Sunday, August 4, 2013

Currency Reset - End Of The Fed ---- FREEDOM FOR AMERICA


Anonymous said...

John this video is from February 6, 2011 It would seem this info is a little off. MAy be much more appropriate for now but you know it will have peops jumping up and down here. Godspeed

Anonymous said...

Good one John, I pray it is all true.

Anonymous said...

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are Reece and Shiela, who I think are CMKX shareholders.

The video was appropriate then, and the WGS was indeed scheduled to be released at that time. But, again, they were delayed and the RV did NOT happen because of the delay.

There will be no RV or anything without the WGS being released. Period.

There has been no sign that the WGS has been released at this time, but it is indeed being worked on each day.