Stone’s Son Says 9/11 Was an ‘Inside Job’
Stone speaks out against NATO imperialism and says that the official government
story about 9/11 is a lie
YORK, NY – JUNE 19: Sean Stone attends The Inaugural St. Jude Spring Social at
Noir NYC on June 19, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty
August 9, 2013
I understand that many
people would rather that we not report on celebrities at all, but what these
people are saying can give us an indication of what the rest of the herd will
be saying in the not so distant future. Whether we like it or not, a
celebrity, any celebrity embracing a message that is counter to the mainstream
is going to make that message more palatable to the general population.Intellihub.com
August 9, 2013
Recently, Woody Harrelson shocked his mainstream interviewer when he
said that he was an anarchist and that people were capable of taking care of
themselves without political systems.
Oliver Stone is another
one who has a long history of questioning the system, while using his art form,
and position in the spotlight to bring attention to important issues. His
son Sean may be even more outspoken, and has recently made some controversial
Speaking in an interview, Stone said that “9/11
was probably an inside job of some kind that it was not simply a rag-tag group
of terrorists led by bin Laden who conducted this operation.”
Additionally, Stone
called the U.S. war on terror “over a
decade of constant fear mongering and aggression.” “Despite the fact that
there’s more awareness on it, why is it that we do continue to see this
propaganda about the boogeyman terrorists whether they be Muslim or Russian or
North Korean or what not? What is that system? It’s a cycle of fear. It’s a
cycle that has to be broken internally,” Stone said.There is so much evidence that has come to light since the collapse of the world trade centers that it is now quite clear that there was a massive cover up involved in this situation. There were also many members of the establishment, employees of the CIA, FBI, NSA and other organizations who caught on to the cover up while it was happening. These whistleblowers successfully exposed the cover up beyond a reasonable doubt, but their stories were largely ignored by the mainstream media.
The testimony of people like Sibel Edmonds, Richard Andrew Grove, William Bergman, Coleen Rowley, J. Michael Springmann, Robert Wright, Indira Singh and Barry Jennings totally blows the official government account out of the water. Among the piles of scientific and anecdotal evidence, there are now over 1300 architects and engineers who have signed a petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation.
This independent investigation is necessary because the 9/11 commission was a total puppet committee, who just pushed the story that the pentagon ordered them to.
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