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I Was ‘Invited’ Aboard A Craft By
3 Androgynous Beings In Long White Robes - by Kelvin Curnow
![]() I Was ‘Invited’ Aboard A Craft By 3 Androgynous Beings In Long White Robes - by Kelvin Curnow My name is Kelvin Curnow, and I live in Plymouth, England. I have had several experiences with celestial craft ( ufo's ) since early childhood, and have also had telepathic communication with these craft on many occasions during my lifetime. I have always felt very strongly since childhood, that I do not belong here, but have to accept the fact, that I answered a call, and incarnated here for a higher purpose. Many of us are known as ' starseeds ' / ' lightworkers ', we are human in appearance, but have extraterrestrial souls to carry out the work that needs to be done on ' earth ' to raise higher human consciousness, to assist humanity during the current transition of the ' earth changes ', as prophesied by the Mayans of Central America and the Hopi Indians of Arizona. When I reached the age of 34, I decided to go public about my experiences and was invited to India, to give talks to people of all religions, on my experiences with highly evolved benevolent extraterrestrials, that I had interacted with since early childhood. In one of my many experiences, I believe that I was either in a trance, or actually having an ' out of body ' experience, when at the age of 15, I remember getting out of bed, walking down the stairs, and walking out of the back of the house and into the rear garden. Just beyond the garden wall, which was about 1 meter high, there was an open field with 3 or 4 horses about 100 meters away, at the top of the field. Roughly 15 meters from the garden wall, there was a saucer / disc shaped craft, roughly 10 meters in diameter, glowing with white luminosity, and standing right by the craft, there were three beautiful androgynous beings, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing long white robes. They communicated with me telepathically, and I felt very strongly that I knew them, and that they knew me. I must state quite clearly, that I was not abducted, but was ' invited ' to board the craft. I went on board the spacecraft at my own freewill, as I felt so much love coming from these beautiful beings and felt entirely safe with them. When I was on the craft, I had no recollection of being taken anywhere, but do remember there being crystals in the center of the craft, of which I felt at the time, was their power source, when traveling to and from the ' motherships ', which actually travel interdimensionally, as there are many different dimensions and universes of reality. Also, because these craft are able to travel interdimensionally, they also have the ability to manipulate time-travel. During my experience on board the craft, I was shown different timeline scenarios, of possible future world events, including enormous climate change and the collapse of the world's monetary system. I was also shown other possible future world events, of which I will not disclose, however, whatever happens to the future of humanity, we must remember that the future is not set in stone, and that we the inhabitants of this beautiful planet, have the power to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, if we so choose to, putting behind our prejudices against skin color and religions, as ' We Are All One '. All three beings were on the craft with me, one on the other side of the crystals opposite me, one to my left, and another being to my right. To this day, I have no idea where I may of been taken, but I do remember that I was able to communicate with them telepathically, and I remember feeling sad, when I came off the craft. In the morning, I just woke up in bed, and went off to school. It was not until the 31st August, 1997, when the Princess of Wales was killed in a car accident in Paris, that I was sitting at a computer, and felt that I was receiving information of which I typed on the keyboard. Much of the information that came through, was about what we are experiencing in the current timeline, such as accelerated climate change, resulting in millions of people, crossing international borders in search of food and water, as well as increased earthquake and volcanic activity and the imminent collapse of the world's financial institutions. When I was incarnated here on ' earth ' in 1958, I had no memory of my past life existence, however, I feel a very strong connection with the ' Pleiades ' star system, and I do know for a fact, that planet ' earth ' is the only inhabited planet in the galaxy, that has a monetary system. It is my belief, that due to the current transition of the ' earth changes ' that not only are we experiencing geophysical and climatic changes, but also changes in our current out-dated social, political and economic system, which will finally result in the collapse of the monetary system. As long as there is a planetary monetary system in place, there will not be ' peace ' on this ' earth ' as it is the banking system that finances the wars that sadly continue to this day, but for not much longer, as money is just an illusion, that was introduced by the Romans just over 2,000 years ago, when ' salt ' was used as the first currency before metal coins. There are enough resources on this planet for everyone, and no-one should ever have to go hungry or not have a warm comfortable home to live in. As soon as the monetary system collapses, I have absolutely no doubt, that there will be a temporary difficult transition, but at least we can all move forward without the monetary system, and build a better and much more loving world, as the ' creator ' intended it to be. If you are a person who has also had similar experiences as myself with extraterrestrials, you are welcome to contact me at my personal email address, which is : as this is a time, when all ' starseeds' and ' lightworkers ' must gather together, to finish the mission that we volunteered to do, when we incarnated here on Earth to assist humanity to a higher level of consciousness, giving us the ' opportunity ' to lead all of us onto the ' Christ Consciousness ' when Jesus and the ' Masters ' of all the other religions spoke of humanity, having ' one consciousness '. Above, is a painting that I had commissioned several years ago, in regard to my experience at 15 years of age, when three highly evolved androgynous beings, invited me onto their craft. ' Love, Light and Peace on Earth ' ' Namaste ' Kelvin Curnow Source: I Was ‘Invited’ Aboard A Craft By 3 Androgenous Beings In Long White Robes.Kelvin Curnow - THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT |
Better put on your hip waders before reading this...
No need for hip waders but only a willingness to open one's mind!
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