Thoughts from Mnt.Goat at TNT Forum Thursday Late AM
Hi Everyone,
Absolutely gorgeous day here in the Alpine region of Bavaria. Wish you all could go on a hike with me today and we could talk dinar news together. I think you would come down refreshed and recharged.
So lets now get to todays business. A bit of house cleaning in this post. It is a long post. Also I may talk about some recent news from other intel sites but my intent is not to bash but to help you in your quest for news and lessen confusion and misunderstanding.
So here we go !
Seems lots of emails coming to me now on my post from the other day of this week. Seems many don't trust the intel and find it necessary to go out and try to debunk what is being told. They have to listen to other sites, other calls then bring the other opinions to me and ask me what I think.
You already know what I think. I TOLD YOU IN MY POST ! I will not address any of these request any longer.
I don't mind taking an objective, constructive viewpoint and you should too. You can look around and find other viewpoints but please don't copy and paste parts of my posts from other sites especially like Dinar Guru, for instance.
I beg of you not to do this. Some of these sites cut and paste and take my info out of context which gets confusing and causes yet more chaos, hype and only confusion. I see it each day in the emails I get.
I think this is what they want to do and are bent on this behavior. Don't buy into this madness. Let's stay grounded and fair on TNT.
I am not a dinar guru and find it really insulting to be called or perceived as a guru. Do you know what a guru is? If you care for me and my news at all you would not do that or call me that name. Go look up the definition. Shame on you! It is insulting to my integrity, background and my educational standing.
from merriam-webster dictionary guru defined:
Similargu·ru. noun \ˈgu̇r ü, ˈgü rü also gə-ˈrü\. plural gurus. Definition of GURU. 1. : a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism. 2. a : a teacher and ...
At some point you have to stick to one or a couple of intel providers and trust their information. Oh yes...TRUST is the operative word. That is it in a nut shell. No more to say. TRUST is the key word. If you are consistently finding this person you trust betrays your trust what do you do? You move on and try to find someone else that you can trust.
If you listen to other sites you will get their opinions and it is just that their opinions. It can be confusing and frustrating and cause much stress in your life. Do you like stress?
Relax and enjoy these days now since the RV will be coming soon and all this nonsense will be over soon. So how can you know if you are being lied to?
Sometimes you can't and you just and to TRUST...and time will tell you....Kind of like when you are dating someone new. You have to build up a trust slowly. But when it comes what do you do?
Do you question every little thing they say? No you listen and go along. Then someday (if that someday happens) that they begin to lie you will see it right away. It will be obvious. Time always makes a difference.
I want now to address an email I got on TNT from someone who popped over and listened to a PTR call to debunk my news about CIX. I am being nice today and will not do this in the future. I know my news in rock solid and comes from real good sources. So I am confident in what I post. Does the plan change? Yes it has and will again I am sure of it.
This does not invalidate what the plan used to be does it. Do you not want to know all the plan? Their plan changes and so we must all buckle with the wind and deal with it. This is the nature of this revaluation. This is the nature of us all trying to piece this together as a TNT family.
It is like no other since it is tied to a global reset of 190+ currencies. I could tell you so much more that I am telling but it would only confuse you yet more and cause you to deny my news even more. So bear with me and go along with the news. If you only knew what I know you too would see this in a different light.
Oh you want to know what I you? really?.....THEN READ AND TRUST MY POSTS !
My posts build upon each other and I always give you a tid bit more of info so you can connect the dots and begin to see the picture to the puzzle unfolding in front of us. Did you notice that already?
Sometimes I have to take a step back in time to make you understand something I am about to tell you. This is the nature of the am not hiding anything but being very cautious cause I know we all come from different walks of life and education levels.
You may think you can handle it but in reality you would only digest parts of it and get yet more confused. Heck most of you are having issues now with what I am
So now let's go back and listen to commentary on PTRs last call once again and listen closely. Go to about the 9 minute mark where they talk about the CIX..
First he says CIX is taking over the authority from FOREX in the decisions thus taking some of that power away from it. This too I also said and agree.
So lets take one of those steps back in time now. As we do all know from Tony's calls in the past the Babylon II software was implemented about a year ago as part of Basil II requirements. Remember when Okie was saying rates like $43.00+? Those where the good old
They were testing the new algorithms and pushing the new calculated rates down to the back screens at the banks.
Okie had some bank contacts telling him that the new rates popped out and so they were getting all excited. This is what the IMF normally does just prior to a currency RV and so the banks would see just it prior to a rate change in the past.
It was only logical to get excited and think the rates were really high and our RV of the IQD was coming out real soon. But in the excitement they forgot the BIG picture. That maybe the IMF was just testing the process?
They forgot or didn't know about the implementation of the software. So Okie took lots of heat and criticism from everyone.
So what does the new Babylon II software do?
It has a very large set of algorithms (opps I said algorithms..shame on me) that determines the asset to currency values for just about every currency in the world.
It then readjusts currency values based on pivot currencies (or what some call base currencies). i.e. the US dollar is used to determine other regional currencies so there is fairness in trading partners.
Next Gary says something that I too agree with in that he says and I quote close to it "the CIX will be released when satisfied that its completed and the allignment we are looking for is done"
However Gary just said prior that the CIX is not holding up the RV. So which is it? It is holding it up or not cause the CIX its not completed and the allignment to currencies is not completed or is it? Can't have it both ways.
Can't RV unless it done. So again I ask you is it done? Sounds confusing. I can tell you its not done without a shadow of a doubt. They are still testing it and expect to be completed this week. Again the operative word is EXPECT.
I don't know what the situation is with many people but they refuse to beleive most of the intel being provided to them. They refuse to believe that they have tried many times to push this RV thru and at the last minute decided to change the plan. It's discouraging, its painful and very stressful for us all but it is happening this way.
Now let me say one more item about CIX. CIX implementation also gives more autonomy to the Central Banks of each country. What do I mean by that?
Remember I said that the rates will have to be periodically adjusted to keep the balance of currencies as time goes on. If this was not done and done fairly then the world's economies would only end up in this mess once again in the near future.
So how do you update the database with the asset changes to literally millions of attributes? This is a daunting task for one input source but now under CIX it is left to each of the CBs under the CIX umbrella. This is the main reason for doing this. Also they needed a better way to ensure rates can be pushed to the final destinations (the banks).
I said in a previous post that once the rates are determined the CIX is the train that decides to make the delivery. It then takes the new rate(s) and sends it down the the RR track. Each Central Bank is a stop along the way. As the CBs get the rates they will deliver them to each bank in the country.
As new banks are added or deleted the CBs of that country will be responsible to ensure it is delivered and delivered within a designed window timeframe. Any asset changes thus are also put on the train and sent back to the CIX control on the return trip home.
This way the IMF has decentralized the process instead of taking on all the responsiblity of pushing to thousands and thousands of banks throughout the world. The result is more timely. accurate currency updates.
The IMF has had some serious issues dispersing the rates with one bank getting one set of rates while onother bank getting another set. This also has caused much disparity in the past between nations and has lost trillions in currency for a country due to in accurate rates.
These rates are used in trading partners, tariffs and other monetary transactions of a county. Many countries simple threatened to manage their own currencies if the IMF could not do it and do it correctly. So you see part and I say part of the economic collapse also has to be pointed at the IMF and it antiquated system.
This had to be corrected to get everyone to buy into the new process of Basel II. Now you can also see why it has taken so long to get the RV pushed out. Last week is the closest they have every gotten to full implementation. It is now so close. Do you get it why they want to implement CIX and decided to do it now?
Which site is best to get your dinar news?
Now either you can decide you don't want to listen to the news as it comes in and get all the news as it happens or just sit around waiting for the final notification that you can go exchange at the bank. ITS YOUR DECISION but I will say if you go around trying to debunk everything you hear on TNT with everyone elses news you will go nuts.
Its not a bad idea to listen to a couple different calls but like Tony said many times when it is all over with you will know who has been telling you the truth. Besides at least TNT is free and you are not paying a fee for someone to talk to you in circles. We have enough of a merry go round and don't need to be driven in circles and pay for it ,,,do we?
One more time on the Rate issue-
I will also comment on Delta's latest report from Frank26 call and Wangs latest call. Delta has moved his position many times on the rate issue. Wang is very persistent but not accurate. I will say this for a fact. Dr Shabibi has come out and said that the dinar will revalue to meet all chapter 7 requirements. Also the CBI itself said in a news conference that the dinar value will surprise everyone when it does comes out.
So how can .86 or even $1.13 surprise anyone? I will also say this and this is where many get confused by talking about such low initial rates. These rates are built in and are rates specified in laws already established and in the gazette that protect the citizens in Iraq.
These laws state the rates to be set for different programs such as the pension fund, and other payments retro-active. So people take these rates out of context and talk about these as being the rate the dinar that must come out as a revalued value, but this is simply not the case.
They can revalue much higher as long as they pay these minumum payments as part of these programs. These minumum payments are not reflective of currency value according to the new Basil II and the Babylon II software algorithms.
Open you mind now and think for just a second about it. Think, think , think! This new software could not and would not ever calculate such a low rate nor would they later override such a low rate since it would contradict what they are trying to do in the global reset. It would simply make the Iraq dinar too low to use a base world currency and other currencies thus also would still be out of allignment.
Thus they accompished little by balancing the currencies cause they did not balance them at all cause they would have to go in and fudge the base currency (IQD). Of all currencies to play around with this is not the one you surely want to touch.
Also as I mentioned above , still to today they are testing and pushing the new rates down to the bank back screens. This is how we can think about what the rates may be. I said may be. But we all have to be careful and say it is just more testing.
Do we all want 2 digit rates? Yes of course but will it be that high? Again I remind you the golden rule - NO ONE KNOWS THE DATE OR RATE. Do you get it now? Can we simply now put this issue to rest at least for us on TNT cause we now know better.
So here is the latest news I am hearing
Please don't shoot the messanger. First let me say that there is lots of controversy over when this will happen. I am hearing such things like early 2014, which is complete nonesense.
Next I am hearing early September 2013. This may be more realistic but I have to tell you I personally know there is a far out date set for that period but it is not something they want to occur.
They need and want to complete this ASAP. They are awaiting now for allignment of certain items and they will pop this out to us.
I am hearing this could happen this week if all goes well. Get that champagne back in the frig !
Peace and Luv to ya all,
Mnt Goat
Absolutely gorgeous day here in the Alpine region of Bavaria. Wish you all could go on a hike with me today and we could talk dinar news together. I think you would come down refreshed and recharged.
So lets now get to todays business. A bit of house cleaning in this post. It is a long post. Also I may talk about some recent news from other intel sites but my intent is not to bash but to help you in your quest for news and lessen confusion and misunderstanding.
So here we go !
Seems lots of emails coming to me now on my post from the other day of this week. Seems many don't trust the intel and find it necessary to go out and try to debunk what is being told. They have to listen to other sites, other calls then bring the other opinions to me and ask me what I think.
You already know what I think. I TOLD YOU IN MY POST ! I will not address any of these request any longer.
I don't mind taking an objective, constructive viewpoint and you should too. You can look around and find other viewpoints but please don't copy and paste parts of my posts from other sites especially like Dinar Guru, for instance.
I beg of you not to do this. Some of these sites cut and paste and take my info out of context which gets confusing and causes yet more chaos, hype and only confusion. I see it each day in the emails I get.
I think this is what they want to do and are bent on this behavior. Don't buy into this madness. Let's stay grounded and fair on TNT.
I am not a dinar guru and find it really insulting to be called or perceived as a guru. Do you know what a guru is? If you care for me and my news at all you would not do that or call me that name. Go look up the definition. Shame on you! It is insulting to my integrity, background and my educational standing.
from merriam-webster dictionary guru defined:
Similargu·ru. noun \ˈgu̇r ü, ˈgü rü also gə-ˈrü\. plural gurus. Definition of GURU. 1. : a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism. 2. a : a teacher and ...
At some point you have to stick to one or a couple of intel providers and trust their information. Oh yes...TRUST is the operative word. That is it in a nut shell. No more to say. TRUST is the key word. If you are consistently finding this person you trust betrays your trust what do you do? You move on and try to find someone else that you can trust.
If you listen to other sites you will get their opinions and it is just that their opinions. It can be confusing and frustrating and cause much stress in your life. Do you like stress?
Relax and enjoy these days now since the RV will be coming soon and all this nonsense will be over soon. So how can you know if you are being lied to?
Sometimes you can't and you just and to TRUST...and time will tell you....Kind of like when you are dating someone new. You have to build up a trust slowly. But when it comes what do you do?
Do you question every little thing they say? No you listen and go along. Then someday (if that someday happens) that they begin to lie you will see it right away. It will be obvious. Time always makes a difference.
I want now to address an email I got on TNT from someone who popped over and listened to a PTR call to debunk my news about CIX. I am being nice today and will not do this in the future. I know my news in rock solid and comes from real good sources. So I am confident in what I post. Does the plan change? Yes it has and will again I am sure of it.
This does not invalidate what the plan used to be does it. Do you not want to know all the plan? Their plan changes and so we must all buckle with the wind and deal with it. This is the nature of this revaluation. This is the nature of us all trying to piece this together as a TNT family.
It is like no other since it is tied to a global reset of 190+ currencies. I could tell you so much more that I am telling but it would only confuse you yet more and cause you to deny my news even more. So bear with me and go along with the news. If you only knew what I know you too would see this in a different light.
Oh you want to know what I you? really?.....THEN READ AND TRUST MY POSTS !
My posts build upon each other and I always give you a tid bit more of info so you can connect the dots and begin to see the picture to the puzzle unfolding in front of us. Did you notice that already?
Sometimes I have to take a step back in time to make you understand something I am about to tell you. This is the nature of the am not hiding anything but being very cautious cause I know we all come from different walks of life and education levels.
You may think you can handle it but in reality you would only digest parts of it and get yet more confused. Heck most of you are having issues now with what I am
So now let's go back and listen to commentary on PTRs last call once again and listen closely. Go to about the 9 minute mark where they talk about the CIX..
First he says CIX is taking over the authority from FOREX in the decisions thus taking some of that power away from it. This too I also said and agree.
So lets take one of those steps back in time now. As we do all know from Tony's calls in the past the Babylon II software was implemented about a year ago as part of Basil II requirements. Remember when Okie was saying rates like $43.00+? Those where the good old
They were testing the new algorithms and pushing the new calculated rates down to the back screens at the banks.
Okie had some bank contacts telling him that the new rates popped out and so they were getting all excited. This is what the IMF normally does just prior to a currency RV and so the banks would see just it prior to a rate change in the past.
It was only logical to get excited and think the rates were really high and our RV of the IQD was coming out real soon. But in the excitement they forgot the BIG picture. That maybe the IMF was just testing the process?
They forgot or didn't know about the implementation of the software. So Okie took lots of heat and criticism from everyone.
So what does the new Babylon II software do?
It has a very large set of algorithms (opps I said algorithms..shame on me) that determines the asset to currency values for just about every currency in the world.
It then readjusts currency values based on pivot currencies (or what some call base currencies). i.e. the US dollar is used to determine other regional currencies so there is fairness in trading partners.
Next Gary says something that I too agree with in that he says and I quote close to it "the CIX will be released when satisfied that its completed and the allignment we are looking for is done"
However Gary just said prior that the CIX is not holding up the RV. So which is it? It is holding it up or not cause the CIX its not completed and the allignment to currencies is not completed or is it? Can't have it both ways.
Can't RV unless it done. So again I ask you is it done? Sounds confusing. I can tell you its not done without a shadow of a doubt. They are still testing it and expect to be completed this week. Again the operative word is EXPECT.
I don't know what the situation is with many people but they refuse to beleive most of the intel being provided to them. They refuse to believe that they have tried many times to push this RV thru and at the last minute decided to change the plan. It's discouraging, its painful and very stressful for us all but it is happening this way.
Now let me say one more item about CIX. CIX implementation also gives more autonomy to the Central Banks of each country. What do I mean by that?
Remember I said that the rates will have to be periodically adjusted to keep the balance of currencies as time goes on. If this was not done and done fairly then the world's economies would only end up in this mess once again in the near future.
So how do you update the database with the asset changes to literally millions of attributes? This is a daunting task for one input source but now under CIX it is left to each of the CBs under the CIX umbrella. This is the main reason for doing this. Also they needed a better way to ensure rates can be pushed to the final destinations (the banks).
I said in a previous post that once the rates are determined the CIX is the train that decides to make the delivery. It then takes the new rate(s) and sends it down the the RR track. Each Central Bank is a stop along the way. As the CBs get the rates they will deliver them to each bank in the country.
As new banks are added or deleted the CBs of that country will be responsible to ensure it is delivered and delivered within a designed window timeframe. Any asset changes thus are also put on the train and sent back to the CIX control on the return trip home.
This way the IMF has decentralized the process instead of taking on all the responsiblity of pushing to thousands and thousands of banks throughout the world. The result is more timely. accurate currency updates.
The IMF has had some serious issues dispersing the rates with one bank getting one set of rates while onother bank getting another set. This also has caused much disparity in the past between nations and has lost trillions in currency for a country due to in accurate rates.
These rates are used in trading partners, tariffs and other monetary transactions of a county. Many countries simple threatened to manage their own currencies if the IMF could not do it and do it correctly. So you see part and I say part of the economic collapse also has to be pointed at the IMF and it antiquated system.
This had to be corrected to get everyone to buy into the new process of Basel II. Now you can also see why it has taken so long to get the RV pushed out. Last week is the closest they have every gotten to full implementation. It is now so close. Do you get it why they want to implement CIX and decided to do it now?
Which site is best to get your dinar news?
Now either you can decide you don't want to listen to the news as it comes in and get all the news as it happens or just sit around waiting for the final notification that you can go exchange at the bank. ITS YOUR DECISION but I will say if you go around trying to debunk everything you hear on TNT with everyone elses news you will go nuts.
Its not a bad idea to listen to a couple different calls but like Tony said many times when it is all over with you will know who has been telling you the truth. Besides at least TNT is free and you are not paying a fee for someone to talk to you in circles. We have enough of a merry go round and don't need to be driven in circles and pay for it ,,,do we?
One more time on the Rate issue-
I will also comment on Delta's latest report from Frank26 call and Wangs latest call. Delta has moved his position many times on the rate issue. Wang is very persistent but not accurate. I will say this for a fact. Dr Shabibi has come out and said that the dinar will revalue to meet all chapter 7 requirements. Also the CBI itself said in a news conference that the dinar value will surprise everyone when it does comes out.
So how can .86 or even $1.13 surprise anyone? I will also say this and this is where many get confused by talking about such low initial rates. These rates are built in and are rates specified in laws already established and in the gazette that protect the citizens in Iraq.
These laws state the rates to be set for different programs such as the pension fund, and other payments retro-active. So people take these rates out of context and talk about these as being the rate the dinar that must come out as a revalued value, but this is simply not the case.
They can revalue much higher as long as they pay these minumum payments as part of these programs. These minumum payments are not reflective of currency value according to the new Basil II and the Babylon II software algorithms.
Open you mind now and think for just a second about it. Think, think , think! This new software could not and would not ever calculate such a low rate nor would they later override such a low rate since it would contradict what they are trying to do in the global reset. It would simply make the Iraq dinar too low to use a base world currency and other currencies thus also would still be out of allignment.
Thus they accompished little by balancing the currencies cause they did not balance them at all cause they would have to go in and fudge the base currency (IQD). Of all currencies to play around with this is not the one you surely want to touch.
Also as I mentioned above , still to today they are testing and pushing the new rates down to the bank back screens. This is how we can think about what the rates may be. I said may be. But we all have to be careful and say it is just more testing.
Do we all want 2 digit rates? Yes of course but will it be that high? Again I remind you the golden rule - NO ONE KNOWS THE DATE OR RATE. Do you get it now? Can we simply now put this issue to rest at least for us on TNT cause we now know better.
So here is the latest news I am hearing
Please don't shoot the messanger. First let me say that there is lots of controversy over when this will happen. I am hearing such things like early 2014, which is complete nonesense.
Next I am hearing early September 2013. This may be more realistic but I have to tell you I personally know there is a far out date set for that period but it is not something they want to occur.
They need and want to complete this ASAP. They are awaiting now for allignment of certain items and they will pop this out to us.
I am hearing this could happen this week if all goes well. Get that champagne back in the frig !
Peace and Luv to ya all,
Mnt Goat
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