Sunday, September 8, 2013

Deutsche bank leveraged 60:1

Deutsche bank leveraged 60:1
re. derivatives...
FYI - same position that Leman Bro. was prior to their collapse!!!

German tanks protect Deutsche Bank

Stacy summary: The sign says ‘fight capitalism,’ when it really should say ‘fight financialization’ or ‘fight rigged market fraud.’
Members of the Blockupy movement – a European version of Occupy – hope to cut off access to the European Central Bank and other financial institutions in Frankfurt today. They are protesting against the economic policies which are being implemented in Southern Europe.
As Blockupy spokesman Martin Sommer put it:
The ECB is part of the troika and is one of those institutions responsible for pushing austerity measures and making people in southern Europe suffer.
German tanks protect Deutsche Bank from Blockupy protesters:

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