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Spread-eagled against the wall and marched off single-file: How
Russia deals with illegal immigrants
- Police and immigration officers raided Moscow's Teply
Stan market
- They detained dozens of suspected illegal immigrants
- Is part of a crackdown on four million illegal
immigrants in Russia
Moscow police launched a no-nonsense crackdown on suspected illegals working on stalls in a market.
Officers prodded suspects with batons and pinned them against police vans as searches were carried out.

nonsense: Immigration officers and police yesterday raided Teply Stan market in
Moscow looking for illegal immigrants . This man was spread-eagled against a
police bus

Out of 11 million migrants currently living in Russia, four million are
believed to be illegal immigrants
were forced to keep their arms in the air while police looked for documents –
or a lack of them.The suspects were then frog-marched on to a police bus with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, and driven away from the Teply Stan market to face a rapid expulsion from the country.
approach is in stark contrast to last month’s softly-softly dawn swoop by
British police on an illegal camp of 63 Romanian gipsies in central London’s
exclusive Park Lane.After being detained, the gipsies were offered free flights home if they agreed to leave Britain immediately.

Once they have been searched, the suspected illegal immigrants were lined up
single file and marched onto the police bus

happy: Looking solemn, and under the guard of a fierce looking police officer,
the men are marched away

A police officer quizzes this man as he searches his items
20 accepted. The rest were allowed back on the streets after being ordered to
leave the country within 30 days.Just three days later dozens were back at the litter-strewn camp, which has been blamed for a rise in petty crime in the West End. This week’s Moscow operation was one of a string of raids on Russian markets which have rounded up more than 1,000 suspected illegals, mostly from Central Asia and former Soviet states such as Belarus and Kazakhstan.
It follows an alleged attack on a policeman by two fruit sellers at one market, according to the Moscow Times.

The men were forced to stand still with their hands behind their heads as they
waited for instructions from the police

These detainees appear to see the funny side as they are led away by police
anger over illegal immigration is such that nationalists armed with baseball
bats demanded to see market vendors’ paperwork in an incident in St Petersburg.Dmitry Demidenko, of the Russian Federal Migration Service, said: ‘Some 11,193,289 immigrants are living in Russia, and 3.76million of them live here illegally.
‘We are searching for them and expel from the country as we find them.
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