Sunday, September 15, 2013

What is NESARA? from Elizabeth Trutwin..

What is NESARA?
National Economic Security and Reformation Act.''
What does NESARA mandate?
Who has the power to announce and enforce NESARA?
Are we under NESARA law now?
Is NESARA being worked upon in other countries?
What is this about a “gag order”?
What is the significance of Basel II?
How long has this been in the planning stages?
Where are the funds being kept?
What about the rest of us?
In addition to these beneficiaries, all citizens, men, women and children, of these countries — not in any program– will receive $10 Million, and forgiveness of most debt, bank credit cards, and student loans.
They can expect to receive their $10 Million within 72 hours after Announcement. Thirty days later we will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio. That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result.
Most of the inflation of the past 30 years will have been wrung out of the market. The adjusted prices for Gold, Silver and Platinum have already been set.
Mortgage payments will be deferred for 30 days after announcement, to allow expedited application for cancellation of mortgages.
Income Tax will be ended and IRS will be handling refunds only.
A National Sales Tax on non-essential, new items only will replace the Income Tax.
You can see how no one will have to work to pay basic living expenses ever again. That frees us all from the drudgery, which will then be accomplished by new technologies, and that allows plenty of time for creative pursuits and spiritual development opportunities unprecedented in scope, supporting Planetary Ascension. We will no longer be in the pursuit of survival. We will be able to spend our lives on Earth focused on spiritual development which is the whole point of being on Earth.

Good Stuff !!!

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