I hate
to say, "Here we go again" but..."Here we go
and behold, another "wonder drug" (and giant cash cow for the
drug industry) has been shown in a prestigious study to have deadly
side effects.
time the pill that makes you ill is Onglyza--a drug
prescribed for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
the story:
The study that opened
Pandora's Box
research has confirmed that the "dipeptidyl peptidase-4" (DPP-4)
class of diabetes drugs can increase its users' risk of heart failure.
to data gathered by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in
Boston, MA, people who take diabetes drugs like Onglyza (manufactured by
AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb) could very well destroy their heart's
ability to pump blood.
you non-biology majors, that means death.
two-year (industry-funded) study examined 16,492 patients taking Onglyza
for diabetes and was originally intended to assess the risk of heart attack
associated with the drug.
then the you-know-what hit the fan...
not only did the drug NOT reduce heart attack risk as originally hoped but
it also proved to be FAR more dangerous than anyone thought.
see, while the study was being conducted, an unusually high number of the
study participants were being admitted to the hospital for heart failure!
researchers naturally took a closer look and sure enough, Onglyza was found
to be directly linked to this increase in heart problems.
Same old, same old
this isn't the first time something like this has happened with DPP-4
diabetes drugs.
you may remember, the diabetes drug Avandia was pulled from the market
in 2011 after it was found that it significantly increased users' risk
of heart attack...
fact that the manufacturer (GlaxoSmithKline) intentionally hid from the
public for over 10 years! Nice people, huh?
similar diabetes drugs in the DPP-4 class have been linked to both
pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, as well as increased death rate from
all causes.
Not exactly an arrow
you find this latest news about diabetes drugs unsettling or downright
frightening, I understand.
it's no surprise. Instead it's the nature of the beast, my friend.
see, contrary to what most people think (and what most drug advertisers
lead you to believe), it's not like you take a drug and it innocently
sails like an arrow to your "problem area" to work its magic...
even CLOSE.
and foremost, remember that drugs are chemicals that your body was never
designed to ingest. So your body basically sees them as a poison and must
treat them as such.
you take a drug, it gets broken down by your GI tract and absorbed into
your bloodstream through the intestinal wall. This can destroy your
friendly gut flora which happens to be where 70% of your immune system
every time you take a drug, you are compromising your immune system
functioning, period. Every time.
it's in your bloodstream, the drug has a clear path to sail all through
your body, and potentially cause harm to any of your cells, tissues and
organs (including your heart).
why the typical drug can have such a WIDE variety of side effects--anywhere
in your body is fair game once something is in your bloodstream!
the drug makes its way to your "problem area" and (maybe) carries
out its intended purpose if you're "lucky."
But what should you
do if you have diabetes?
you're one of the 26 million people in the US who have diabetes, you may be
chewing your nails at this point. After all, diabetes is nothing to play
with and it certainly can't be ignored. Because untreated diabetes
can lead to heart and blood vessel damage, kidney failure and nerve damage
that can eventually result in amputation.
for many diabetics, it becomes a matter of choosing what appears to be the
lesser of 2 evils -- take the drug and hope your number doesn't come up in
the side effects lottery.
there's another answer.
that's FAR safer than any drug ever created, and more effective...
called helping your body from within.
see, you can safely and naturally help your body work more efficiently and
fight diabetes, or help prevent it from unleashing its wrath on you.
are three VERY effective measures that can help counteract diabetes if
you've got it, or help keep it far away if you don't:
1- Eat for nourishment and
sound digestion
nourishing your body with real foods is always a good idea, but when you're
looking at diabetes, it's essential!
of all, real foods such as legumes, fatty fish, onions, tomatoes and whole
grains have been shown to be very helpful in preventing and controlling
having sound digestion means better elimination of acid wastes and a
healthier pH. This is especially important to diabetics, since your
insulin-producing pancreas is VERY sensitive to pH. Even a slight dip into
the acid range can affect its functioning.
having fewer acid wastes in your blood makes your kidneys' job easier
too...which is good news if they are already stressed from dealing with
excess glucose.
The Great Taste No Pain
system will guide you all the way in this crucial step.
off, the recipe book
portion of the system is loaded with easy, delicious dishes featuring
nourishing real foods, including the diabetes-fighting foods
I mentioned above.
addition, the Great Taste No Pain manuals show you how to put together meals that taste super
spectacular and are digested easily without sending your system into mortal
only will that help keep ALL of your organs healthier, but you'll likely
experience fewer digestive problems (like gas, bloating and constipation)
as a result!
2- Supplement with Omega-3
EFAs as needed
Omega-3 EFAs
provide crucial support to your metabolism including maintaining proper
insulin levels.
Problem is, our typical diets are heavy in processed foods, meat from
grain-fed animals and vegetable oils--all of which are high in Omega-6
fatty acids but are severely lacking the important Omega-3 EFAs.
fatty fish like I mentioned in #1 above can help, but for many that's not
enough--especially if you've had a typical modern diet for a long time.
some people don't like fish to begin with!
when a
high quality, top shelf Omega-3 fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 can help
you more than satisfy this crucial need.
2 capsules a day gives you an impressive 2,000 mg of the purest, medical
grade fish oil LOADED with EPA and DHA (the necessary Omega-3 fatty acids).
3- Vitamin B12 supplementation
a recent study, Vitamin B12 was shown to be even more effective than the
drug nortriptyline in improving symptoms of diabetic neuropathy!
easy to see why...
see, B12
is crucial in supporting your nervous system, and it helps to maintain
the myelin sheath which coats and protects all your nerve cells.
diabetic neuropathy is a form of nerve inflammation, B12 with its
"nerve-soothing" properties can actually help with symptom
for an easy to use, highly absorbable B12 formula, look no further than
Hydroxaden 2.5.
2.5 is a Vitamin B12 nano-spray that you simply apply right under your
tongue each day. The B12 is quickly and efficiently absorbed right into
your bloodstream through the mucus membranes in your mouth.
2.5 gives you a daily dose of one of the best forms of Vitamin B12 in the
world (hydroxocobalamin). This form of
B12 has been shown to raise B12 levels higher and faster than other forms
of B12, and it lasts longer in your body, too.
you have diabetes (or want to help make sure you DON'T develop it), see
what a difference it can make to naturally help your body better from
you do, you just might be "whistling like Dixie" in the story
your health,
PS: We're on Facebook! Like
us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/GreatTasteNoPain.HolisticBlendsInc
PPS: Dixie doesn't need
Metformin any longer!
Dear Sherry:
Great Taste No Pain
has been a Godsend for me. I have been eating in the recommended way for
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I no longer am taking Prilosec
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What a wonderful miracle for
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I am truly grateful for
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Years of junk foods, meats,
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/
and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
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read past articles? Here they are.
Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
copyright 2013 Holistic Blends
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com
FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email
are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes
only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor
for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of
this email.**
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