Friday, September 20, 2013

TNT's Member A23954 With Words From Uncle Arthur

TNT's Member A23954 With Words From Uncle Arthur

Another email from Uncle Arthur. I have taken and put in (_) the meaning of words you may  not understand. Enjoy~ A23954


A little more history while you wait to see the results of what many have told you has transpired today.

As your Tony told everyone, the USA deficit has been cut down. If you remember in the past, in relationship to the Kuwait revalue, the US deficit went down and the US had a surplus.

There was a surplus because the deficit had been paid down so there was less interest on our debt.
Read More Link On Right
So now you should be asking yourself how in the world has our deficit been

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deficit and debt are 2 different things. This is DISINFO!