Monday, August 19, 2013

Loechin - RV Commentary


  Now that the reset is in full swing everything has to be ready for us which is being done as we 
speak. As I was told tonight [Sunday] make certain I am ready for what will be mine this 

week...The word delay is a word you will never use again!!!  I will not share the rates... 

however let's say double for your trouble...Guys its all about I can say and not get in trouble. 

Things green things are being moved into place...The RV has happened...Ok I am talking about 

in the USA, not Iraq...It's here already...Stop looking in the obvious places for rates guys. The 

rates have been out and showing for seven weeks with exchanges going on in many of your 
cities and you didn't see it or know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay so the rates have been out for weeks where would we find those rates exactly? Oh let me guess not any of the usual places rates like this show up its a secret I'm sure. What an ignorant commentary with no info or help as to find out where these supposed rates are. Waste of space and time. Your commentary smacks of sarcasm like we are supposed to know.

Lets see we aren't allowed to call the bank, the only thing we can do is look at the markets under currency which by the way is how people do business of this sort.

Wow what crap.