J P Morgan and Commodity Manipulation
J P Morgan and Commodity Manipulation
The practices and methods of manipulating commodity markets, is a staple topic in financial journalism. Options, futures and exotic forms of derivatives, often put under the microscope, gives rise to calls for substantive regulation. One area of the commodity trade, seldom examined is that involved with physical commodities trading. With much fanfare, Under siege, JPMorgan to quit physical commodities, a Reuters announcement has many seasoned street professionals shocked.
"JPMorgan Chase & Co is exiting physical commodities trading, the bank said in a surprise statement on Friday, as Wall Street's role in the trading of raw materials comes under unprecedented political and regulatory pressure.
Although the commodity division's $2.4 billion in reported revenue last year surpassed those of long-time rivals Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Morgan Stanley combined, some have queried its profitability due to the costs of running a huge logistical operation. One analyst estimated that physical trade accounted for half or more of overall commodities revenue."
A little background provides context. The excellent financial site Naked Capitalism illustrates one aspect of the art of manipulation. The article, SEC Gives JP Morgan and Other Big Banks License to Manipulate Commodities, reasons that the business of physical commodity storage is very different from a free enterprise marketplace.
"The SEC has paved the way for investors to take a direct stake in commodities, rather than through commodities futures. The agency gave the green light to JP Morgan to launch a fund whose shares would be backed by warehoused copper. The implications are not pretty. Per Khan:
In practical terms, the SEC handed traders at J.P. Morgan control over 20 to 30 percent of the copper available for immediate delivery from the London Metals Exchange — the commercial market where companies that use copper go to procure last-minute supplies.
The investors purchasing shares in J.P. Morgan’s fund won’t be buying copper to use, but to store. The intricacies of the fund are complex, but its underlying rationale is straightforward: the more shares investors buy, the more copper is taken off the market. And the more copper that is taken off the market, theoretically the more valuable the copper and the shares become.
"Allowing investors to speculate in the futures market created horrific price volatility," said Michael Greenberger, a law professor at the University of Maryland and former director at the CFTC. "Here, you’re allowing investors to intervene with physical supplies. We’ll see a double whammy."
Policy analyst Lina Khan continues to make her case in her original essay, JP Morgan Gets a Big Holiday Gift From the SEC.
"Speculators have been limited to trading in futures, which are forms of bets that link only indirectly with physical supply of copper. Two weeks ago, however, the SEC blessed a controversial fund designed by J.P. Morgan Chase that, for the first time, will let investors buy shares backed by physical, warehoused copper, to use as a form of investment.
The change may seem arcane. But long-time participants in the copper market say the effects will be immediate: Manufacturers looking to make productive use of copper will find themselves competing with speculators backed by some of the richest banks and funds in the world, raising prices for many consumer products. The long-term result may be even more disturbing: The SEC's ruling all but invites bankers to increase speculation in other, even more essential goods, like grain and oil."
So why would the "House of Morgan" want to exit another component business that multiplies the synergistic relationship, which enables the systematic control of price movement? In another Reuter Analysis: JPMorgan faces 'hard sell' in crowded market for commodity traders states: "The Federal Reserve is reconsidering a landmark 2003 decision that first allowed banks to trade physical commodities, in addition to traditional derivatives."
Here resides the rub. Remember the double whammy that Professor Greenberger alludes, seems to have a real world dark side. Again, Reuter provides an underlying factor in J P Morgan’s decision process.
"The bank is said to be in talks over a $400 million deal to settle allegations that it manipulated power markets; the metals warehousing industry is under public and political scrutiny over allegations that long queues are driving up prices."
With the vertical integration of finance after the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the too big to fail culture, opened the door to investment banksters for becoming legal monopolists in areas of business, foreign to traditional banking practices. In the Bloomberg article, JPMorgan Mulls Physical Commodities Exit Amid U.S. Review, the risk of mixing distinct and separate business functions and allowing financial institutions umbrella sanctions, only leads to higher prices.
"Physical commodities trading "is where it becomes more controversial," said Brad Hintz, a bank analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York. "Is that necessary in order to be a player on the risk side, is it necessary for the financing?"
Some lawmakers and customers have said banks can take advantage of their multiple roles to manipulate prices and get an information edge."
These multiple roles are crucial failures of mega banking. In the aftermath of the "London Whale" fiasco, the concern that JPMorgan Chase: Out of Control, needs a total evaluation. Josh Rosner author and research consultant offers a sober assessment.
"In our reviews we could not find another "systemically important" domestic bank that has recently been subject to as many public, non-mortgage related, regulatory actions or consent orders. The firm’s pride in a disputable "fortress balance sheet" – which underestimates their off-balance sheet risks – appears to have given investors false comfort. Poor risk management and control failures are almost always the major drivers of capital destruction."
The complexity in all the factors that make up the prices of commodities seems too complicated for any algorithm program to compute. However, it is an easy leap to understand that when a bank controls the actual warehouse storage of physical commodities, that speculative risk diminishes as trading manipulation intensifies. J P Morgan just might be looking at the Goldman Sachs aluminum scandal with concern and apprehension.
James Hall – July 31, 2013
Source Read the entire article on the Negotium archive page
NO ONE PAID ATTENTION when all of this was going on back in 1998 to accommodate PRESIDENT CLINTON and THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS.
The "fraudulent incorporations" of the former U.S. Fed. Govt. "Agency" U.S. Fed. R. and U.S. Foreign Fed. R. Corporations resulted in
[quote] the Sultan of Brunei backed the "FABRICATION" of Instruments on Bonus Certificate 3392-181 with 20% of his nations wealth for the ASEAN pronounced "Asewan" [not to be confused with the Asian..] which further involved the subversives setting up operations using IDENTITY THEFT of U.S. Corporations and Treaty international agreements other than treaties Section 12087 Corporations [see E.J. Ekkers quote]:
" Inter-American Development Bank just set up a little nice banks all around, you know, the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank, and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation MINE originally set up by the Bush's but never through Incorporation OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote] Which brings about the issue of E.J. Ekker's throat being cut, and the probable cause. see:
FDIC Called On To Put
Bank Of America Into Receivership
Read this
Russell L. Munk / Byron C. Dale Correspondence
Nov 1, 1982
NOT MANY HAVE KEPT UP ON THE SOURCE OF THE AL QUAEDA-ALL KADA etc. and how they went about the BANKRUPTING OF GREECE by use of deception using the old Greek Families to get to the Finance Minister of Greece i.e., PAPANDREAOUS by leading him to believe his old friend, Russell Herrman aka HERMAN was involved.
Jim Willie: If Deutsche Bank Goes Under It Will be Lehman Times
VIDEO. Jim Willie: Bullion Banks Have Pilfered 60,000 Tons of Gold
From Allocated Accounts
A letter, written on HELLENIC EXPRESS
INTERNATIONAL, INC letterhead, 5300 West Sahara 101,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102; TEL:822-0601, FAX: 805-822
0972, DATED JUNE 12, 1996 addressed to: G. LYMBERIS, HELLENIC EXPRESS MC.C.,
Kastella 18533, Pireaus, Greece quote:
Dear Mr. Lymberis:
This letter will outline as succintly as possiblew the factual background of a very valuable CONTRACT owned and recorded by V.K. DURHAM as described in the accompanying PLEDGE & ASSIGN AGREEMENT-CONTRACT mSW, AIFNWS ns qirnwaaws MY 28, 1996. This ASSIGNMENT is between Durham and Hellenic Express International, Inc., a Nevada corporation and a "sister" corporation of Hellenic Express M.C. It assigns a portion ($4 million) of the CONTRACT to HEII.
HEII and HEMC have agreed that, for business reasons, this ASSIGNMENT is to be placed with HEMC for collection so that the funds are placed in Greece and the premium paid ($2 million) to the financial institution for making the collection devolves to the benefit of HEMC.
I should mention at this point that, once a financial institution (or government) has verified to its satisfaction that the CONTRACT is valid, properly recorded, and a legitimate debt of the U.S. Treasury, the ASSIGNMENT can be taken in, just as can any other U.S. Treasury obligation (bond or bill), and used as collateral for line of credit or against which to issues letters of credit.
The important thing to recognize is that this is a contract much the same as if you had a shipping contract with the U.S. and you needed to draw an advance to buy some equipment, ships, or whatever. (There are differences, of course, but we need to emphasize the fact that this is all based upon international contract (common) law).
Please note that the first two paragraphs of the ASSIGNMENT [ ] contain a very explicit description of the underlying CONTRACT, the genesis of which I will attempt to explain:
The President of Peru authorized, by legislative resolution, without duress and without fraud, one year contract for funding the production and sale of guano identified as Bonus 3392-sub 181 in the year of 1875, to its US Financial Agent, Hobson, Hurtado & Co. This contract was never canceled or paid, and has been bearing interest on the principal, and interest on the interest since the year 1875. Due to a penalty in the contract, the actual amount of the debt is astronomical, according to Durham. Frankly, we don't know the exact value of the total contract (your bankers may be able to ascertain that) but we are certain it is far more than $4 million.
The contract itself (Legislative Resolutions--Legislative Acts of April 24 & 27, 1875) may be verified in two ways:
First--by contacting the national historical archives of Peru in Lima. (Note: Peruvian Law of 1937 No. 8599 is NOT applicable as THIS CONTRACT is a LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT authorized by His Omnipotence, the Persidente' of Peru on April 26, 1875, acknowledged May 1, 1875 by Legislative Resolution.)
Second--by contacting the Washington County Clerk Mr. Thomas Ganz, in the REcorder's office at the Washington County Courthouse in Nashville, Illinois- telephone (618) 327-8314 . The contract and its "chain of title" has been duly recorded at this office under a Warranty Deed, recorded by the "Compared Indexed" system of the Republic of Illinois, Instrument No., 189934, recorded on August 1, 1994, 1:50 P.M., Washington County Book of Deeds 433, page 849. Document number 260, and all other documents of title (chain-of-title by Jurat) were duly reconformed and reconfirmed in Los Angeles on Aug. 21, 1989 by the Consul General of Peru as "que antecedes" or the "noel contiendo" as stated: Se legaliza la firma, noel continedo".. Que Antecedes se legaliza la firma etc.
Also, please know that all of the aforementioned documents are in conformance with Title 28, 1740 and 1741, and indeed, conform with all of the U.S.C. title codes as recognized by the International Communities. Additionally, these documents conform with the Federal Rules of Evidence, Article 9 rule 901 (A)(B)(7)(8)(9) Subdivision B; 902 (3) (self-authenticating).
Contract legal description: Bonus Contract-Certificate Number 3392-N-181, May 1, 1875, Duly Authorized, by Legislative Resolution, April 24-27, 1875, Acknowledged and Accepted May 1, 1875, Re-affirmed, Re-Confirmed and Re Conformed by the Consulate General of Peru, August 21, 1989, order Number 7309, Document Number 046, Duly Sealed by said Counsel General of Peru, August 21, 1989.
Again, please know that this contract conforms with the laws of the United States and of the International Community.
In 1905-07 all of the then outstanding debts of Peru, Bolivia and Chili, including this one, were assumed by the United States of America, pursuant to a Presidential Order confirmed by the US Senate per petition of Elihu Root, the Secretary of the Treasury; thus all of the interest accrued to this contract, and the contract itself, is a debt of the US Treasury by assumpsit.
Sincerely yours,
Side, handwritten note: "Vina- This is exactly what wants to Greece (plus a sticky re Kachicias) Thanks for your patience and help. E.J.
Dear Mr. Lymberis:
This letter will outline as succintly as possiblew the factual background of a very valuable CONTRACT owned and recorded by V.K. DURHAM as described in the accompanying PLEDGE & ASSIGN AGREEMENT-CONTRACT mSW, AIFNWS ns qirnwaaws MY 28, 1996. This ASSIGNMENT is between Durham and Hellenic Express International, Inc., a Nevada corporation and a "sister" corporation of Hellenic Express M.C. It assigns a portion ($4 million) of the CONTRACT to HEII.
HEII and HEMC have agreed that, for business reasons, this ASSIGNMENT is to be placed with HEMC for collection so that the funds are placed in Greece and the premium paid ($2 million) to the financial institution for making the collection devolves to the benefit of HEMC.
I should mention at this point that, once a financial institution (or government) has verified to its satisfaction that the CONTRACT is valid, properly recorded, and a legitimate debt of the U.S. Treasury, the ASSIGNMENT can be taken in, just as can any other U.S. Treasury obligation (bond or bill), and used as collateral for line of credit or against which to issues letters of credit.
The important thing to recognize is that this is a contract much the same as if you had a shipping contract with the U.S. and you needed to draw an advance to buy some equipment, ships, or whatever. (There are differences, of course, but we need to emphasize the fact that this is all based upon international contract (common) law).
Please note that the first two paragraphs of the ASSIGNMENT [ ] contain a very explicit description of the underlying CONTRACT, the genesis of which I will attempt to explain:
The President of Peru authorized, by legislative resolution, without duress and without fraud, one year contract for funding the production and sale of guano identified as Bonus 3392-sub 181 in the year of 1875, to its US Financial Agent, Hobson, Hurtado & Co. This contract was never canceled or paid, and has been bearing interest on the principal, and interest on the interest since the year 1875. Due to a penalty in the contract, the actual amount of the debt is astronomical, according to Durham. Frankly, we don't know the exact value of the total contract (your bankers may be able to ascertain that) but we are certain it is far more than $4 million.
The contract itself (Legislative Resolutions--Legislative Acts of April 24 & 27, 1875) may be verified in two ways:
First--by contacting the national historical archives of Peru in Lima. (Note: Peruvian Law of 1937 No. 8599 is NOT applicable as THIS CONTRACT is a LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT authorized by His Omnipotence, the Persidente' of Peru on April 26, 1875, acknowledged May 1, 1875 by Legislative Resolution.)
Second--by contacting the Washington County Clerk Mr. Thomas Ganz, in the REcorder's office at the Washington County Courthouse in Nashville, Illinois- telephone (618) 327-8314 . The contract and its "chain of title" has been duly recorded at this office under a Warranty Deed, recorded by the "Compared Indexed" system of the Republic of Illinois, Instrument No., 189934, recorded on August 1, 1994, 1:50 P.M., Washington County Book of Deeds 433, page 849. Document number 260, and all other documents of title (chain-of-title by Jurat) were duly reconformed and reconfirmed in Los Angeles on Aug. 21, 1989 by the Consul General of Peru as "que antecedes" or the "noel contiendo" as stated: Se legaliza la firma, noel continedo".. Que Antecedes se legaliza la firma etc.
Also, please know that all of the aforementioned documents are in conformance with Title 28, 1740 and 1741, and indeed, conform with all of the U.S.C. title codes as recognized by the International Communities. Additionally, these documents conform with the Federal Rules of Evidence, Article 9 rule 901 (A)(B)(7)(8)(9) Subdivision B; 902 (3) (self-authenticating).
Contract legal description: Bonus Contract-Certificate Number 3392-N-181, May 1, 1875, Duly Authorized, by Legislative Resolution, April 24-27, 1875, Acknowledged and Accepted May 1, 1875, Re-affirmed, Re-Confirmed and Re Conformed by the Consulate General of Peru, August 21, 1989, order Number 7309, Document Number 046, Duly Sealed by said Counsel General of Peru, August 21, 1989.
Again, please know that this contract conforms with the laws of the United States and of the International Community.
In 1905-07 all of the then outstanding debts of Peru, Bolivia and Chili, including this one, were assumed by the United States of America, pursuant to a Presidential Order confirmed by the US Senate per petition of Elihu Root, the Secretary of the Treasury; thus all of the interest accrued to this contract, and the contract itself, is a debt of the US Treasury by assumpsit.
Sincerely yours,
Side, handwritten note: "Vina- This is exactly what wants to Greece (plus a sticky re Kachicias) Thanks for your patience and help. E.J.
J P Morgan and Commodity Manipulation
J P Morgan and Commodity Manipulation
The practices and methods of manipulating commodity markets, is a staple topic in financial journalism. Options, futures and exotic forms of derivatives, often put under the microscope, gives rise to calls for substantive regulation. One area of the commodity trade, seldom examined is that involved with physical commodities trading. With much fanfare, Under siege, JPMorgan to quit physical commodities, a Reuters announcement has many seasoned street professionals shocked.
"JPMorgan Chase & Co is exiting physical commodities trading, the bank said in a surprise statement on Friday, as Wall Street's role in the trading of raw materials comes under unprecedented political and regulatory pressure.
Although the commodity division's $2.4 billion in reported revenue last year surpassed those of long-time rivals Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Morgan Stanley combined, some have queried its profitability due to the costs of running a huge logistical operation. One analyst estimated that physical trade accounted for half or more of overall commodities revenue."
A little background provides context. The excellent financial site Naked Capitalism illustrates one aspect of the art of manipulation. The article, SEC Gives JP Morgan and Other Big Banks License to Manipulate Commodities, reasons that the business of physical commodity storage is very different from a free enterprise marketplace.
"The SEC has paved the way for investors to take a direct stake in commodities, rather than through commodities futures. The agency gave the green light to JP Morgan to launch a fund whose shares would be backed by warehoused copper. The implications are not pretty. Per Khan:
In practical terms, the SEC handed traders at J.P. Morgan control over 20 to 30 percent of the copper available for immediate delivery from the London Metals Exchange — the commercial market where companies that use copper go to procure last-minute supplies.
The investors purchasing shares in J.P. Morgan’s fund won’t be buying copper to use, but to store. The intricacies of the fund are complex, but its underlying rationale is straightforward: the more shares investors buy, the more copper is taken off the market. And the more copper that is taken off the market, theoretically the more valuable the copper and the shares become.
"Allowing investors to speculate in the futures market created horrific price volatility," said Michael Greenberger, a law professor at the University of Maryland and former director at the CFTC. "Here, you’re allowing investors to intervene with physical supplies. We’ll see a double whammy."
Policy analyst Lina Khan continues to make her case in her original essay, JP Morgan Gets a Big Holiday Gift From the SEC.
"Speculators have been limited to trading in futures, which are forms of bets that link only indirectly with physical supply of copper. Two weeks ago, however, the SEC blessed a controversial fund designed by J.P. Morgan Chase that, for the first time, will let investors buy shares backed by physical, warehoused copper, to use as a form of investment.
The change may seem arcane. But long-time participants in the copper market say the effects will be immediate: Manufacturers looking to make productive use of copper will find themselves competing with speculators backed by some of the richest banks and funds in the world, raising prices for many consumer products. The long-term result may be even more disturbing: The SEC's ruling all but invites bankers to increase speculation in other, even more essential goods, like grain and oil."
So why would the "House of Morgan" want to exit another component business that multiplies the synergistic relationship, which enables the systematic control of price movement? In another Reuter Analysis: JPMorgan faces 'hard sell' in crowded market for commodity traders states: "The Federal Reserve is reconsidering a landmark 2003 decision that first allowed banks to trade physical commodities, in addition to traditional derivatives."
Here resides the rub. Remember the double whammy that Professor Greenberger alludes, seems to have a real world dark side. Again, Reuter provides an underlying factor in J P Morgan’s decision process.
"The bank is said to be in talks over a $400 million deal to settle allegations that it manipulated power markets; the metals warehousing industry is under public and political scrutiny over allegations that long queues are driving up prices."
With the vertical integration of finance after the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the too big to fail culture, opened the door to investment banksters for becoming legal monopolists in areas of business, foreign to traditional banking practices. In the Bloomberg article, JPMorgan Mulls Physical Commodities Exit Amid U.S. Review, the risk of mixing distinct and separate business functions and allowing financial institutions umbrella sanctions, only leads to higher prices.
"Physical commodities trading "is where it becomes more controversial," said Brad Hintz, a bank analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York. "Is that necessary in order to be a player on the risk side, is it necessary for the financing?"
Some lawmakers and customers have said banks can take advantage of their multiple roles to manipulate prices and get an information edge."
These multiple roles are crucial failures of mega banking. In the aftermath of the "London Whale" fiasco, the concern that JPMorgan Chase: Out of Control, needs a total evaluation. Josh Rosner author and research consultant offers a sober assessment.
"In our reviews we could not find another "systemically important" domestic bank that has recently been subject to as many public, non-mortgage related, regulatory actions or consent orders. The firm’s pride in a disputable "fortress balance sheet" – which underestimates their off-balance sheet risks – appears to have given investors false comfort. Poor risk management and control failures are almost always the major drivers of capital destruction."
The complexity in all the factors that make up the prices of commodities seems too complicated for any algorithm program to compute. However, it is an easy leap to understand that when a bank controls the actual warehouse storage of physical commodities, that speculative risk diminishes as trading manipulation intensifies. J P Morgan just might be looking at the Goldman Sachs aluminum scandal with concern and apprehension.
James Hall – July 31, 2013
Source Read the entire article on the Negotium archive page
NO ONE PAID ATTENTION when all of this was going on back in 1998 to accommodate PRESIDENT CLINTON and THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS.
The "fraudulent incorporations" of the former U.S. Fed. Govt. "Agency" U.S. Fed. R. and U.S. Foreign Fed. R. Corporations resulted in
[quote] the Sultan of Brunei backed the "FABRICATION" of Instruments on Bonus Certificate 3392-181 with 20% of his nations wealth for the ASEAN pronounced "Asewan" [not to be confused with the Asian..] which further involved the subversives setting up operations using IDENTITY THEFT of U.S. Corporations and Treaty international agreements other than treaties Section 12087 Corporations [see E.J. Ekkers quote]:
" Inter-American Development Bank just set up a little nice banks all around, you know, the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank, and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation MINE originally set up by the Bush's but never through Incorporation OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote] Which brings about the issue of E.J. Ekker's throat being cut, and the probable cause. see:

FDIC Called On To Put
Bank Of America Into Receivership
[Oct 22, 2010] Charging
that the ongoing foreclosure fraud epidemic is the work of precisely the same
unrepentant bank officers whose fraudulent mortgage schemes crashed
Russell L. Munk / Byron C. Dale Correspondence
Nov 1, 1982
NOT MANY HAVE KEPT UP ON THE SOURCE OF THE AL QUAEDA-ALL KADA etc. and how they went about the BANKRUPTING OF GREECE by use of deception using the old Greek Families to get to the Finance Minister of Greece i.e., PAPANDREAOUS by leading him to believe his old friend, Russell Herrman aka HERMAN was involved.
Feb 20, 2003 - Senator Grassley, repeatedly we have
requested the assistance from your ... "We are awaiting
instructions from the Federal Reserve/UST as to ...
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