Monday, August 19, 2013

There are no authorities over your souls


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Picture: There are no authorities over you souls. Do not give away your power.

This has been a time for discernment. Indeed, it is imperative that you go within, as always, in order to discern for your own soul's resonance what you are being told or broadcast through your electronic instruments of communication.

There are those who are in terrible fear lest they are revealed for the beings of darkness that they are. They bring lies in the form of smiles and reassurances that all is well .... as long as they are among your 'leaders' in this world you will be taken care of; no one will be left behind. Just give your will over to them. Sound familiar?

Many times in humanity's history these words of assurance have led to its further enslavement. There are no authorities over your souls. You are your own authority. Do not be lured by smiling faces with daggers hidden behind their backs.

The harsh reality is that many who are on a conscious path to enlightenment have been swayed by hope. A hope that has been fed to those seekers who truly believe that life can be lived in a different way, with impeccability of soul.

Hope is not knowingness. Hope is in the future. Being in your own power is NOW. Giving over your power to a leader or a group of people leaves your own power by the wayside.

The situation facing humanity now is partially a result of looking to 'leaders' for your next step. You are your own authority. You know your next step. You are great and powerful spiritual beings. You are leaders. Remember that followers can easily be led to and off a high cliff.

The stinking, vile effluent flowing from those who would make you slaves to their whims is flowing across the Earth Mother in virulent thought-forms which are taking the innocence of children, the joy of youth and the pride of men and women in their prime, as well as leaving the elders without hope of peace and security in their time of completion.

Only you can change this. Your own power is within. This is a time for you to take your own power and change your world. No one can do this for you.

Are you determined to make this world a place that will nurture those to the seventh generation? How many are willing to stop relying on others to make your world a better place? It won't be dinars, dollars, yen, pounds that will change it for the better; it will be compassion, sacrifice, kindness, humility and strength of character.

There has never been an easy road to Ascension. Each soul follows its path through lifetimes of learning until it is ready to completely transcend this Earthly school. This has to be a conscious process. It is wake-up time. The old way isn't working, is it?

Each soul must awake itself. You need courage to face and feel the dependence that you have agreed to with your 'leaders'. Now is the time for independence. Now is the time for Love incarnated. Now is the time for your soul's flight of Ascension. Now is the time to free yourselves of dependence upon 'leaders'.

You are no longer little children to be led by 'leaders'. Be aware please, that the dark ones have infiltrated to some extent some of your messengers. Go within and feel what is true and what is distraction to keep you in a state of dramatic expectancy, playing with your emotions. Use your discernment, please.

Think on these things this night. Good night. Loving dreams to you. I Am St Germain.

Source here (15.08.13 - from Violinio Germain / Spirit Eagle / Madrona Woods).


Anonymous said...

Occult doctrines are not a solution to the world's problems.

Occult leaders are not the solution to other corrupt leaders.

Anonymous said...

As you hoard, things will be kept from you. As you give, things will be given to you.
As you speak the truth, you can hear the truth, as you live in deception and distrust, you will see deception and distrust.

We are creating what we experience, and until the One change is made that is unique to us, we see, feel, experience that which we put out.

I notice in posts how some express anger that there is no change or they don't see it. I can only guess the reaction of anger is core to the One expressing it. So as they put out anger, they receive things that 'anger' them.

Then there are those with the confidence and knowing of 'who we are', and as they read the 'power and control' words of 'you can't do this, we'll take that from you', they express the love and confidence that 'it can't be done without our consent.' and they don't feed the energy generated by the words of 'power and control'.

I can't guide someone who can't see the role they play in what they see. If I see a bridge and they see an abyss, as I try to guide them over the bridge, they will think I'm trying to make them walk into an abyss.

As I cross, they'll think I walked on air, but as they try to cross the air without seeing the bridge, they will surely fall into the abyss.

Both realities exist at the same time, but what is shown is what can be seen by the one who created it.

I don't feel sorry for any of my brothers and sisters because in all confidence, I know that what they experience, pro/con, good/bad, light/dark, right/left, it is something they of their own free will and conscience, guided their self to experience and to live through and as such, life is fair to allow them to go 'their way' without me interfering with what they decided to experience by what they do and how they feel and what they think and who they associate with or what they believe.