Wednesday, August 7, 2013


     "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - II Corintians 5:17
     "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for al." - Hebrews 10:10
     " And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed until the day of redemption." - Ephesians 4:30
     I checked certain sources and found testimony that federal sources think that we are going to be hit with a massive EMP attack on earth due to solar flares about to occur on the sun. I did note the comments that the federal boys have their secret underground hiding places they will flee to if this happens and then leave all of you above to probably die on the face of the earth. It is nice to know that Wash., D.C. loves you so dearly that they will abandon all of you to die if the EMP attack occurs as they think. If some of you somehow survive the living hell on earth, when the coast is clear, they will sneak back out and then try to reestablish control over you as the claimed government for you. I just thought you should know how dearly Wash., D.C. loves you as they did nothing to protect you from an EMP attack they think is coming such as protecting the electrical utility suppliers so they could survive an EMP attack, etc.
     I have reasons to think that an EMP attack on the earth by solar flares from the sun is not in God's time table at this time, so suspect strongly they will not occur even as the EMP attack did not occur from solar flares they even reported on the news they thought could have happened a few weeks ago but did not materialize at the last moment.
     When at or around 17 years old I had what is called a near death experience. I briefly died and bargained for my life with Jesus Christ. I made promises I am still bound by. I returned to life and the first thing I noticed when I revived my body is my face was white as a sheet having no blood circulating there. I threw my head between my legs to get blood circulation going again and the face returned to life. I am scientific by nature and had all sorts of observations what the death state is like. In later years I became good friends with Dr. Richard Eby of Victorville, CA who had died for maybe 18 hours in Chicago, Illinois according to the hospital. He returned to life which shocked the hospital staff as he had been lying in a hospital bed for hours since they couldn't move his body to the morgue for technical reasons. Also, his skin had been tore off his skull and a visiting woman doctor who knew him from California as a favor to the family resewed the torn off skin to the bald skull of his head. It took over a 100 stitches to make him look human again with his face and head. The woman doctor said she did this so he would look better for his funeral later on. When a doctor came to him after he arose from the hospital bed suddenly alive, he told the doctor that he needed a blood transfusion. The hospital doctor said that they couldn't do that under Illinois law as it was illegal under state law to give a blood transfusion to a body certified medically dead. So it took maybe two or three days before his body reproduced the several pints of blood he had lost when all this blood drained out of his head while dead on a street of Chicago. 
     I told Dr. Richard Eby of my death experience and my scientific observations on what death really is. Among many observations I gave to him is that when we die, we spiritually became alive and what we call life on earth is a dull experience and like we were dead on earth in comparison to real life in the hereafter. And the only reason for life was quite apparent when dead is that we must become friends with God while still alive as we couldn't do that after death. Dr. Richard listened to my list of scientific observations and said his medical observators as a doctor while dead were identical to mine, so he judged that I had really died or else I would not have known how to describe death to him. He had never committed to writing his medical observations on death while he was personally dead himself. We became good friends because of this bond of this common shared experience between us. He later talked about talking with Jesus Christ in Paradise and did not want to come back to life on earth when told that Jesus wanted to send him back. He asked why and Jesus answered, "Because you are available!" And the message to bring back is that Jesus was returning soon to earth and the Christians were not spiritually read for his return. He was told that he could live until Jesus returned. When later he told Christians of seeing life in the hereafter, he finally got so hurt in heart he begged Jesus to release him from having to live on earth until Jesus returned and so eventually died a natural death a few years ago. What hurt his heart so deeply is sensing that most of the Christians did not want to be serious Christian but only lip service Christians in words but not deeds for Christ.
     Having my own near death experience, I did over the years have a few other friends who also had near death experiences and the testimony seemed to always match what they said they saw after they died. One thing such an experience does to you is make you a firm Christian and total believer in God. It is too late to try to be an atheist when you already know that God exists for real having seen the hereafter for yourself and allowed to come back to life on earth which I judged a death state in comparison to the real life state you enter once dead. In the hereafter, we are much smarter than on earth. We can experience love hate, and other emotions like symbolically a 100 times stronger than on earth. And I have seen repeatedly when a person who died and then returned to life on earth would testify on a Christian TV program, he or she would say that they saw Jesus in Paradise and the Christian TV host would then proclaim that they saw Jesus in Heaven. Correction, scholars! Paradise and Heaven are two different locations, not the same! And Revelation adds a third location to saved and blessed can go to later on which is New Jerusalem on earth. Early Christianity taught that 30 fold reward Christians got to later go to New Jersualem, 60 fold reward Christians also got to go to Paradise (also called the Garden of Eden in Genesis), and 100 fold reward Christians also got to go to Heaven proper itself where the Throne of God is located at. I think it was Bishop Irenaeus around 180 A.D. quoted from the earlier Christian writer Papias as this being a passed down teaching from the Apostles of Jesus Christ to the first Church on earth.
      Shortly after my near brush with death at or around 17 years old, I ran into a very strange man while taking my dog for a walk. He stopped me with a startling statement that I had a near brush with death a few weeks earlier but the Lord let me live. I had not even told my parents when I had this near death experience. He told me secrets of my character, predictions of things later to happen to me including Wash., D.C. would not like me because it was possessed of the spirit of Antichrist and I would be possessed of the Spirit of Christ. I had predicted to me some future events with Wash., D.C. and America. I did not laugh at him but scientist in me, if he is speaking with supernatural knowledge on all this, then let events prove him right or wrong on what he predicts for the future. To my amazement, all things that he predicted so far have come true. And he indicated because Christianity needed capable leadership in the final days before the return of Jesus to earth, God gave me four gifts to give Christianity victory and make it ready for Jesus when He returns to earth. His words here, not mine, that I would become known as "a genius" with "national brilliance" in religion, political science, military, and economics. In military and economics, he even used extra words to say how much of a gift God gave me in these last two fields but I see no reason to repeat what he said. If any church helped you to become a better Christian, then it was doing what it was supposed to by the plan of God. If you were no better a Christian for belonging to a church than not, then that church had failed in its mission before God. You could be saved as a Protestant as well as a Catholic, (even the Roman Catholic Church teaches this but still emphasizes that it historicaly would be the original Church founded by Jesus Christ and the Apostles), but the Catholic Church respected more the early Christian traditions and teachings than the average Protestant church would. But no church would save you, only Jesus Christ by accepting and following His teachings for you on earth. All churches on earth were in need of reform to better represent the true Christianity founded by Jesus Christ on earth.
     I have over the years told some friends parts of this prophecy I have not committed to writing here. All Christians come short of the standards of God Christianity set for them to practice and live by. The churches hopefully can help us to become better Christians, but we have to care and go further than the churches will show us if we are to be the Christians that Jesus really wants us to be. I will be truthful when the corrupt would wish I would keep my mouth shut. The reason why the Jews suffered so terribly under Hitler is that they were not right with God. Until the Jews returned to the true standards God intended for them, they denied themselves the special protection of God. While they rebel against God in key ways, they tie the hands of God to put them under His special protection. Not my words, but this man with the strange prophecies. And he told me that he came from a Jewish background originally himself, but indicated he was instructed to deliver to me the message that he did and which in part I have repeated to you. He also indicated that God gave special gifts to every race on earth, but when racial differences were wiped out by  mass  intermarriage, this would remove or weaken the special gifts that God had given to every race on earth. And he said that you could eat meat and vegetables, but a more vegetarian diet would be better for your health.
     Pastor Dan of Nigeria died in 2001 and resurrected from the dead 3 days later at a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in Nigeria. Maybe millions of Blacks in Africa became Christians after learning of the ressurrection of Pastor Dan in Nigeria. He talked of being in Paradise for 3 days and then under protect returned to earth and this life being told to bring back the message that Jesus was returning soon and the Christians were not ready for His return. He saw Jesus in Paradise which Christian TV reworded into he saw Jesus in Heaven. That is not what he said! He said Paradise! And also he saw Hell where those who reject Jesus will spend all eternity in! He said he saw a Christian pastor there who had stolen money from his congregation and for this was condemned to Hell for all eternity because of this!
     Pastor Dan also said the wealth of the wicked was reserved for the righteous shortly before Jesus returns. Prophecies such as this cause me to speculate that the EMP attack from solar flares is not going to happen to throw the world into massive famine. God is going to give us a little time at least to get our act right before God. So get the message and get right with God now! Don't play games!
     Pass this message around as the churches are normally scared to death of anything supernatural and since they won't report on the supernatural, that is why you and your children are vulnerable to the propaganda of clever liars and con artists called atheists!
     My website to promote the Christian agenda in America is  My email is com  If seeing something on the website but want to order it by mail instead of through the website our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 (Been there for more than two decades!) Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for!
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one bringing the light of Jesus and true reform to the churches comfortable with the corruptions of the world and not wanting to do what Jesus wants them to do so the Bride Church will be ready for Him when He returns! By the way, Jesus Money used 4 times in history and taught by Jesus in the New Testament always booms the economy wildly beyond what the evil can do for you in society! We bring this to power by passage of the Omni Law you are supposed to back to bring Christian values to power in America and across the world! The Omni Law is on our website and restores control of government to the American people and takes it away from the evil leaders presently running Wash., D.C.!)


Anonymous said...

I have to question those who still lay claim to the name Jesus.
The Name Yahweh is enshrined in the Third Commandment:

Thou shalt not take the Name of Yahweh () thy Elohim [God] in vain" (Ex.20:7)

The word "vain" is the Hebrew shoaw, meaning "to rush over, to bring devastation, uselessness, or ruin". In other words, this is THE Sacred Name above all names. This Name is not to be blasphemed (Lev.24:16) or desicrated. It is to be treated with reverential awe because it is the essence of the True God Himself.
The Catholics and most Protestants have blasphemed this Name by changing it to "Jehovah" which translated "God is perverse" by mutilating it (as described above). There is even a whole church called the "Jehovah's Witnesses" which uses this disgusting name. The Bible teaches from cover to cover that the true Name of God, Yahweh, is essential to salvation. It is mentioned right at the beginning of the Bible and is used througout.Yahweh is the creator "who made the earth and the heavens" (Gen.2:4).

One thing most Muslims and Christians are ignorant of is that the Name of the True God appears within the Name of Jesus. Most Christians are rather embarrassed to learn that "Jesus" isn't the real Name of Christ at all. If you had asked someone in New Testament times who "Jesus" was, nobody would have known. If you had asked Mary (Miryam) is she had a son called "Jesus" she would have stared at you blankly. The son of Mary was not called "Jesus" but Yah'shua ().

Jesus is a Greek word. The letter "J" doesn't even exist in Hebrew. Yet the angel Gabriel told Mary/Miriyam that the Messiah's Name, which was given by Almighty God Himself, was of special significance. It has a precise meaning of prophetic importance. Gabriel said that He would receive this Name because "He shall save His people from their sins". Every Hebrew scholar will tell you that the Name given through Gabriel was Y'SHUA orYAH'SHUA. Literally translated this means, "YAH saves" - and you will remember that Yah is a contraction of Yahweh.

You see, God's true Name was even preserved in the Name of the Messiah because it is YAH / Yahweh - who saves. The Name of "Jesus" was"YAHWEH SAVES".

The Scriptures are therefore consistent not only in preserving the true Name of God, Yahweh, throughout, but in placing the Sacred Name in the Messiah as well. This is no accident of of immense prophetic significance. There are now millions of believers who now no longer use the perverse name "Jehovah" and who use the correct name of Jesus, Yah'shua, in order to be true to the Scriptures. I am one of them.

Anonymous said...

Man does not have an immortal soul that lives on after death. That was why God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden so they would not be able to eat from the Tree of Life which would enable them to have eternal life. Nor does man "go to Heaven" when he dies. There are countless references in the Bible showing that man, like a dog is dead. A few of them are below...
Mark 12:25 "When the dead RISE (they are in the grave), they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." (Why raise the dead if they are in heaven or someplace else other than the grave?)
Ecclesiastes 9:5 "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward and even their name is forgotten."
Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working, nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."

Luke 16:31 "He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."

John 5:25 "Very truly I say to you, a time is coming and has now come when the DEAD will hear the voice of the son of God and those who hear will live."

John 5:21 "For just as the Father raises the DEAD and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it."

Other references are Mark 7:8, Malachi 4:1-3; Obadiah 16; Psalm 146:3-4; Hebrews 9:27 and on and on and on...
In fact, if everyone is in Heaven, Paradise or wherever, what is the new for a resurrection as described in the book of Revelation when Christ returns?