Monday, September 16, 2013

Terry Holcomb lawsuit!

Sheriffs and Alex,

Is Holding a Bible on a Public Street a Threat to be ALARMED, as there was a recent audio that I heard in which 4 women attacked a man with bibles after he had an auto accident with them.

Please advise Terry Holcomb in his lawsuit about the Jurisdiction that the Judge DOES NOT HAVE as well as the State Toopers.
Shock Video: Texas State Troopers Arrest Legally Armed American
The Troopers were Ordered to Arrest him, so it came down from NON Law Enforcement!
As of Monday Morning this was the live feed of Alex talking with Terry Holcomb on:
It will come to the point that any of us that come into their town they will be ALARMED!

Take a listen at what Rod Class has to say on the Foreign State Judge on Jurisdiction with 4 parts.
And take a google seach on the other Rod Class sites that carry his documents and rulings.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Coram Nobis, Corpus Non Judice: The Ultimate Jurisdictional Challenge Pt 1 - Rod Class - YouTube

Go to reign of the heavens society to listen to the Subject Matter Jurisdiction shows at:
Eighteenth Episode: Subject Matter Jurisdiction/Enacting clause
Nineteenth Episode: The procedure using subject matter jurisdiction


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Court is a business.
When they demand payment of a debt not owed, they are acting as debt collectors.

One would think they'd fall under Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, especially since they are using intimidation and coercion to part you from what you used your life energy to get. Peonage - A condition of enforced servitude by which a person is restrained of his or her liberty and compelled to labor in payment of some debt or obligation.

That labor can be to wake, sit, eat, sleep when they tell you to while deprived of your liberty. It's against the law.

Interesting that the court would send a notice to appear and the clerk would sign it. Wouldn't that be an attempt to contract? It looks like an offer wanting an acceptance with no consideration. It's signed by one party but not by the other as there is no meeting of the mind, yet failure to respond to the offer to appear can be construed as acceptance of their offer to put a warrant out and pick you up and make you appear.

If the notice contains any information about how much you may end up paying to make it 'go away', wouldn't that be 'the debt' they are trying to collect?

Don't they have to validate a debt like anyone else? CFPB has a blog and examples of debt validation letters to send to debt collectors.
It is legalese. It's specific and the grammar is not as taught in school.

One sentence seemed like a incomplete sentence, but I knew it was written that way for a specific legal reason.

Calling someone debt collector instead of your honor would carry it's own meaning I'm guessing.

Yes, they have jails and people on their payroll with guns to make you go there against your will, but isn't it just more of the same debt based structure where one has to prove the debt or go away, and the other makes the claim, provides no validation, uses threat, force, intimidation, kidnapping, and human trafficking to get you to 'believe' they have power over you and make you pay them for your freedom, as if we are all in bondage but don't know it unless and until we are grabbed like our body is someone's property and we pay to be let go.
