Saturday, August 10, 2013

US ‘betrays’ its own soldiers

US ‘betrays’ its own soldiers

The US government’s treatment of wounded and ill American soldiers who return to their country is “a betrayal”, says James Henry Fetzer, an editor at Veterans Today.

The Colorado Springs Gazette published a comprehensive account in May which showed a growing number of wounded and mentally ill American soldiers are being kicked out of the service for misconduct related to their wartime injuries, often with no benefits. 

“It’s a betrayal by the government of our young men and women,” said Fetzer in a phone interview with Press TV on Sunday. 
“As a former Marine Corps officer, I’ve been profoundly disturbed by this report of the Army improperly discharging wounded and ill soldiers from its conduct which is or appears to be a strategy or policy for depriving them of lifelong medical treatment,” he added.

The Gazette investigated a series of incidents in each such soldiers were mistreated.

In one instance, Kash Alvaro, who was diagnosed with PTSD, was harassed by his unit at Fort Carson in Colorado, was thrown in county jail without his anti-seizure medication, and was finally forced to sign paperwork for an other-than honorable discharge, which would deprive him of long-term medical and disability benefits.

The Gazette found that there were several other stories like Alvaro’s.

“This, I am sorry to say, is completely wrong.  It’s completely inappropriate and unfair. We send these young men and women off to combat to place their lives and bodies in jeopardy. Many suffer severe emotional as well as physical injuries if they’re not outright killed,” said Fetzer. 

Note:  Add to this the FACT that those joining the "US Military" do not know nor are they informed that this 'military' is no longer engaged in defending the united States from 'enemies' within or without, but in engaging in the invasion of sovereign nations, over taking governments of nations, stealing the wealth of nations, installing their own pawns in positions of authority who will follow the satanic NWO plans for wars for profit, and in the genocide of millions of our planet's peoples. These uS soldiers are ORDERED to COMMIT HEINOUS CRIMES against humanity and animals.  We should fully expect their response to be severe personal, spiritual and mental distress and trauma. Many cannot live with themselves upon realizing what they have done in the 'name of their country' (a completely FALSE assumption) and commit suicide or are MURDERED by the military when these young men and women state they are going to expose the atrocities and UNLAWFUL ACTS being ORDERED by the "US Military." These are WAR CRIMES for which the so called UNITED STATES MILITARY should be held accountable. The American people have NO IDEA what is REALLY going on with this 'military' that they incorrectly believe is 'their military'. IT IS NOT. The ENTIRE WORLD thinks that you and I, Mr, Mrs and Ms America, are OK WITH THE COMMITAL OF THE CRIMES??!!  I AM NOT!!!!!  ARE YOU????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm Just shocked. :) Our government wouldn't do this would they? What government? or are you talkin Corporate Fascist Regime?
When will the sheeple wake up to any reality that ALL wars are created by the international banksters, so if any of you think it's about fighting for freedom and liberty and you willingly sacrifice your self and your family out of ignorance, you have no one to blame but your self and apathy. All you good soldiers just keep on keeping on fighting the good fight for the banksters and their wealth.

"A nation of well educated men who have been taught to understand and cherish their God given rights cannot be enslaved. It is through the regions of ignorance and apathy that tyranny prevails. Jefferson