Wednesday, August 14, 2013



     "Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy." - Sir Winston Churchill

     "Truth is treason in the American empire of laws." - Ron Paul, Texas

     "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

     "Wealth is a product of man's capacity to think." - Aynd Rand

     "Laws can be used to free man. Or laws can be used to enslave man." - King Arthur in Camelot movie

     "Where liberty dwells, there is my country." - Benjamin Franklin

     In answer whether national war or crisis removes the legal obligation of the U.S. Republic to continue obeying the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights at that time, the U.S. Supreme Court answered this question  in Ex Parte Milligan in 1866:
     "The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine involving more pernicious (deadly)consequences was ever invented by the evil of man that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great emergencies of government." It is a shame that the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, and Obama at the White House do not at this time believe they are bound to obey the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. When America was founded as a nation in 1776, it was considered dictatorship and a tyranny of government when it refused to obey what the constitution bound it to obey and to legally respect the God-given rights of the people whether formally written up or else respected as binding on all government whether listed in writing or else understood under natural law as God-given rights. If Wash., D.C. obeyed its own constitution to have limited government and not unlimited government in America which the American Declaration of Independence in 1776 declared to be tyranny when it declares itself to have legislative power in all cases whatsoever, if Wash., D.C. was a lawful national government in laws, actions and policies, then there would be no Energy Crisis in America today. Wash., D.C. created the problem and fights to not solve the problem by remaining a tyranny under law instead of a free government for the people under a national constitution and bill of rights that it obeys and respects. When you can do nothing in society without permission of government, then you do not live in a free nation, but a dictatorship and tyranny as clearly defined in 1776 when America was founded as a nation.
     If America was a free nation under law, then I would overnight give America a number of world size and world class industries that would massively skyrocket the national economy of America and jobs for all. Only a government loving tyranny and not freedom holds me back from mass blessing the American people. God has given to me major blessings that God wants to give to America, but tyranny is a concept of Satan while freedom is a concept of God for mankind. A people loving enslavement, tyranny, lies instead of truth, dictatorship, and no God-given rights are a petty people and unfit to become future citizens of the Kingdom of God for all eternity. A people loving truth and being responsible with free will given us by God are the people that God wants to be His family for all eternity.  
     Releasing a report on a cheap substitute for gasoline is a power move for the people. They accept the technology offered them and they are one step closer to becoming a free people in America instead of slaves under federal tyranny which we have too much of in America today. We come to real freedom step by step of actions based upon brains instead of stupidity. If the oil cartel sees the people mass respond where they want the information on a cheap substitute fuel for gasoline, then the oil cartel loses its nerve to skyrocket gasoline prices in America and the world. They see the people are weak, then they know that they can raise the price of gasoline enormously and laugh at the dumb people who do not want to be free of aggressive inflation in a nation caused by steadily rising prices in gasoline which in turn pushes up all the other prices in society also!
      This is a step in the right direction, not the ultimate victory, but at least a step in the right direction. In 1994, I wrote the copyrighted report "HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN AUTO & HEATING FUEL FOR AS CHEAP AS 10 CENTS PER GALLON, OR FOR FREE!! PLUS SEVEN DIFFERENT GASOLINE EXTENDERS." Quoting part of the first paragraph, "As Jack Anderson, well known Washington correspondent once wrote - our Wash., D.C. has known for over 40 years that alcohol was as good a fuel as gasoline. However, our government was out to please the oil industry, so pretended it didn't know that alcohol is a fine substitute for gasoline.  Since New Zealand had no domestic oil supplies, Chrysler sent their cars (to New Zealand) prior to World War II modified to run on alcohol instead of gasoline." Not in report, but Henry Ford when inventing the Model T Ford car debated whether to make it run on alcohol or gasoline and finally decided on gasoline because at the time it was cheaper than alcohol to buy.
     Now gasoline with 10% or 15% alcohol added to it is not a good mixture, but a car run on straight alcohol can be used as a decent substitute for gasoline. By the way, folks, pass this report around all over America and the oil cartel will have a near nervous breakdown over you understanding too much. To head you off from electing to make alcohol a popular substitute for gasoline, they will be under enormous pressure to keep your gasoline prices reasonable for you instead of sticking a knife in your back with steadily rising gasoline prices in America and likely the world also. And to really create a panic with them, if you run your car on vaporized alcohol instead of liquid alcohol, you have the potential to get very high fuel mileage and economy for your car. I was an engineering student years ago and very good at it being allowed to take one week's worth of engineering studies each day and keeping an A average while doing this. That means I know what you can do with engineering if you really want to! To see the report I am offering you now as a free bonus tells you of ways to make or get your alcohol at a cheap cost and with that our successors to the Model T Ford can now run on alcohol instead of gasoline if Henry Ford were around today to make the decision now for cars!
     The oil cartel senses the American people are now backing me and they will slam the brakes on higher prices for gasoline in America. And if the people of Europe, etc. take a liking to what I am talking about, then gasoline will not go up wildly in price in Europe or likely the rest of the world. As free enterprise economics teach, competition can help keep prices more reasonable by giving the people choices if one product is too high in price! Pastor Lindsey Williams known by many got close to key sources in the oil industry and heard their plans to push gasoline up to $6 a gallon once they can. They threatened to murder him and his family if he did not shut up what he knew about the oil industry.
     I am not a fool. I am open to up to 10 American oil companies to make a deal with me for $250 million collective total between them and when ready, I will create a win-win situation where the people get blessed with better fuel prices from the involved oil companies and the oil companies allied with me can have a new angle to the oil business where they can make more money than ever before, but this time serving the people instead of hurting the people. My grandfather was one of the most brilliant inventors in America and invented around 700 inventions used in America including the first rear car signal lights and stop and go signs for car traffic. He had studied to be a Catholic priest, but born with genius in inventions changed to being an inventor in America even though he had no formal technical education, but loaded with talent in technical thinking. My father with no technical education but tons of common sense in technical matters invented the most important food process in human history and endorsed by such as the Vatican as his invented food process was potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was so important to world health and prevention of starvation in the world. Inventive talent or genius runs in the family line both father and mother side and my own parents watched in startled amazement when at six or seven I started inventing things and with no technical training then. It was family genes transmitted this talent and not formal training. I was born with a technical brain and clever in technical fields. The ten oil companies I let join with me should become the ten most powerful oil companies in human history! When you ally with me, you will realize why you were so smart once you find out what my trade secret angles are. I have been in business almost all my life and I have the practical mind of someone who deeply understands the subtleties of business and what is smart business. The American people are too demoralized in character right now to win America back just by themselves, so I pick up a few powerful allies who I will turn into allies of the people instead of their enemies! I play to win and that means not being naive in what is required to win! Like the demoralized soldiers following General George Washington, he started with some early withdrawals since his side did not have the resources at first to fight right the British Army which was the best in the world then, but as he picked up some allies such as France, he crushed the British Army and gave the American Revolution its victory which made America an independent nation after that.
     My report I want you to have tells how Wash., D.C. pulled con games on you to raise the price of gasoline in America and lied like fury to you so you would accept higher gasoline prices when there was no need for it in America. Even the Reader's Digest once exposed how this Washington con was pulled on the American people by a Democratic President. Of course the Republican Presidents except for Ronald Reagan who tried to be an honest President in corrupt Wash., D.C. have also pulled their share of cons on you over the "Energy Crisis" of America created and engineered by Wash., D.C. to serve corrupt interests without you knowing that you were victims of a corrupt Wash., D.C. Also I give credit to Harry Truman who as one of the later Presidents of America tried to be very honest while in the White House. He had a lot of the common man to him and also lots of common sense. He made some smart moves the historians have not given him credit for. He saved America from runaway or hyperinflation after World War II and blocked the Communists from winning America then if a more naive man had been President then instead of him. I always respect brains where I find it!
     Technical side of this report shows how to run two forms of alcohol stills for no cost in energy. One is the old G.I. trick of World War II how they distilled alcohol as they were clever boys at times when they wanted to be! The other system pioneered by a farmer got all of its energy for free from the sun and you could around then build one of these alcohol stills for around $20.00. Probably costs a few dollars more now to make and simple design anyone can make!
     By the way, our corrupt S.E.C. in Wash., D.C. over the years suppressed at least 50 high gas mileage systems in America as Wash., D.C. is corrupt as all hell and most of the time has not seriously served the American people but corrupt sources instead who knew the ropes of how to bribe Wash., D.C. and not get caught at it while doing this!
     By offering the people a real answer for a substitute fuel for gasoine, they begin to learn that they are not helpless before the power elite. And step by step from victory to victory, they will end up the victorious army of American citizens and voters who will win back control of America through the Omni Law and storm Wash., D.C. as they reclaim it for America where now it serves secret interests no one is supposed to know about. This free bonus report will be sent by email to all those who order anything from my website from August 14 through August 20, 2013. Also, send your email to me if not ordering at this time so I can notify you when we are releasing other powerful angles for the benefit of the American people and winning back of America to the American people who do not control Wash., D.C. at this time. Say by email "Add me to email list" and we will enter you into our national email list growing bigger all the time.     
     The report on making alcohol as a substitute fuel for gasoline is a free bonus through August 20 with any product ordered from my website or paying to join one of the loan programs used to advance passage of the Omni Law. The G.I. still from World War II is told in the report how it was made and operated. The alcohol still powered by sunlight is more detailed booklet and requires a $15 fee for the pages on constructing it but still simple to make. A charge is made to send that report to you including a simple design showing how it looks once built. But you only order it after seeing the free bonus report if you want the detailed construction booklet report how it is built. And it is explained how it operates for you. The free bonus report tells the basic principle how you modify a gasoline driven car to where it can run on alcohol as its fuel instead. And the free bonus report shows you the angles how you can even make an alcohol fuel for maybe even 10 cents per gallon or even for free if you can get the materials for free listed to do this with. But the oil cartel if they sense you are not their defeated peons but people to be reckoned with, they will slam the brakes on raising gasoline prices to try and head you off from backing the Omni Law shown on my website. If the Omni Law is passed, the Energy Crisis of America will be solved soon after that as the Energy Crisis was engineered by Washington politicians and will be solved once the politicians are out of the way and replaced by statesmen created by the Omni Law who are going to do what is right for America then in the energy field.
     Our website for this cause to restore control of America to the American people is Our email is And don't forget to send in your email and name to here to join our national email list if we don't have it already from our customer and supporter list. And if sending in a check, etc. to order by mail instead of website, make it out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 and tell us whether payment is for a product or else financial support for our Omni Law Drive.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one not controlled by the oil cartel and not controlled by the pressure high treason groups in America. Pass this report around and let's win control of America back for the American people.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alcohol can be a gas.