you, even if you come on and say - nothing new but its good, ppl live for the blasts, we all live and die by what you say t- don't do that, its a lot of pressure for one man t- giving you the best t- yesterday, i see others give you info, and some its after we talked about it, but its confirmation and stuff from there sources, i say to myself, someone just told them, its out there and go about the day unless something happens, but I'll do a blast if something super happens, and I'll get info after the call, cause I'm getting it during the call... c- i know for sure, that no one believes anyone but you, but if you came on before bed and said, no new info.... t- i will do that c- love you Tony TONY-- GOT A TEXT -- THE UK, RATES ARE LIVE IN UK, WAITING FOR GREEN LIGHT, AND THE IQN RATE THE SAME AS OURS, THE SOURCE IS A TRADER, thanks next c- JohnL in DC, want to thank you for the 15 years of service in Special Op's t- nope, in the Military, didn't say Special Ops c- father in law was in Korean and WW2, lots of respect - ty for what you've done c- been fortunate to be the man that spoke to Shabibi a few years ago c- been on alot of calls and thank you for the great info, ? is the worst case scenario is, if at this point, something war related... t- yeah, I think war related at this point... and don't see it at the moment, with where we are at, don't see it happening, it could, but I don't see it c- also, should be done, 'ain't no stopping it now' t- it was said that way, too far, and can't stop it, and the key word at every location, done done done, as they come in, they're told its over c- do know the rate, don't t- sure c- $26. t- $26. c- one of my sources is very sharp and was with a teller that saw it on the screen t- pretty close to what I have c- he says its an experimental rate, but he claims from his perspective, but hopefully you know better t- i have to say if, until it happens, but that's close to the starting rate from what I have c- armed with tremendous info, if Pam could give you my number, your time is at a premium, and have something that's beneficial from a banking perspective, been a bright light in the craziness t- name John c- yes t- got the # ok c- Chicago from yesterday, t- concerned about it, and the procedure and process and had to go back and do it - when it was leaked out, they have to go back and close the door before they can activate it, every time that happens, right before the announcement is made it causes a problem next c- this goes back to Iraq, and you said they were given the Ok in the Mosque and say it was Int'l, was that by our permission, were they given it from us to do that, can you say? t- from the PTB, lets put it that way t- let me explain so you know, if they were truly able to make the decision, it would be done, no one would get on live TV and not do it, unless there were other circumstance, we're a limited # of ppl on this call, we have about 6K on the phone, maybe 13, 14K on blog talk, but there are millions of ppl - same thing over there, they are listening and a certain projection they need to put out and limit for that reason, you never know, its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog, just a little thing over there can start a snow ball effect, and i try to guard against it c- about the rates being live, if the ok was given, its at the teller screens and it could go? t- rates have been at the teller screens, and will get a call to see if they are at the teller screens now, but live is no admin hold, and this is the rate and when it goes here, you can cash ppl out c- so its on the back screens now t- correct c- make it happen t- wish I could c- give me a dollar - I'm happy, 3.44 wow, and $18 is obscene t- it is next c- back to the 800#s and the fear, say I know someone that signed up for all the groups, they'll all be issued their own 800#s right? t- first of all, as far as I know, Okie doesn't have a group - he told me yesterday - no group -- he'll post something --- don't know Loechin, never talked to him, saw his info, but my understanding was that it was specific to S. Carolina and is to put out a number, the only know about the large group is putting out a separate 800# for them, c- the Gen/64 group t- as far as I know c0- the 800# you call the first time, you'll forever be that profile when you come back a 2nd time t- NO T- MY UNDERSTANDING IS IF YOU CALL W/ THE GROUP 800# AND DECIDE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO IT, THEY HAVE YOU KEYED IN AS THE GROUP, AND YOU WANT TO DO THE REGULAR 800# -- AS FAR AS THEY ARE CONCERNED YOU ARE STILL A PART OF THAT GROUP c- so if you are signed up w/ the group and want to do it yourself, do you have to DISASSOCIATE t- as long as you don't call the 800# associate w/ the GROUP t- just want to stress this t- ppl that put groups together, their was a benefit for those that didn't want to negotiate t- but what do you get, don't send me in their blind --- don't care if they get paid, they put the work in, don't care, but don't tell me you aren't..... t- that's been my only thing, anyone who put a group together don't get mad they got paid, but done lie to me and what are the restrictions and benefits by doing this, its more than just the money, and want to know before i go in and sit down prepared, either way I don't make a dime if you do or don't, I don't have a group c- have any of these groups, bantered around to pay taxes, to eliminate capitol gains... any word on that t- don't know the tax situation, initially from DC they were trying to come up with 1-2% by November and then heard about a bill, 9.38 % and that bill hasn't passed yet, and I heard - got a copy of an agreement, not all of them -- but one has the 11% taken out from the top as a form of tax and their agreement was that you wouldn't be taxed, but that the info out there c- IPO's , do you have a gut feeling, the VNN - will it be pegged and come down t- I think the VNN and the IQN will rise and come back down during the 30 days c- my gut too c- hate Vegas, lighter in the pants, lol c- but want to come to the party.... does the 26th have anything to do w/ the Iraq demise - was that why it was picked t- yep hearing it all month and earlier someone said $26 dollars next c- hello my super fantastic friend t- how are you c- super fantastic c- might be the last time I talk to you c- when we do a currency exchange, can it be in a new acct. or an acct. that has been previously opened t- can use the VNN in a previous acct..the only one you have to isolate is the IQN c- will they tax the VNN t- oh yeah t- they want to isolate, because its going to be taxed at a different rate c- de la rues? t- oh yes, 5/3rd, Chase, c- want to thank your Mother for having you and Ray t- going to call her up next TONY- WHEN I WAS IN THE MILITARY AND YOUNG GUY AT THE TIME, AND AT NORAD AND HAD AN IG INSPECTION, AND THE IG CAME IN AND THEY GUY KEPT SAYING HE CAN'T GET THROUGH AND I PICKED UP THE PH AND CALLED DC AND SAID IT WAS A PRIORITY ONE CALL AND I WAS E2, E3, AND THIS WAS A FULL BIRD AND HE LOOKS AT ME, AND SAYS IF YOU ARE THE DUMBEST GUY YOU EVER MET, OR THE BRAVEST GUY, LOL DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN I JUST DO IT next c- how you doing? t- she made me remember that, crazy time, lol c- hope it will go as you said, eventually, earlier someone asked if you wanted to turn in a thousand dinar just till you get your appt. and never heard the answer, could you repeat it for me t- ok, I don't know if that's all it was, a branch would be able to cash it in, but don't know for sure, but if its the IQN they are to give you a pamphlet, but maybe its the location, if its the VNN but think you can just walk in and cash it out... t- again - when I come back I'll give you the procedure is c- just to last until you get your appt. scheduled, some of us, dont'' have much money hanging around, collecting SS t- you probably won't be able to cash in 100K without an appt, if the rates we are seeing.... c- network marketing, does the sayings.... "all you can do is all you can do is enough' t- sounds like network marketing c- HS football coach -- a book called that... and before Nike - he coined the phrase "Just do it".... t- I really like it... Just do it!!!! c- Air Force ? t- got out in 1991 c- you're just a puppy next 941 c- good morning t- hello c- this is Michael, really appreciate you, Sterling question, when we go to do our reserves, have you talked to the banks, to get $ from them, some have lots of reserves?c- how are you handling it c- will they pay them t- no, you will have to get them yourself, depending on how much you have, fly out to you, but you have to do that and then get cashed out or go online and have him cash you out THE BANKS ARE NOT GETTING INVOLVED in getting your reserves c- will they fly to us w/ our money - if its paid off t- if you do a sell order, sell this much, and want this much physical dinar and schedule to meet you as long as the city has at least 2 airlines c- quite a few of us were going to rent a plane, but don't want to walk in and out with all of that.. maybe they can fly here t- you can combine to meet the qualifications c- not a problem for any of us t- if you and your friends have a group t- he'll have a group name, ie ABC101112 and everyone puts that in the comments, but it has to be a unique name and the system can put you all out and do it at one time... that's the best way to do it and set the appt. at the same time c- great, that works, not a Vegas person, but want to meet you t- ok next MONTANA HOW ARE YOU DOING, CHECK W/ THE TRANSCRIBERS c- thank you and the family and the mods and if you come to TENN I'll give you a home cooked meal t- lol next c- the VNN NOTE we can negotiate till we hit the ceiling t- as long as you know what the ceiling is c- ie. if the ceiling is 10 and i say ok, give me 8 I can negotiate 1 more dollar more t- I don't know t- lol t- you just keep asking till they say no c- that's right, you have not, cause you ask not T- ANYTIME YOU GO OVER THE RATE THEY HAVE TO CALL FOR APPROVAL, AND THEY WON'T DO THAT 5 TIMES, BUT THEY NEED TO AUTHORIZE THE RATE T- something for you to think about, not a fear thing, but making calls and appts. within 2 hours, and think about when you get the next appt. a whole lotta ppl making appts. with that bank, they'll offer you something and then, they will push you to the side and then come back to you..... next c- I didn't hear the Vote end up t- 100 to Zero c- to not shut it down t- to not shut it down c- used to work for the gov. and I'm with you - vote or not, they won't shut it down, and been going on for 23 a half years when I was there... the guy that guy asked you about was A.L. Williams c- did you give the IQN RATES t- comment, you must be a younger person, because my brother was in A.L. Williams... c- wasn't in A.L.Williams, but was successful t- I didn't t- but someone else came in said 26 and I said that really close to what I know it is, its so close it doesn't make a diff. c- what about VNN t- its ummmmmm almost 3.00 c- and they said more than a nickle t- do you remember that-- if they came out at a nickle the whole world would turn upside down c- then we heard .47 and we were like HOLY MOLY t- yeah c- thanks for the call on Sat. night, who pulls it back, at that point... t- even this morning they said that, but the reality is that it can be stopped and ok, we discussed it - but don't know if there is a need t- if the banks see it and they all say its released, but they need a AUTHORIZATION, and the only one that can give it out is the Pres. of the UST and he answers to the Pres.O c- injunctions. any effect... to go through with this or jack around t- evidently it didn't - I never got that, got something else t- but it was denied t- at this point - it doesn't matter - before the 1st -- oh yeah IMF Tribunal c- Chicago leak c- what is that? t- the Chicago Mercantile, let it go out that the banking was going to change, not the revalue of currency, but someone did enough trades before and made a 600M profit, so they had to change the procedures... they get the info before it happens but not supposed to react or use it -- and they slipped up and that's why we saw gold react and made a lot of money yesterday c- did that cause the delay t- yeah - it was part of the system - banking system - and ppl got paid out, cause they knew the time and it had to be reset c- how good do you feel about today/tomorrow t- i feel good about anytime today or tomorrow t- once again telling them, when t- not like its the first time, the only diff. is that right now, when they went to the office and locations this morning, is that they were told its done done done and it can happen at any moment now t- no one is stressing or upset but saying be ready to work, extra hours, this weekend, its ok w/ me t- don't want to say a specific time, our bank is 2 hours away in Colo. Springs, but if - how soon after the #s are given out, and it RV's today/tomorrow, how soon after the RV will the #s be public, if we have to wait in line t- they will be made PUBLIC 2 SECONDS AFTER ITS ACTIVE, phones will be ringing... t- I already know what bank I'm going to, they gave cash out locations, if they are not ready to go, ppl are going to tell you and be the first ones to blast it out, all the intel sites, you guys here, 20K of you will have the first shot, versus the rest of the country that don't get on the boards... I'll send the text, go to the bank locally and then come back and do a call and give you what I know and do it first, so I have to walk through it and tell you what I know c- thanks, I lost a daughter to a drunk daughter in TX c- was going to do a donation in the kids name t- donate to MADD c- I was t- ty ok guys let me see OK, MONTANA CAME UP WITH A REALLY REALLY GOOD THING FOR YOU GUYS SHE'S GOING TO TAKE THE PAGE W/ THE CONF. CALL NOTES AND CHANGE IT TO A BANK UPDATE PAGE AND SHE'LL PUT UP ALL THE PROCEDURES THAT WE HAVE AND EVERY DAY SHE WILL TAKE IT UPON HERSELF TO UPDATE THE BANK RATES... AND ANY OTHER PERTINENT INFO ... SHE'S GOING TO LOAD IT HERSELF SHE'S NOT GOING TO DO THE HOURLY THING AT LEAST I DON'T THINK SO THAT'S A LOT TO ASK BUT SHE WILL GO AHEAD AND POST SHE'LL BE WITH ME FOR THE NEXT 10 - 15 DAYS SO ANY INFO I WANT TO POST ( BLASTS ) SHE'LL PUT THAT UP AND SHE WANTS YOU TO KNOW THAT'S THE PLAN ********************************************************************************** ( This is not on the call --but this is MONTANA-- I want you to know that the page that is currently titled CONF.CALL NOTES on our website - is the page that Tony is referring to -- on our HOME PAGE, I'll post the RATES that we know are out there as of each morning --- the CONF CALL NOTES page, will have a new name ie. POST RV UPDATE INFO -- and its there that you will find anything TONY wants to convey and more Bank info as we get it. Thanks guys. ****************************************************** NEXT c- if we are late to the Party, t- not doing a group t- just taking the Mods and some friends and family and if the guy says I can put it out -- I'll do it, not collecting emails -- just walk in and get it done, that's the best I can do, I'd be a hypocrite if I did, but if I did, I'd tell you if there were any contracts or restrictions right up front... but I'm not doing that.. but I will ABSOLUTELY TELL YOU THE RATE I GOT AND IF THIS GUY SAYS HE'LL GIVE YOU THAT RATE, then get on a plane and get here c- when its over you'll give us the history.... etc... c- can you do a brief summary t- well, there is a whole lot of things have gone on and been manipulated and accused of things and happened, and at that time as things go on, we'd set the record straight, prolly find, some of it really unbelievable and some not unbelievable and ppl are not who you think they are, and don't i am what i am, and if we go through that, didn't for a long time, but things continued to go on, but its because you got a life lesson, whether you know it or not, some you know and were able to grow with it, and after you'll have a whole lot of money and be shocked at how they are and wanted to leave it alone... but the more i decided to do it, we'll worry about it after the time.... next c- old neighbor c- tyring to roll around my head, is by money coming out, if it does come out at the live rate that its showing that high, how can it not effect destroying economies, i understand it will come down again, how can it not negatively affect the economy t- which economy's c- around the world, its the rate.. somehow affect whatever country its in..correct t- someone said ... high rate today... limited time and not for every country, and it more depends... is someone RATES LIVE IN UK, AND OUR IQN RATE, SAME AS OURS, well maybe against the dollar t- if you go on YAHOO right now, and put Venezuela in on topics, there was an article on how you couldn't get on a flight and ppl were taking boats, but the planes were leaving half empty because ppl bought seats and didn't go, half left and half sent their credit card out of the country, because the rate was 6 to 1, they are the only ones that could do it, go out of the country and come back and exchange it -- they are doing it every day, whole lot of ppl getting rich and the gov. set it up years ago, and now they are doing it, and the airlines are setting up flights, did change things inside our country t- our rates are the same, lots of money, ppl that never had any money, and think they are Bill Gates, and ppl will have jobs, made in America battle now, versus Made in China, its our new growth spurt and its the reason that they want us to have this kind of money c- so i have to restructure my thinking, its the time frame, its got to negatively affect whatever country its in, inflation, so that answers the question is the time frame c- you've named several hold ups, but in my mind, is one person who can tell the next person to push the button, but he's getting his go ahead from the PTB, but they seemed fit to hold it up for that reason or this reason, until the PTB ... since its gone this far, except the guy that pushes the button, are we past the stage where the real PTB can stop it, t- it takes 3 signatures to start it t- 3 signatures to stop it, all the power is not in one man's hand, we don't have a dictator t- all 3 have to have it in the best interest and right now I understand its a go t- so unless all 3 of them say we have to stop it again, and it has, unless that happens, its a go t- right now, nothing that critical -- agreement in the ME is ... transparency, got the Gov. is still operating and that pressure is relieved and the budget, new laws on the 1st of Oct. and the Federal Notes.. the UST has to have something to back it with, so if all the rest are to happen and the time frame that it has to happen before those dates come up and we narrowed those dates down t- it could happen in the next few hours, or tomorrow by Friday, but by the first c- great explanation c- take my # cause I come visit my kids and take my # t- how come your number says 505 then c- cause I'm in NM, retired, but here temporarily t- alright, thanks OK GUYS THAT'S OUR 2 HOUR POINT OUR TRANSCRIBERS GET TIRED NOW WE HAVE QUITE A FEW OF THEM AND NOT HAVE THEM BREAK THEIR FINGERS SO TODAY IS A SUPPER FANTASTIC DAY EVERYONE I KNOW GOT WORD ITS DONE DONE AND DONE NOT ACTIVE YET NUMBERS SITTING THERE LIVE MULTIPLE BANKS GOT THE SAME NUMBERS IF IT COMES OUT AT THOSE NUMBERS YOU'LL BE THE HAPPIEST PPL ON EARTH I KNOW I AM ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS WAIT 100 TO ZERO ON THE VOTE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE MESS WAS KNEW IT WAS GOING TO WIND UP ANYWAY SAME W/ THE DEBT CEILING HAVE ENOUGH MONEY NOW NO HURDLES BUT DEADLINES BY THE FIRST AND THE 8TH AND ITS TO BE DONE MORE THAN A COUPLE DAYS BEFORE THAT GREAT GREAT DAY NOW WE CAN SEE IT LITERALLY AT ANY MOMENT BUT IF THEY COME BACK AND SAY ITS UNDONE THEN I'LL COME BACK AND DO A BLAST TO SAY ITS UNDONE THEY DO HAVE A TIME FOR TODAY AND HAD ONE YESTERDAY BUT LETS US KNOW THE SYSTEM IS UPGRADED AND COMPLETED IT CAN ACTUALLY GO IF I WAS YOU I WOULDN'T BUY MORE DONG OR DINAR OR RESERVES BUT WHAT I WOULD DO IS GO GET READY MAKE SURE YOUR DOCUMENTS ARE IN PLACE AND MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT TO ASK THE BANKER BUT IF YOU ARE REALLY SMART YOU''LL SIT DOWN AND RELAX INSTEAD OF GOING OUT AND SPENDING MONEY HAVE A GREAT DAY HAVE A SUPER FANTASTIC DAY I'LL PUT OUT A BLAST TONIGHT LOTS OF YOU WILL BE ASLEEP BUT I WILL OK HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! |
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
By Request-Official TNT Site Notes from Tony's Wed. CC by Flying Star
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