Barack Obama Gay?
the always-eloquent Michelle Antoinette Obama might deny it publicly, there’s
clear evidence that Barack Obama is indeed homosexual…and is specifically
what’s known in the black street slang as “being on the Down Low” or “being a
cake boy”. The Obamas’ marriage is an elaborate sham concocted for their
mutual benefit, where Michelle serves as Barack’s beard and in return she gets
to enjoy a life of fabulous wealth and power she could only dream of growing up
in Chicago and depending on Jesse Jackson for jobs and other favors.
don’t more people talk about this reality openly?
since at least the 1964 election the agenda-driven media in this country has
aggressively promoted the Left’s favored candidates while strategically
targeting conservatives for destruction. A copy of the Alinsky Rules for
Radicals sits in every newsroom in the country, where “journalists” employ
Alinsky Methods to polarize, ostracize, ridicule, and impugn Republicans at
every available opportunity. In the zeal to destroy conservative
politicians, the agenda-drive media quite often reports rumors and innuendo as
concrete fact. Leftist websites like rush to be first! in reporting Republican
scandals, never much worrying about being “right”.
for Democrats? You don’t need to look very hard for irrefutable evidence
that the media protects its favored Leftist politicians and zealously maintains
whatever story most benefits Democrats. This entails forever protecting
secrets like Barack Obama’s homosexuality (and drug use) and pretending that
the Obamas are the most perfect heterosexual black couple since Cliff and Clair
Huxtable from the tee-vee.
real double-standard’s in play when it comes to accusations made about
politicians: if a Democrat’s being accused of anything, the agenda-driven media
attacks the accuser, digging up any dirt it has on the person and mobilizing
the Alinsky Goon Squads to annihilate this perceived opponent of the Left; if
it’s a Republican who’s been accused of anything, the agenda-driven media
heralds the accuser as the bravest and most courageous person on the planet for
coming forward with dirt on the conservative in the race.
you have followed Barack Hussein Obama’s meteoric rise to power, you’ve noticed
that anyone asking questions about his background typically finds him or
herself on the receiving end of the Alinsky Attack Machine. Any criticism
of Obama is permanently branded RAAACIST! Anyone who inquires about the
many mysteries surrounding his “missing years” or his activities while in
college and in his early days in Chicago is called every name in the book in
the efforts to discredit that questioner.
means Obama is never asked about the men he sleeps with…
never questioned about his ongoing drug use…
doesn’t have to worry about being asked whether he’s sober during national
never has to account for his whereabouts when disasters strike and America
expects its president to be fully aware, present, and in charge.

is that?
does the Obama Regime have to be the most secretive of any presidency in
American history?
it all boil down to something as simple as Barack Obama being gay,
continuing to use and abuse drugs, and not being anywhere near the
magical black man that the corrupt media desperately wants him to be?
THAT what all the enigma, subterfuge, and Alinsky Goon Squad assaults are all
really about?
Barack Obama our first down-low, closeted gay President and is Michelle
Antoinette Obama our first fully-complicit “beard” of a First Lady?
the agenda-driven media is always so quick to say when a conservative is
accused of anything: you be the judge.
Globe Magazine’s October 1st
issue(on newsstands September 21st) for another story on
Barack Obama’s days as “Bathhouse Barry”
The Men Barack Obama Has
Dated or Had Strangely Intimate Relationships With that No One Can Explain:
Pakistani "roommate" whom Barack Obama lived with during college;
this is apparently the same man that Obama traveled to Pakistan (or as Obama
calls it, POCK-ee-STAHan) with in the 1980s when American citizens were not
allowed into the country. This is the trip where Barack Obama used his
Indonesian passport to get into Pakistan instead of using his American
passport. There have never been two straight males in the history of the world
who have sat on the couch together like this. ]
Actor Kal Penn (whom Barack Obama dated from 2008 during his campaign until
2009 when Penn was given a mysterious role in the White House to fill; Penn
abruptly left the White House after possibly being sexually harassed or
otherwise breaking up with Barack Obama). ]
You can already read the distance between Reggie Love and Barack Obama growing
in the middle photo above, with the two men inside what might be either Marine
One or a small plane. On November 10th, 2011 the White
House issued a press release announcing Barack Obama's breakup with Reggie Love,
whom the White House identified as Obama's favorite "body man". No
clue was given at the time as to who the next man in the President's life would
be. Love parted ways with Obama amicably, fist-bumping on his way out of the
Oval...and smiling because of a big "severance package" arranged by
wealthy banking friends of Obama to keep Love quiet and to ensure he was not
tempted to write a tell-all book or sell his story to the Enquirer after
leaving Obama's stable of males. John F. Kennedy did this with scores of
women, while Barack Obama was scoring with guys. ]
How Barack Obama and Rock Hudson were profoundly similar, in that the media had
a vested interest in keeping their secrets: 5/26/13
How did Barack Obama notice and then win Reggie Love over? Rare look
inside period where they initially began their odd relationship — 9/30/2012
Reggie Love says Obama is afraid of germs and needs to constantly have Purell
When Reggie Love left the White House abruptly, he was given a “very generous”
financial payday by Orin Kramer, an Obama supporter who is managing partner of
Boston Provident.
“Obama leads like he plays”, says Reggie Love…link to a CNN article that
includes video of Love talking so you can hear his voice — switch on your
gaydar — 8/27/2012
David Frum over at Daily Beast weighs in on Barack Obama being gay — 8/8/2012
Reggie Love dispatched to the Olympics like he’s a member of the First
Family…typically this is something the First Lady is sent to do, not a male
with a weird personal connection to the President — 8/9/2012
Obama says he called Reggie Love to tell him he “missed him” — 12/28/2011
Interview with Reggie Love talking about how much time he spends with Obama,
how many meals they eat together, the things they do together — 12/21/2011
some of the innuendo that Drudge Report has run on Obama and Reggie Love while
linking stories that feature Love. The key is to look at the stories that
are posted around the one with Reggie Love and Obama in them; there will be a
picture or words in the other stories that make a joke about Obama and Reggie
Love being gay lovers and its up to Drudge’s readers to pick up on the
innuendo. Like this:
This one is Drudge making a little play on words....there's the death threat
against President story...then Reggie love saying "don't trust your dirty
hands"...then a story about parasites gnawing through eyeballs...and then
a pic of some gusher squirting milky white stuff everywhere.
Parasites...a one-eyed something or another mentioned...things squirming
around...something shooting hot liquids into the air...innuendo, folks.
Think about it. He could have run any picture he wanted for trees, or a cabin, or a map...and he could have positioned
these stories in any order on the site...but they sort of tell a story when you
read them horizontally like this. It's a little game Matt Drudge is
playing with people who read him often enough]
This one was fun. It's the pictures this time that tell the innuendo. Hot
football guys stretching and looking at each other. Obama staring at
himself in the mirror (the thing he loves most in the world). A pic of
the Romneys on their wedding day. And a pic of Reggie Love and Obama together.
Taken as a whole it's a tableau that leaves out any woman for Obama, and
has him surrounded instead by his own narcissism, hot guys, and his "body
man" Reggie when Romney is in the most heterosexual picture that's
This is another instance where picture choice made the innuendo. Here's
Obama and Reggie Love together...then Obama opening wide with something creamy
in front of him. You do the math on that. Also look where Reggie's
head is in relation to the second picture. If the pic of Reggie was a
full body pic...Obama's face would be in Reggie's loins. ]
This one is a succession of words starting with Matt Damon's "rip Obama
again" bit (don't make me explain that, but thing of harm happening during
sex that two guys might have)...then there's the Whitney Houston/Kevin Costner
reference with Bodyguard (where Obama is Ms. Houston, RIP) and the implication
that Reggie is coming to rescue Obama (like Costner did to the character Miss
Rachel Marron)...skip Newt's pic but I think that "No more Mr. Nice"
works because Reggie and Obama were on the rocks at this point because of Kal
Penn...then there's the word "gay" in the next line...and then
"man up". Too many of these in a row to be a coincidence,
folks. This is Matt Drudge having fun and putting out clues for those
smart enough to catch it.
Click above to embiggen this if you can't see it, but it's the two bits where
Drudge talks about Reggie Love and then right under it is "leading from
behind, Barack chases...". Obama's referred to below Reggie, making Obama
the bottom story to Love's top...with the word BEHIND prominent. It's a
gay joke I don't think I need to explain.
bits from Drudge are really subtle. Drudge does not want to be accused of
outing Obama. But he plays around and has fun with it because he
can...and if you don't know the scoop you probably miss this kind of thing.
Here are the "clues" if you can't find them yourself:
start with the pic of Obama, Reggie Love, and Rahm Emanuel in the Oval office.
Look down
"TOP" donor
"TOP" Harvard grads
denied entry to Obama
a rare meeting of divas
Here's another one! From
October 16th, 2012...look at the gaydar reference over a photo of Obama and
then the story about him driving women away. Classic!
Alex Okrent died mysteriously in
July of 2012in the Obama Campaign Offices in Chicago's
Prudential Building. Openly gay, he'd been affiliated with Barack Obama
in one way or another since Okrent was in college. Obama kept him around,
through all those years, on all those campaigns...until he suddenly turned up
dead with an inconclusive autopsy. And his death happened just before
Obama was headed into a difficult re-election campaign where black support for
Obama was wavering and the black community is notoriously anti-gay. Could
Alex Okrent have been eliminated because he was going to talk about a
relationship with Barack Obama? There sure are a lot of gay men who turn up
dead around the current President of the United States. See also:
Young, Donald ].
Robert "Bobby" Titcombe is a longtime friend of Barack Obama's from
back in his school days in Hawaii. He is the only friend of Obama's from
his past that is ever mentioned by the press. Titcombe was arrested for soliciting a prostate prostituteand has
made news repeatedly by traveling to Washington, D.C. to deliver "fish and
poi" to Obama in the White House. "Fish and poi" is common
Hawaiian slang for "weed and coke". In case it's not clear, the
prostitute that Bobby Titcombe was arrested for soliciting was male. The
corrupt, vintage media has been hiding that fact by merely saying
"prostitute", but it was a MALE PROSTITUTE. Strangely, Obama
goes out of his way to visit Titcombe's house whenever in Hawaii though it's a
logistical and security nightmare for a sitting US President to go there.
What's happening at Titcombe's house on those visits that couldn't happen
at the Obama's Paradise Estates vacation home on their many trips to Hawaii?
Why is the current President of the United States spending SO MUCH TIME
with a man who was arrested for soliciting a MALE PROSTITUTE? ]
strange male character in Barack Obama’s life was/is Michael Signator. This
guy used to be a Chicago cop and, thus, had access to weapons when he worked as
a driver during Obama’s state Senator days into his US Senate years — and up
until June of 2008 when Signator just stopped working for Obama and vanished
not long before the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago on June 29th of that year.
A few weeks before Pride, the Politico’s website ran a few brief, odd
stories about candidate-Obama’s daily schedule, which included driving miles
out of the way to head to Signator’s house for “workouts” that lasted between
15 and 20 minutes. Politico wrote these articles with winks at readers,
wondering what the heck kind of workout lasted 20 minutes and was so important
that it required the candidate to head to Signator’s house whenever in Chicago.
It was beyond strange. Especially if you consider that Obama
belonged to the East Bank Club downtown in Chicago, which is a very expensive
gym and spa center where Obama spent June 29th playing basketball with guys
like Reggie Love then enjoying a long steam and locker room antics before
heading to the Southside to get his hair cut. Signator has not turned up
since he vanished in June of 2008 and to this day no explanation has ever been
given for what the heck he was doing with Obama during those 20-minute workout
sessions at his house. Apparently, this picture below is the only known
picture of Michael Signator:
The above is more strange behavior that a straight man just doesn't engage in:
on 9/10/2012 pizza shop owner Scott Van Duzerpicked
Obama up in a big bear hug and Obama hung there like a rag doll. I can't
imagine any straight man I know allowing another guy to do this to him in
public; I don't think Van Duzer is gay, but Obama sure is for allowing this big
"bear" to hug him. In the gay community a "bear" is a
hairy, heavier-set man who hugs other men. ]
Obama’s Golfing Buddies:
2009-2011, Barack Obama regularly played golf with three other men in a foursome that rarely varied.
These guys were Ben Finkenbinder (staffer in Press Office), Marvin
Nicholson (WH Trip Director), and David Katz (Department of Energy staffer).
It’s strange that the President of the United States spent something like
600 hours on the golf course with these guys when he spent only 400-some hours in
official meetings at that point in his presidency. Why were these three
men more important than official business and why were they ranked as his best
golfing buddies? Typically, the presidents who golf do so with men who
are more high-level than this (guys like Washington power broker Vernon Jordan,
Senators, Governors, and CEOs).
Who are Obama’s golfing buddies
and what courses did he play in? This is a research
project to identify all the men Obama had around him while on his many golfing
trips…despite the fact his golf game has never improved and the guy never talks
about golf, ever, the way you’d expect from a guy who golfs so much. This
begs the question: what is he really doing while claiming to be golfing?
Is it bathhouse antics in the locker rooms or doing drugs with these
Above: Finkenbinder not only golfed regularly with Obama, but also
accompanied him on his many vacations to Hawaii where "The
Finkmeister", as Obama seems to call him, brought his own surf board to
use with Obama on watersports days ]
Above: Reggie Love, Barack Obama, and Marvin Nicholson go for a walk. We
have no idea why Obama is smiling like that or where the walk will lead. Was
'manwich' on the menu somewhere that day? ]
Is the “Down Low Club” At Trinity United Church of Christ As Run By the
Reverend Jeremiah Wright?
Jerome Corsi’s expose on
Trinity’s “Down Low Club”— 10/2/2012, via WND
Barry met Larry: the grassroots campaign to place “historic markers” on the
spots where Barack Obama first kissed various people.
Part 1,
Chicago Tribune article “Marker Placed at Hyde Park Shopping Center Where
Barack and Michelle Obama Had First Kiss” inspired nationwide
Part 2, Letter
to General Manager of Comfort Inn in Gurnee, Illinois informing him of historic
event that needs to be commemorated (the first sexual encounter between Barack
Obama and Larry Sinclair)
Part 3, Letter
to Choice Hotels corporate office about installing the marker at the Gurnee
Illinois Comfort Inn
Part 4, Letter
to Dahleen Glanton of Chicago Tribune, asking for her help with grassroots
campaign for historic markers
Recommended reading:
PART TWELVE: Hilarious. Rahm Emanuel tells small child
in Florida that he will tell “funny stories about Obama” after the election. Funny
stories about things that Obama likes to do, how he likes to sit around with
guys and have fun.
PART ELEVEN: The Double Life of President
Obama and his Odd Relationship with his Token Wife — 10/5/2012
PART TEN: What GLOBE magazine couldn’t
tell you about Obama’s days cruising gay bathhouses in Chicago — 9/25/2012
PART NINE: GLOBE Magazine covers Barack Obama’s days as “Bathhouse
Barry” at Man’s Country in Chicago — 9/24/2012
PART EIGHT: Kevin Jackson’s Blacksphere – Obama’s Whole Two Girlfriends
PART SEVEN: WND report on Barack Obama being
gay and hiding his bathhouse past in Chicago — by Dr. Jerome Corsi — 9/11/2012
PART SIX: Dr. Jerome Corsi interview on
Obama’s gay past via The Andrea Shea King Radio Show 9/10/2012
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"Open and transparent". That's Alinsky/Orwellian double-speak for 'In the Closet and Shuttered up tight". Closet Commie, closet Muslim, closet COCK-SUCKER. No wonder this 'Light Worker' is so intent on doing what he's told by his handlers. Even the Huff Post darlings who love any and all alternative/anti-Establishment shit would throw this charlatan under a bus should all of his dirty little secrets ever see the light of day. I'm ashamed of my countrymen and women for continuing to placidly accept/buy into into this morally bankrupt excuse for a human being.
The writer of this is a liar and an asshole
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