Saturday, September 14, 2013

For Harry Reid: "Govt is Good! Tea Party Are Anarchist?"

The Tea Party has always stood for God and country Mr. Senator. They hold high standards for our gov't to respect the U.S Constitution, Instead, our gov’t hast kicked it to the curb by creating unconstitutional regulatory laws, creating a police state using a militarized law enforcement throughout the entire country, with illegal checkpoints using law enforcement goons a limited education who are clueless to our U.S Constitution. No Mr. Reid, The Tea Party is not against good gov't, they are against a ROGUE GOV'T controlled by people hell bent on turning this country into a "Banana Republic" by spending us into an astronomical debt that will destroy us economically, which will eventually lead to a fascist martial law takeover of a once blessed nation. It's people like you who have lost your souls, turned your back on the American people and most important, you have turned your back on God.
 May God Have Mercy On Your Souls

Jackie Blue

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stamp Of Approval on This Post. Harry Reid is out for Harry Reid and what he can get with the big financial payoffs for selling his soul to the satan worshippers.