This fat flush water is popular!
Body Flush and Detox Water
(SHARE this pic so it saves on your Timeline & you can find it later when you're ready to try it)
1... cucumber
1 lemon
1 or 2 oranges
2 limes
1 bunch of mint
Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz. water bottles and fill them up with filtered water. Drink daily! This taste delicious, helps flush fat and counts toward your daily water intake!
Lemons: Help in the absorption of sugars and calcium and cuts down your cravings for sweets.
Cucumber acts as a diuretic and flushes fat cells. It is alkalizing to the body (if you have an alkaline body, it is difficult for disease to thrive), and increases your energy levels.
Limes promote a healthy digestive tract.
Mint is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in digestion.
Body Flush and Detox Water
(SHARE this pic so it saves on your Timeline & you can find it later when you're ready to try it)
1... cucumber
1 lemon
1 or 2 oranges
2 limes
1 bunch of mint
Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz. water bottles and fill them up with filtered water. Drink daily! This taste delicious, helps flush fat and counts toward your daily water intake!
Lemons: Help in the absorption of sugars and calcium and cuts down your cravings for sweets.
Cucumber acts as a diuretic and flushes fat cells. It is alkalizing to the body (if you have an alkaline body, it is difficult for disease to thrive), and increases your energy levels.
Limes promote a healthy digestive tract.
Mint is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in digestion.
Thanks for sharing.
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