Wednesday, August 28, 2013

KARMA - Payback is a Bitch - Yours is coming

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

KARMA - Payback is a Bitch - Yours is coming

  • They owe vast Trillions and Lie!

  • They have stolen vast Trillions and it's all wanted back.

  • They break every promise they make. They Cheat and Lie with impunity.

  • Their Forefathers types ended up in the Dock at Nuremberg and were hung.

  • The worst of the Zionists controlling the US Treasury, Fed and Wall Street Bankers, excluding all non Jewish Americans, have raped America and the world. As they have ruthlessly for Centuries worldwide. Payback time will show no mercy. Their homes will not hold back the ferocious Mobs coming for them. Wall Street will become Wailing Street!

  • Hell will hath no fury like a world dispossessed. Nowhere to hide. 

Further hard evidence to all parties that the Tax Relief and American Project Recovery and Infrastructure Funding offers have been and received as evidenced, so NO more LYING Political or Treasury / Fed Denials! 


Others are Global funds you also RENEGED ON so PAY BACK what is owed you Thieving Parasites.

So, let's keep it simple. YOU KNOW- WHAT YOU OWE! So do we all. 

It's time to expose them and close them down. To Name and Shame these Traitors to a man.
The Cabal are unelected Global Racketeers and War Mongering Terrorists.   

The choice to put Americans first has failed by the Political misfits in office. The Cabal and the Marxist Usurper holding office illegally can not go on. Americans are waking up at last.

Pay out as owed. Shame on your Office. Congress try Representing the Nation and Justice. Shape Up or Ship Out! 

Worldwide the clock is ticking. Worldwide America's Cabal criminality is exposed. This is NOT the decent American people, nor the vast millions of GOOD Americans who want only to rebuild their country. It is ONLY the Cabal and Criminal Shyster Bankers. America deserves better. So does the world. The Cabal is SPECTRE the true enemy of humanity.

  • Pay back Leo Wanta's funds as directed for the Benefit of the American Nation. Shame on you. (Wanta files)

    • Pay back what is owed to the many other Private Placements you took and reneged on! The vast Trillions defrauded. They seek only to rebuild America and the world with their funds.

    • Pay back to Ed Falcone what was stolen from him by Bush 41 and Impeach Biden for disgracing the Office as Vice President for taking a $200M bribe from Bush. (Falcone files)

    • Investigate Hitlary Clinton for bribing him acting for Bush 41. Stop blocking the Florida Miami Beach FBI investigation to protect the Bush family. All CRIMINALS must be treated equally especially the Bushes. They do the crime so do the time!

    • Pay the Iraqi Dinars funds so America can be recovered and Iraq can have the dignity of their own country and Sovereignty back after illegal Regime Changes. 

    • Stop the lying, illegal war arming terrorist insurgents against Syria! Stop destroying nations.

    Every week the Private Placement funds long overdue for redemption fail to be paid, more disclosures will be made.

    Every week the Dinars and Iraq are sold out and unpaid, ever more disclosures will be made. More criminal acts will be evidenced worldwide to expose these Villains for what they are, it shames them and America. Our ever better informed world is changing fast. More Nations now switch on.

    The world is waking up. Americans have had their country stolen, as has Iraq. Major questions need to be asked.

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