Friday, September 6, 2013

Thursday Afternoon Dinar Chatter

Thursday Afternoon Dinar Chatter


[KajunRedBull]If WF does not get this done they will loose billions in this deal because IMF is only minutes away from taking this away from WF and pushing the button themselves which will affect WF...

[sailman] KajunRedBull that is true -- personal information confirms that IMF is PIS__ED right now

[Waiting] sailman Hi friend - Does Cap1 feel we are close??

[sailman] Waiting very

[fhdinar] Papabear is the start of the historical assets redemption the start of the WGS, then the Currency reset? Did that have to jump start the process IYO? Trying to understand the significance of
Read More link on Right

[Papa Bear] fhdinar aLL ACTIONS HAVE THEIR TIME AND PLACE AS WE ALL WILL SEE.....knowing that 3Q is flowing...

[honeybelle] nolaspice if anyone received their pp delivery today?

[nolaspice] well any of my friends with pp are still waiting.... just sayin

 [crossways] nolaspice he said they were starting deliveries on the east coast? are your friends there?

Papa Bear] Waiting but am hearing reciepts also on PP

[terrib] Papa Bear :whoohoo:

[nolaspice] i hope everyone receives their PP's today - and i called markz and left a message -

 [misskitty05] Papa I like the sound of that :whoohoo:

[misskitty05] So we're waiting for a certain percentage of the PPs to be delivered so we have have the reset? Is that correct?

[Papa Bear] Yes is good sign .Need to see massive PP deliveries

[dudenocoins] Looks like we are making progress on the RV!


[skysthelimit] [dawg14] so i just spoke with my mom who works for a large bank up North ... and she said all their global computers were down... couldnt do any work.... things that make ya go hmmm ... i wonder whas up... if its just the bank she works for ?

[bigdogmom] skysthelimit Seems like a lot of that is going on, just like the stock exchange going down yesterday.



[roadster] Chillimac (hug) When you have time, it would be helpful if you write the whole story and post it in forum! :} I loved your story on Tony's call.... Thanks

Chillimac )teller screens might not have it yet, does not mean they wont, my bank story was real and i was at the bank 2 full hours chatting openly with the wealth manager, the wealth accts rep and my private banker, they said iqd, i mentioned the isx and the forex and they were amazed that i had knowledge of the 2 , but it was a real story and i ehave experienced pleanty when they denied knowing anything at all, so i know it is real !!! it happened

[Chillimac] the wealthmanager said when we see forex changing we will know more, and i said you mean on the isx as the iqn, he was startled that i knew that and said sounds like you have been studing this , thats when i told him i have been in this for 4 yeas and yes i have studied it and know more about Iraq then i ever want to know, he got a chuckle out of that, it was a very relaxing conversation, and they were very open about talking about the iqd with me, total shock

[daz] A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system. It is often used to describe a transient fault that corrects itself, and is therefore difficult to troubleshoot. A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag: a computer glitch; a navigational glitch; a glitch in the negotiations

[ShawnW] Just so there is no confusion on the term troll when used in a chat room. :) ----- In Internet slang, a troll (/
ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

[His&ours] "If you cant run with the foot soldiers what will you do when the horseman come" We just need to accept the day and take this one day one hour one minute at a time. Just like Scotie G shows us today that life is a gift and can change on a dime so relax breath and love today! Our blessing is coming (grouphug)

[tbones] Rmember through all of this... pain fades, glory is forever!



jdtolle » September 5th, 2013, Present possibilities

Your past shortcomings have nothing to do with your present and future possibilities. This is a new day, and you can choose a new direction.

It doesn’t matter if you have disappointed yourself in the past. Now you have the opportunity to get it right.

You don’t have to base your expectations on what has already happened. Today you can expect the best and then work to make it happen.

There’s no use feeling angry or resentful or disappointed about the past. Make the choice to feel positively purposeful and enthusiastic about what you can do now.

Any negative momentum in your life will continue only if you let it. Don’t let it.

The most important part of your life is the part that begins right now. And you can make that part as beautiful and fulfilling as you now choose.

— Ralph Marston

May All Have a Safe and Blessed Day


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