Sunday, September 15, 2013

Federal Bureau Of Idiots Warn Of Their Latest False Flag: The Mighty Syrians Will Attack US Fuel Plants And Depots....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Federal Bureau Of Idiots Warn Of Their Latest False Flag: The Mighty Syrians Will Attack US Fuel Plants And Depots....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 15-Sep-2013 12:41:02

As the men in power prepare to play their next card in-hand, the stage has been set by the FBI to usher in a “new Pearl Harbor” in America just as globalist white papers reveal.
An oil refinery, Shell at Martinez, California. The tapering vertical elements are smokestacks to create draft for heating units. Most of the complex vertical units are fractionating towers. Others are flares.
An oil refinery, Shell at Martinez, California. The tapering vertical elements are smokestacks to create draft for heating units. Most of the complex vertical units are fractionating towers. Others are flares.
By Shepard Ambellas
September 14, 2013
NEW YORK — With all of the media rhetoric and hype about the Syrian situation it’s hard to catch every report. However, this one is important.
According to a recent write-up, the FBI handed out a warning during an energy conference which took place about one week prior to the 12th anniversary of the September 2001, attacks, which in turn prompted the Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA) to release a statement to its members.
Certain people in-the-know take this as a red flag, considering that similar warnings followed by rhetoric circled just before the attacks of 9/11.
Reuters reported, “The PMAA message to members said the FBI warned fuel marketers should be on alert for new customers who are not from the area, drivers who are not familiar with truck or vehicle operations, and people who store fuel in unusual locations or containers.”[1]
This is startling to say the least. And to top it off, it’s an eerie feeling knowing that key power players control the oil and gas industry itself, likely paving the way for a new false flag operation to take place inside U.S. borders. Exactly what the globalists need to get their war inside Syria kicked off.


Anonymous said...

I just don't get it and I ask myself, how do these minions that follow orders for these false flags think they are going to somehow be spared! I'm sure that the cabal has the same plans for them as they do for us. I just laugh at the thought that they think they are doing a "patriotict" gesture, when they are just being used and will be disposed of just as easily as they were recruited. There is no LOYALTY in this game. The scariest thing I have read on this website is the email from Rockefeller sent to Steve Webb and their plans for us. Can't be any plainer than that. Don't have the link but it's on this website and it was sent years ago.

Anonymous said...

The scariest thing is the ignorance and apathy of the sleeple sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and that message was pull your head out of your ass and start being a real human, stop being so angry and hate-filled, cant you get that? Cant you understand that by obsessing over intelligence just makes it that much easier to spew out the garbage, and then everyone swallows it up. I come here not expecting any good news, or breakthroughs or false promises because I know that anything that offers that, is just BS. I try to read between the lines, and see whats not being talked about, cause there is stuff not being talked about, you just have to pay attention. This attack if it even happens will be pulled off or attempted to get pulled off by the CIA(rogue of course), and if anything the CIA that wants no more of this is helping to stop them by killing those agents. Thats all they can do, is kill them. Why? Well, they are hopelessly lost causes at any rate because of the fact that they heavily brainwashed and indoctrinated to follow whatever the cabal agenda is cause thats why they were created, as tools for the operations. If you destroy all the tools, then no more operations its really quite simple. But, that also means all the brainwashed tools in gov as well.

Anonymous said...

Houston, we have a problem!