Thursday, June 14, 2018

Call Out to Frank O'Collins --- It's Time

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Frank,

As you know, I have been an admirer of your scholarship and research for a long time.  As you also know, I have battled with those who stole your work and who have attempted to use it for evil purposes.  I know the gift you have given and I also know the absolutely vile, inexcusable, and false lie they told you about your own genesis. 

Come to me, if you will, via whatever channels please you.  It's time.  The final phase of the Apocalypse has been joined and the timelines are running.  In this crucial moment for all mankind those who have been Chosen and Sent, and those who have volunteered for this Mission, need to meet and join their combined energies to defeat and lay waste to The Lie and the Lies, once and forever.

It has been written on your heart to do this and given to your mind to be among the leaders and to stand among the Blessed. 

All those reading this who know Frank, please make sure that he gets the message: it's time.

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