Wednesday, August 21, 2013


?) What is the difference between a Republic and a Democracy type of government?

a) A Republic type of government is one where ALL PEOPLE ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE!!!! A Democracy is a mob rule type where you participate or not, either way the top elitist are going to do exactly what they want to do and it always benefits them=rulers and not the rest of the people and always incorporates a military industrial complex.

Democracy is the best known example of an oligarchy which has demonstrated throughout history to fail and to cause economic depression and strife amongst the people.

?) When one uses the terms 'de jure' and 'de facto' what are the meanings of these terms and how do they apply to the effort to re-set the de jure government?

a) de jure v. de facto,
    de jure = lawfull, correct, natural,
    de facto = illegal, fraudulent, looks good smells good rotten to the core

ex: de jure = heirloom seed, gold backed money
      de facto = genetically modified organisms (GMO), Federal Reserve

How this applies to government?

a) De jure is a system of government that is "lawfull" in its day to day operations and always keeps the best interest of the people front and center in the governing.

aa) De facto is an appearance of acting "lawfully" but does not support humane efforts and actions in law.

De facto government is what we have today in the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is run top down manor, president=CEO of Corp, congress=board of directors.

De jure government is what the Constitution and Bill of Rights gave us to start with and it was corrupted. The de jure government has the interest of the people held up front and acts within the limits granted in the Constitution and is a bottom up Government.

How does the de jure government the we represent differ from the Republic form that is being touted as being already set up and funded and recognized?

a) "Show us the Proof." The name that has been on the blogs is conflicting as it has no reference points or proofs that can be observed in the public venue.

aa) The difference between our de jure government and anyone else is that we have the proof and we have not been challenged or has any of our proof been rebutted. We have our proofs' from local to state to national to international placements, based on common law principles which places us under original jurisdiction and venue.

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