Saturday, September 14, 2013

Obama, come out with your hands up!


Obama, come out with your hands up!

Exclusive: Larry Klayman calls for occupation of D.C. to force BHO to leave office

Published: 5 hours ago
 From WND By Larry Klayman
Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment."

On Sept. 11, 2013, a dangerous and viral strain of Muslims invaded Washington, D.C., to march and declare victory over Christians and Jews and to otherwise thumb their noses at everyone who does not believe in allah. While only 30 or so had the “courage” to actually appear on the streets of D.C., having been surrounded by a horde of “Rolling Thunder” Harley Davidson motorcycle riders, and despite the fact that the Muslims secured a permit and the motorcyclists were denied one by Barack Hussein Obama’s National Park Service, let us take a lesson from our Islamic “friends.” It is time that we Christians, Jews, people of faith and all true patriots say enough is enough and ourselves, in a very real way, “Occupy Washington” to cleanse the nation of the half-Muslim, anti-white, socialist fraud in the White House before the nation goes under for the final count.

Having done little to nothing about the growing list of “phony” Obama scandals, ranging from Benghazi-gate, to IRS-gate, to Navy SEAL Team VI-gate, to Fast and Furious-gate, to NSA-gate, to name just a few, it is clear that our elected representatives do not have the will or courage to remove the mullah-in-chief from office.
Over the last five years, as we stand on the precipice of calamity by provoking a regional and potential global war with Obama’s pro-Islamic desire to intervene to “save” his radical Muslim al-Qaida “freedom fighters” by bombing Syria, it is clear that the time to act is now. Impeachment is not an option, as Republicans, many of whom support Obama in this folly, are content to let this incompetent evil fraud continue in office until at least the run-up to the 2014 congressional elections. This was the same game Republicans played with previous Democratic presidential criminals Bill and Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2000 elections. Not wanting to remove Bill Clinton from office, lest Vice President Al Gore become an incumbent president with all the advantages of potential re-election, Republicans bailed out and refused to both impeach and convict “Slick Willy” of the scandals that really mattered: China-gate, File-gate and Travel-gate. So if the past is a prologue, which it is today even more than it was back in the late 1990s, the Grand Old Party is even more of a neutered, impotent elephant now.

Help Larry Klayman with his class-action suit against Obama’s use of the NSA to violate Americans’ rights
Our court system is also not ready, willing or, practically speaking, able to get the job done. Save for federal judges like Royce Lamberth who did so much during the Clinton years to hold them accountable to the rule of law, there is no one on the bench who will stand up to the president. Just look at the judges, state and federal, who have had the chance to effectively remove Obama over his lack of eligibility to be president, as he is not a natural born citizen. From Florida, to Alabama, to Georgia, to California, lower court judges have fudged the law to squirm out of having to actually rule on not only his “phony” birth certificate but also his lack of having two American-born citizen parents as required by our Constitution. While many of these lower court rulings are on appeal, do not hold your breath that the higher courts will have the courage to do what needs to be done. That is the reason for Freedom Watch’s citizens’ grand juries, which are indicting and trying political felons like Obama as we speak. In this regard, a conviction is near in the case of the Obama for eligibility fraud.

Once convicted, We the People will have the right to enforce this conviction and demand that Obama surrender himself to the people’s system of justice for incarceration. Will he do so voluntarily? Obviously not! His arrogance and disrespect for American law – just look at how his attorney general has flouted it – and his apparent allegiance to Shariah law make this more than unlikely, to put it mildly.

I therefore call upon all American patriots, once we obtain this conviction, which we will shortly, to converge on Washington. Millions should stand in front of the White House and other national treasures and demand that Barack Hussein Obama leave. If the Egyptians can do this with regard to another radical Muslim, former president Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, then can’t we Americans do it with Obama?

And, when we do converge on and “Occupy Washington” in the millions on a date to be announced for the week before Thanksgiving, the people may think about chanting: “Mr. President (to use the term loosely), put the Quran down, get up off your knees and come out with your hands up!”

The power of the people will then be heard without firing one proverbial shot. This fraudster, who stole the presidency and has done so much harm, will finally know that his time has come to leave his perverted, Islamic concept of Mecca, our nation’s hallowed capital.

I do not advocate violence, but it is time we show Obama that we mean business. He would be well advised to ride off into his Islamic sunset, link up with 72 virgins and party on at his expense – not ours!


Dan said...

How Far Will Obama Go?
Will he Make an Executive Order for We The People to Convert to being Muslim or NOT just go to Prison but DIE?
He will give $100,000 to Law Enforcement to Kill their brother Christians, Jews, or Catholics, as he was given an Order by Lucifer?

Dan said...

Maybe Larry Klayman doesn't know that even being an Attorney he gave himself to the Crown of London, Bank!
Being a Citizen on a Grand Jury DOES NOT HOLD WATER either!
Larry Klayman needs to listen to Season of Treason by Kurt to find out the Truth on us being Subjects of the Crown!
So are the State Attorney Generals going to have Authority to take action with the New International Court, as they are Subjects to the Crown as well?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think it's time to round up these pieces of cagada and force them all out! Starting with Valerie Jarett, Barack and Michelle Obama (and kids), Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Jay Carney, All of his Czars, Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius, and whoever else goes with this bunch. Or hire Vlad the impaler to go after them.
These sissy judges have all either been threatened, bribed, or paid off to let them usurp the U.S.A
I don't think we should just sit around and allow this to go on any longer, but we should get active and participate in saving America as it really is and reward all of the Military and Veterans who fought for our great country!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with the necessary removal of several in DC for crimes comitted against the people, however, it is too bad that the author of this article had to use language such as, 'half-white and half muslim". This language is unnecessary and furthers serves to create division to point this out and it stops people from reading further or understanding what needs to be done and WHY. It is NOT because he is either of these, or it shouldn't be, but rather the focus should be put on Benghazi, Syria, Libyia, IRS, Voter Fraud, Fast and Furious, Seal Team Six, Obamacare and all the UN constitutional orders put in place. These are not scandals but CRIMES and they need to be labeled correctly by the people. Past nor current administrations are above the law, or at least they should not be but the non-action of the people creates this status in their minds.
Yes, the people need to march on DC but for the RIGHT reason with proper language, NOT propaganda designed to further erode unity and create racial tension, it is NOT the color of a person's skin or their faith but the condition of their heart/soul and who they serve.
Almighty God please forgive us and save our de jure Republic <><

Anonymous said...

Now everyone knows that violence does not help, now with that knowledge people can claim what is due to him for several generations, the right to a good life and free, without worrying about when might happen any threats orchestrated in order to see the ground ripped from under their feet and sink into a sea of fraudulent debts. And never fall into the cycle of surviving leading man to commit inconsevable to survivre.God bless the Earth and its inhabitants we are entering a new era that bring the joy of living for everyone on Earth.

Anonymous said...

Larry Klayman is a hero as far as I'm concerned. In a bought-and-paid-for town, Klayman has remained a man of integrity in his pursuit of the TRUTH. He founded Judicial Watch, which has sue the Obama administration repeatedly for documents requested and ignored under the FOIA. Judicial Watch is the ONLY organization, worth contributing to because they actually publish the RESULTS of their lawsuits on a monthly basis. GO JUDICIAL WATCH and GO LARRY KLAYMAN! It's too bad that the ACLU and other political organizations "CLAIMING" to do good are such miserable failures in contrast.