Saturday, August 3, 2013

Appears The Cabal Spends a Lot Of Time Kissing Each Other's...

Appears The Cabal Spends a Lot Of Time Kissing Each Other's...
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Aug-2013 21:03:56
Oops. They actually do that, too.
Rats. It's hard to even be sarcastic anymore without hitting the nail on the head.
haha lmao! Oh my side hurts............
: Just when you think you've heard it all, along comes a bit of
: news to make you chuckle and shake your head sadly....

: Were they this obvious before?? Or are we just more attuned to
: the lies coming out of D.C.???

: Unfortunately, there are a great number of gullible Americans
: who will view this award as some sort of honor.

: In a way, I guess it is. After all, the Mafia honors it's
: outstanding contributors to their crime family by making
: them. Same thing here.

: If we only had a REAL Department of Justice and a functioning
: legal system... siiiiigggggh.

: ***********
: In a move that could only be topped in irony by President
: Barack “Drone-the-Children” Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize,
: Hillary Rodham Clinton has been honored with the American
: Patriot Award from the National Defense University
: Foundation. Lest you think that this is a joke, please
: check your calendars and note that the date is NOT April 1.
: This is for real.

: Clinton was chosen . . . take a deep breath . . . for her
: defense of our nation.

: The former Secretary of State, who resigned in a flurry of
: scandal after her alleged involvement in the massacre at
: the American Embassy in Benghazi, managed to dodge her
: appearance at a Congressional hearing to answer for her
: part in the death of four Americans by a rather
: conveniently timed illness, immediately followed by a fall
: that resulted in a concussion.

: Warning: if you have a weak stomach, reader discretion is
: advised. Clinton was lauded in a press release: As First
: Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham
: Clinton tirelessly worked to support and defend our nation
: and our allies around the world, said Al Zimmerman,
: chairman of the NDU Foundation Board of Directors, in the
: release.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 Kings 9:10
As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and no one will bury her.'" Then he opened the door and ran.

This had been previously prophesied by Elijah (1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:26, 27). To an Israelite, and even to a Phoenician, it was an awful threat; for both nations alike buried their dead carefully in deep-dug graves or rocky receptacles, and both regarded the desecration of a corpse as a grievous calamity ('Records of the Past,' vol. 9. pp. 112,114). The dog was to the Hebrews, and to the Orientals generally, an unclean animal, and to be devoured by dogs would have been viewed as a fate which, for a queen, was almost inconceivable. And there shall be none to bury her. Jezebel had no one sufficiently interested in her fate to watch over her remains. Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah, had kept watch over the bodies of the seven sons of Saul, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night (2 Samuel 21:10); and in Greece, if we may believe the poets, life had been risked, and actually forfeited, to save a near relative from similar ignominy (Soph., 'Ant.,' lines 245-743). But "Jezebel had none to bury her." When she was ejected from the palace window (ver. 33) and fell to the ground, and was trodden under foot by Jehu's chariot-horses, no one came forth from the palace to give the bruised and wounded corpse such tendance as was possible. There was entire neglect of the body for (probably) some hours; and, during these, the catastrophe occurred which Divine foresight had prophesied, but which human malice had not intended (see vers. 34-37). And he opened the door, and fled. The young man the prophet obeyed to the letter the injunctions which Elisha had given him (ver. 3). The moment that he had executed his errand, he fled.
