Sunday, September 8, 2013


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Sep-2013 14:21:22

VATIC ALERT: Secret Military Transfer of US Nuke Warheads to East Coast
Vatic Note: This is truly very extensive and a must read. No fast food reading here. The crux of it all is embedded throughout this blog and its truly is a must read. Remember all the hoopla in the alternative news, that Homeland security was going to conduct drills on the east coast (FEMA REGION III?) practicing for a "natural disaster"?
We speculated then, what false flag they had planned and why? Well, here it is, and the timing could not be better. A disclosure arrives right after a warning by Kerry and others of a potential false flag attack on American soil, in retaliation for the US bombing Syria. Then a disclosure that nukes are missing from an air base on the east coast.
Then a disclosure and warning by a cadre of retired military and intel that retaliation on the east coast by the Syrians would happen if we bomb Syria, and all that happening as Obama sets up to get permission from Congress to bomb Syria, While Kerry travels to Europe over the weekend to convince the Europeans to join us in the bombing.
Now finally, this below that clearly shows military transfer of nukes to the "...East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer THAT HAS NO PAPER TRAIL." This reminds me of the missing nukes at the Minot Air Base in North Dakota in 2007 while Cheney was President, er... I mean.... Vice President. We were warned by the administration, back then, that intel said there was noise on the net that 5 American cities were going to be nuked by terrorists.
Two days later, comes the news that 5 nukes were missing from Minot and that matched the intel on the number of the cities that were said to be targeted for bombing. A day later, the Administration announced war games out east around such a scenario, and that Cheney would, like on 9-11, be heading up the team doing the war games on Friday, Sept 14, 2007.
I called El Al Airlines which is an Israeli airline, and tried to book a flight from NY to Tel Aviv on Friday the 14th of SEpt. 2007, And as I suspected, all flights from NY to Tel Aviv or anywhere in Israel, were all cancelled. That is the busiest day of the week for air flights from NY to Israel. I knew then something smelled to high heaven.
But then a miracle happened on Tuesday of that week, before the war games. The Air Force Times published an article stating that all 5 missing nukes were loaded illegally onto military cargo planes and landed in Louisiana. THE ORIGINAL LOADING WAS 6 NUKES, and only 5 were recovered on the tarmac in Louisiana, what happened to the missing nuke?
It has never been recovered to this day in 2013. All military personnel associated with that loading of those nukes were murdered within a week of the exposure, and the officers of the men loading the nukes were murdered within 6 months and the commanding officer of the base was murdered a year later after being reassigned to Alaska of all places. Therefore, there are no living witnesses to what actually happened and who gave the orders to load those nukes. Talk about an effective cover up...
These people lack a soul, thus lack creativity, once they find a formula, like they did on 9-11, that worked, they never let it go and continue to use it time and time again. It has to do with their anal retentive control freaking about everthing. So here we are again with all the same elements present, hoping we would not remember. Too bad. We do!


Dan said...

How is it that the NSA caught a few people sending emails that were going to go to Senator Lindsay Graham's office and protest against the possible Attack in S. Carolina and they were arrested, but when the Actual Attack took place the NSA had NO KNOWLEDGE OF ANYTHING THAT WAS TO TAKE PLACE?
The NSA is there to protect us, and that is why we let them violate our Constitutional Rights, but when they did NOT Protect the million or so that DIED in that Coming Attack, ALL NSA employees should be Arrested and hung from a tree!

Anonymous said...

john8 September 2013 13:34

WF are refusing to release funds right now. Lew has real problems. 
Major battles are now raging but we cant go public on it. Remember Lehmans? One move alone now is enough to smash WF control. Again Bankers acting above the law. A move is in play right now. If the Judge grants it,it will have huge repercussions for WF. Too big to fail? Watch and see. 
PP looking part possible soon. But,an idiot act by O will cast the world into turmoil. A few US ships sunk in the Med will scuttle O and the Cabal. Too much dumbed down TV and Hollywood has these Sheep believing the garbage they are raised on. 
If Putin lets loose, the US Fleet will not last 2 days. Goodbye Cabal then as Americans join the real world in shock. Payback time? Americans can't handle the truth. O is naive.
Putin so much wants this clown to overreach in his back yard. One wrong step is all it will take. The world feels for Assad here. Israel wants to land grab Syria. Israel,Saudi and Qatar face hell now. Huge potential lash back. If Putin torches the 3, the US can do what? 
Putin WILL take it out on the US if he's pushed. Reality - look at Americas real record in history. Vietnam,Korea, Iraq, they run. 
Putin WILL do a Cuba over this and the US will lose. The Commies will go Nuclear on the US if pushed. See then how they wake up and freak as they see the bombs dropping, DC. NY, Boston, Chicago, the entire East and West cost gone in an hour. ALL US Global bases gone. China and Russia will take out the lot. Putin has said- bring it on! 
What marches on America afterwards will be merciless. Remember what happened to the East Germans after WW11? Every man, woman and child mass raped. Many then erased or off to the Gulags. 
If Putin launches Israel will be gone in 30 seconds. Big boys don't talk fights. Russia and China will combine. It's mind set. 

The world is on the edge now.

Anonymous said...

Going to get interesting since Obama called Putin a Jackass. Russia and China have probably had all they are going to take from the American bully.

Kala Malia said...

You are absolutely Correct and if the O doesn't wake up before we strike it is too late...People should be scared shitless right now, there is a reason since the Cold War we have avoided another Superpower War, we all have Nukes and Little Boys and their toys they have just been wanting to test and on what better person, Putin has been waiting for this, He expected it along time ago to get to this point with Obama, He isn't playing games. The O is screwed, especially after hearing Obama's speech to the Nation contradictory and hypocritical. He has consumed the masses brain washed to follow the sheep dog wherever they may lead. Though one dog may pass they still follow the new...We as a O used to stand up for our Right's but we have become a mentally braindead-gullible nation of fools, and lazy jack asses! I hate to say it that way but I don't have a filter and I am not one to hold back either!
It is sad when I look in My daughter's eyes and I can only imagine her future, there is no good in sight I just want to ball up and say why! What in the hell are we all thinking. He isn't afraid to risk it, He has places to go, we don't We are talking about our Brother's, Sister's, Daughter's, Son's, Mom's, Dad's, Uncles, Aunt's, Cousin's, Husband's, Wives, we would be signing a death sentence for and in return would be pushing the enemy to do the same to their loved one's.
We are afraid to look ourselves in the mirror everyday and realize how weak as people we really are that is why we spend so much time living in a false reality, It is so much easier to wake up and follow the same routing, never having to process, feel, unless you choose to, we have become Machines I am sickened when I think of where or even if I will get to see my Daughter's seventh Birthday. I pray, and I don't care what anyone says it is still my damn right! I pray that some miraculous thing happens and suddenly the minds in the O just snaps back into reality. I know it is going to take a Miracle, and those usually come with disaster, I hope it comes before.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, I completely agree!