Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Frank Furter September 3, 2013 at 10:02am
That was from what appeared to be live footage taken earlier in the day September 2 in Baghdad.  A month ago you would not have seen a young city boy with a cell phone, bicycle or stereo.  The cell phone vendors looked like the happiest of all.  Since August 9, many adverts on Iraqi TV for cell phones, smart phones and laptops including Apple.  The highlight of yesterday's TV coverage was the scene at the bank with people packed like sardines from wall to wall waiting for their turn at the window. The part of one transaction that was shown contained the customer handing a 4" square piece of white paper before cutting away.  There were foot tall stacks of Dinar bills next to the openings in the tellers' glass -- on the tellers' side of the divider!  My take is the customers were showing their account information and what they would like to withdraw in physical currency.  The banks were distributing newly acquired physical currency.  This would be a logical follow up to the 10 day 'turn in your 000's' phase that ran from approximately August 9-19th. it would also be reasonable to believe the banks ran out of Dinar small denoms during that period which would produce the reaction of Iraqi's lining up around banks to get some of the currency they have so long been denied. 

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