Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Book of Maklumat

The Book of Maklumat

I was curious about these and so did some investigating, finding an explaination from David Wilcock of Divine Cosmos.


KEENAN: They cannot deny the fact that Dr. Seno is the heir of this trust, as stated in the documents and even the UBS statements — but they will not give the Indonesians one cent.
They attempted to circumvent Dr. Seno and Soekarno’s Trust by going direct to the Indonesian Government — with the hopes that they could find a way to eliminate the need for that Trust. This was a task impossible to do.
The Dupont family from Montreal was most recently there with some very powerful people, trying to convince the Suhartos to give them the Codes — but they did not get anything.
The very reason Seno turned to us is because we are very persistent in our quests to have returned what belongs to the Dragon Family.

KEENAN: For this reason, and the fact that people very close to Keith Scott advised him that we could help him, Keith did listen — and came forward to help. He did not hesitate in his attempt to better Indonesia’s lot.
This is how we gained copies of the Book of Codes and Maklumat/Ledgers etc… the secret codes to the Black Screens that the Federal Reserve and BIS use to print money out of thin air.
These books and Codes are currently in several places throughout the world — and will be opened up if need be.
They are not only for trading purposes to verify certain financial instruments, but they are also the best form of security for everyone involved.
Should these books be opened, the Black Screens will follow — and there will be a long line of very powerful people heading to jail.

KEENAN: Our goal is not to put people in jail. We just want to get things straightened out, so that the accounts can and will work properly for everyone — not just the chosen few, who have stolen from the accounts for far too many years now.

The IMF, the World Bank, the BIS and the many federal banks, Sarkozy, Blair, the Bushes and many others have continually used them illegally.
The Books and Codes will reveal the outright thefts that have taken place throughout the past with the accounts, and expose the thieves — but our real reason for needing it was to authenticate the stolen bonds.


Anonymous said...

"KEENAN: They cannot deny the fact that Dr. Seno is the heir of this trust ... "

Sorry folks ... but that´s NOT the point IMO!

Each and every ´paper´ that ¨states¨ that ANYONES claims of a significant portion of the wealth of this planet are his ones can only be a false document as it can have be only stolen at one time in history!

It doesn´t matter which ´heir´ of what emperor, king or who ever it is - his anchestor STOLE from the people what he claimed his own by decree, force, violence, dictatorship or whatever and that´s why this wealth has to be restored to the only lawful owners - WE, THE PEOPLE!!!

Lizie said...

I really do not understand your problem, in using, proof, real proof, that puts all that scum in jail. Everyone knows, that they do not have any problem, not only to put people in jail, but to kill them, really, what are you waiting for. It is very hard to understand, how can you, who have solid proof to end all this hell on hearth, still be doing them a enormous favor. What a joke.Why, cant you think more about the real people who are suffering, children starving and dying, all, because of the greed of the few, and, YOU, YOU, came and tel us that you are not going to use ,what you have to stop all of this craziness. So, tel me, how do you feel when you look at the misery in this world, and for what you are saying, you have the power to stop it, but, no, you better wait and see if the bad people change their minds. THAT IS INSANE, AND VERY DISAPPOINTING.