Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Aiding the enemy by prosecuting whistleblowers

Aiding the enemy by prosecuting whistleblowers
Posted By: RodneyStich [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 20-Aug-2013 12:33:23
Powerful people in government argue that whistleblowers aid the enemy. They charge Private Manning, Assange, and Snowden, with aiding the enemy. For examples of how the reverse is true, and how prosecution of whistleblowers aided the enemy, and how such attacks made possible some of America's worse tragedies, see the examples provided by the granddaddy of corruption-exposing whistleblowers at

If enough people would see these examples, and show the courage of many patriotic whistleblowers, major changes could be made in America's secret oligarchy.
Another source revealing this relationship is the book, Terrorism and Deadliest Enabling Scandals of 21st Century, by Rodney Stich (available at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think people are paying attention but the We the people are the enemy according to the trading with the enemy act so yes the corporation would prosecute them. As soon as people realize that the U.S. Corporation is a foreign entity acting as government then they will see that when these elite say that whistle blowers are aiding the enemy they mean WE The People. Its not like they are lying they just don't tell you who the enemy is.